Items where Subject is "Q Science > QH Natural history > QH426 Genetics"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (62069)
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- QH Natural history (1927)
- QH426 Genetics (485)
- QH Natural history (1927)
- Q Science (17386)
Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Dotsev, Arsen V., Romanov, Michael N., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Gladyr, Elena A., Rodionov, Andrey N., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Volkova, Natalia A., Fedorova, Elena S., Gusev, Igor V., and others. (2021) Unveiling comparative genomic trajectories of selection and key candidate genes in egg-type Russian White and meat-type White Cornish chickens. Biology, 10 (9). Article Number 876. ISSN 2079-7737. E-ISSN 2079-7737. (doi:10.3390/biology10090876) (KAR id:90048) |
Allen, Marcus J., Drummond, James A., Sweetman, D.J., Moffat, Kevin G. (2007) Analysis of two P-element enhancer-trap insertion lines that show expression in the giant fibre neuron of Drosophila melanogaster. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 6 (4). pp. 347-358. ISSN 1601-1848. (doi:10.1111/j.1601-183X.2006.00263.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:1425) |
Alvarez-Gonzalez, Lucia, Burden, Frances, Doddamani, Dadakhalandar, Malinverni, Roberto, Leach, Emma, Marín-García, Cristina, Marin-Gual, Laia, Gubern, Albert, Vara, Covadonga, Paytuví-Gallart, Andreu, and others. (2022) 3D chromatin remodelling in the germ line modulates genome evolutionary plasticity. Nature Communications, 13 (2608). ISSN 2041-1723. (doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30296-6) (KAR id:95043) |
Aquilina, Marie Claire (2023) Developing methods to detect and remedy DNA damage in sperm. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.104258) (KAR id:104258) |
Arias Sardá, Cristina (2023) Tracing genome evolution: from ancestral karyotypes to current genomes in three mammalian clades. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.102544) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:102544) |
Attanapola, Sheran L., Alexander, Christopher J., Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2009) Ste20-kinase-dependent TEDS-site phosphorylation modulates the dynamic localisation and endocytic function of the fission yeast class I myosin, Myo1. Journal of Cell Science, 122 (21). pp. 3856-3861. ISSN 0021-9533. (doi:10.1242/jcs.053959) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:23029) |
Barkova, Olga Y., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Kochish, Ivan I., Romanov, Michael N, Shevkhuzhev, A F (2017) Overview of genes associated with egg productivity and resistance of domestic hen. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8 (6). pp. 638-644. ISSN 0975-8585. E-ISSN 0975-8585. (doi:78) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:68763) |
Bentham, James, Morris, David L, Cunninghame Graham, Deborah S, Pinder, Christopher L, Tombleson, Philip, Behrens, Timothy W, Martín, Javier, Fairfax, Benjamin P, Knight, Julian C, Chen, Lingyan, and others. (2015) Genetic association analyses implicate aberrant regulation of innate and adaptive immunity genes in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Nature Genetics, 47 (12). pp. 1457-1464. ISSN 1061-4036. (doi:10.1038/ng.3434) (KAR id:64033) |
Bergero, Roberta, Ellis, Peter, Haerty, Wilfried, Larcombe, Lee, Macaulay, Iain, Mehta, Tarang, Mogensen, Mette, Murray, David, Nash, Will, Neale, Matthew J., and others. (2021) Meiosis and beyond – understanding the mechanistic and evolutionary processes shaping the germline genome. Biological Reviews, . ISSN 1464-7931. E-ISSN 1469-185X. (doi:10.1111/brv.12680) (KAR id:85309) |
Blagoveschensky, I Yu, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekol'nikova, V A, Fomichev, K A, Barkova, O Yu, Romanov, Michael N, Sazanov, Alexei A (2011) Investigation of pseudoautosomal and bordering regions in avian Z and W chromosomes with the use of large insert genomic BAC clones. Russian Journal of Genetics, 47 (3). pp. 272-278. ISSN 1022-7954. E-ISSN 1608-3369. (doi:10.1134/S1022795411020050) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37551) |
Blagoveshchenskiĭ, I Iu, Sazanova, Anna L., Romanov, Michael N, Fomichev, K A, Stekol’nikova, V A, Sazanov, Alexei A. (2008) [Cytogenetic localization of the genes on avian Z and W chromosomes with the use of large insert genomic clones] Цитогенетическая локализация генов на Z- и W- хромосомах птиц при помощи протяженных геномных клонов. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Biology, Ecology, Geography, Education: History and Contemporaneity” / II-я международная научно-практическая конференция «Проблемы биологии, экологии, географии...». . pp. 61-62. Pushkin Leningrad State University / Ленинградский государственный университет имени А. С. Пушкина, St. Petersburg, Russia / Санкт-Петербург, Россия (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46626) |
Blagoveshchenskiĭ, I Yu, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekol'nikova, V A, Fomichev, K A, Barkova, O Yu, Romanov, Michael N, Sazanov, Alexei A. (2011) [Investigation of pseudoautosomal and bordering regions in avian Z and W chromosomes with the use of large insert genomic BAC clones] Изучение псевдоаутосомных и граничащих с ними районов Z- и W-хромосом птиц при помощи протяженных геномных BAC-клонов. Genetika, 47 (3). pp. 312-319. ISSN 0016-6758. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:47582) |
Bloor, James W., Kiehart, Daniel P. (2001) Zipper Nonmuscle Myosin-II Functions Downstream of PS2 Integrin during Drosophila Myogenesis and is necessary for Myofibril Formation. Developmental Biology, 239 (2). pp. 215-228. ISSN 0012-1606. (doi:10.1006/dbio.2001.0452) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:9892) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Bondarenko, A P, Romanov, Michael N (1986) [Autosexing breed of the Italian White geese] Итальянские белые гуси — аутосексная порода. Ptitsevodstvo / Птицеводство: Межвед. темат. науч. сб., 39 . pp. 16-19. ISSN 0370-212X. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46282) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Bondarenko, A P, Romanov, Michael N, Ryabokon, N G (1986) [The use of autosexing in goose breeding] Применение аутосексинга в гусеводстве. Ptitsevodstvo / Птицеводство, 36 (6). pp. 25-27. ISSN 0033-3239. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46405) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Romanov, Michael N (1994) [Peculiarities of sexual variation of body weight in day-old poults of domestic birds] Особливості статевої мінливості маси тіла у добового молодняка свійських птахів. In: Abstracts of the All-Ukrainian Anniversary Scientific and Practical Conference "Genetics of Animal Performance" / Генетика продуктивності тварин: Тези доповідей Всеукр.ювіл.наук.-практ.конф.,присвячен.90-річчю з дня народж.видатного вченого Колесника М.М. . p. 36. , Kyiv, Ukraine / Київ, Україна (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46317) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Romanov, Michael N (1987) [Sex-linked crosses and autosexing breeds of poultry] Маркирующие пол скрещивания и аутосексные породы домашней птицы. In: Abstracts of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference "Intensive Technologies of Production and Processing of Poultry Meat and Eggs" / Интенсивные технологии производства и переработки мяса птицы и яиц: Тез. Всесоюз. научно-техн. конф. . pp. 51-55. , Simferopol; Moscow, USSR / Симферополь; Москва, СССР (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46288) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Rozhkovsky, A V, Romanov, Michael N, Bogatyr, V P (1989) [The use of genetical systems in the development of autosex crosses of egg-laying chickens] Использование генетических систем при выведении аутосексных кроссов яичных кур [Ispol'zovanie geneticheskikh sistem pri vyvedenii autoseksnykh krossov yaichnykh kur]. Ptitsevodstvo / Птицеводство: Межвед. темат. науч. сб., 42 . pp. 11-14. ISSN 0370-212X. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46293) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Ryabokon, N G, Romanov, Michael N (1997) Genetic principles of the synthesis of dimorphically coloured geese. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Current Problems in Avian Genetics. . pp. 126-128. World's Poultry Science Association, Czech Branch, Průhonice near Prague, Czech Republic (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46407) |
Bondarenko, Yu V, Sakhatsky, N I, Kutnyuk, P I, Romanov, Michael N (1995) Screening inherited abnormalities in poultry populations. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Current Problems in Avian Genetics. . pp. 196-199. World's Poultry Science Association, Polish Branch, Balice near Kraków, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46324) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Breslavets, V A, Kuchmistov, V A, Romanov, Michael N, Ivanova, T V, Kutnyuk, P I (1996) Homological variation of embryonic abnormalities in poultry. In: Proceedings of the XX World's Poultry Congress, Abstracts and Students' Papers Contributed in International Youth Programme. 4. p. 94. World's Poultry Science Association (India Branch), New Delhi, India (KAR id:46335) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Romanov, Michael N (1989) Genetic principles of the synthesis of autosexing forms and combinations in poultry. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Current Problems in Avian Genetics. . pp. 16-18. Slovak Society for Agriculture, Forestry, Food and Veterinary Sciences of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Poultry Research and Production Institute Bratislava, Ivanka pri Dunaji; Czechoslovak Branch of WPSA, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46295) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Romanov, Michael N (1987) Use of autosexing for poultry meat production. In: Materials of the Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation "Problems of Commercial Production of Eggs" / Проблеми на промишленото производство на птиче месо: Материали от научно-техническата конференция с международно участие. . Poultry Institute – Kostinbrod / Институт по птицевъдство – Костинброд, Sofia, Bulgaria (KAR id:106912) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Romanov, Michael N, Ryabokon, N G (1985) [Autosexing of the Rhenish geese] Аутосексинг рейнских гусей. Naučno-tehničeskij bûlletenʹ - Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut pticevodstva [Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiĭ Byulleten', Ukrainskiĭ Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiĭ Institut Ptitsevodstva] / Научно-технический бюллетень Украинского НИИ птицеводства, 18 . pp. 12-14. ISSN 0136-9814. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46280) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Romanov, Michael N, Veremeyenko, R P, Mikhailik, L D (1988) [Genetics of down and plumage colour of Ukrainian duck populations] Генетика окраски пуха и оперения украинских популяций уток. Ptitsevodstvo / Птицеводство: Межвед. темат. науч. сб., 41 . pp. 22-27. ISSN 0370-212X. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46290) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Romanov, Michael N, Zharkova, I P (1987) Genetic markers of sex in waterfowl. In: Baumgartner, Ján, ed. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Actual Problems of Avian Genetics. . p. 240. Výzkumný ústav pro chov (Czechoslovakia); World's Poultry Science Association, Czechoslovak Branch; Slovak Society for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Science, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46287) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Sergheyeva, V D, Kuranova, E N, Krasnozhon, S A, Romanov, Michael N (1987) [Autosexing maternal form of meat-type chickens] Аутосексная материнская форма мясных кур. Ptitsevodstvo / Птицеводство: Межвед. темат. науч. сб., 40 . pp. 6-11. ISSN 0370-212X. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46286) |
Bondarenko, Yuri V., Zharkova, I P, Romanov, Michael N (1986) [Study of down colour genotype in the collection flock geese at the All-Union Poultry Research and Technological Institute] Изучение генотипа окраски пуха гусей коллекционного стада ВНИТИП. Naučno-tehničeskij bûlletenʹ - Ukrainskij naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut pticevodstva / Научно-технический бюллетень Украинского НИИ птицеводства, 21 . pp. 3-7. ISSN 0136-9814. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46283) |
Bristol, Rachel M., Fabre, Pierre-Henri, Irestedt, Martin, Jønsson, Knud A., Shah, Nirmal J., Tatayah, Vikash, Warren, Ben H., Groombridge, Jim J. (2013) Molecular phylogeny of the Indian Ocean Terpsiphone paradise flycatchers: Undetected evolutionary diversity revealed amongst island populations. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 67 (2). pp. 336-347. ISSN 1055-7903. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.01.019) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48317) |
Buckland, Steeves, Cole, Nik C., Groombridge, Jim J., Küpper, Clemens, Burke, Terry, Dawson, Deborah A., Gallagher, Laura E., Harris, Stephen (2014) High Risks of Losing Genetic Diversity in an Endemic Mauritian Gecko: Implications for Conservation. PLoS ONE, 9 (6). Article Number 93387. ISSN 1932-6203. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093387) (KAR id:48309) |
Buckland, Steeves, Horsburgh, Gavin J., Dawson, Deborah A., Cole, Nik C., Krupa, Andrew P., Gallagher, Laura E., Henshaw, Sion M., Groombridge, Jim J., Harris, Stephen (2013) Isolation and characterisation of Mauritius lowland day gecko Phelsuma guimbeaui microsatellite loci. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 (4). pp. 1013-1018. ISSN 1877-7252. (doi:10.1007/s12686-013-9957-x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48316) |
Buxton, Andrew S., Groombridge, Jim J., Zakaria, Nurulhuda B., Griffiths, Richard A. (2017) Seasonal variation in environmental DNA in relation to population size and environmental factors. Scientific Reports, 7 . Article Number 46294. ISSN 2045-2322. (doi:10.1038/srep46294) (KAR id:61413) |
Cambridge, Paul (1996) Men with learning disabilities who have sex with men in public places: Mapping the needs of services and users in South East London. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 40 (3). pp. 241-251. ISSN 0964-2633. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.1996.tb00627.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:18855) |
Canedo da Costa Ribeiro, Carla Filipa (2024) Chromosomes and fertility from progenitors to embryos: Investigating chromosomal abnormalities and development morphokinetics. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.107332) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:107332) |
Charoonnart, Patai, Taunt, Henry Nicholas, Yang, Luyao, Webb, Conner, Robinson, Colin, Saksmerprome, Vanvimon, Purton, Saul (2023) Transgenic Microalgae Expressing Double-Stranded RNA as Potential Feed Supplements for Controlling White Spot Syndrome in Shrimp Aquaculture. Microorganisms, 11 (8). Article Number 1893. ISSN 2076-2607. (doi:10.3390/microorganisms11081893) (KAR id:102382) |
Chausiaux, Oriane E., Abel, Margaret H., Baxter, Fiona O., Khaled, Walid T., Ellis, Peter J.I., Charlton, Harry M., Affara, Nabeel A. (2008) Hypogonadal mouse, a model to study the effects of the endogenous lack of gonadotropins on apoptosis. Biology of reproduction, 78 (1). pp. 77-90. ISSN 0006-3363. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46558) |
Chernikov, V F and Romanov, Michael N and Kutnyuk, P I (1993) [Intra-population variation of genetic/oological parameters of Kharkiv population of black-headed gull] Внутpипопуляционная изменчивость генетико-оологических параметров харьковской популяции озерной чайки. In: [Problems of Natural Sciences: Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists] / Вопросы естествознания: Сборник научных работ молодых ученых. LSPI / ЛГПИ, Lipetsk, Russia / Липецк, Россия, pp. 63-64. (KAR id:47100) |
Chernikov, V F, Romanov, Michael N, Kutnyuk, P I (1994) Intrapopulation variability of genetic/oological parameters in Kharkiv population of black-headed gull / Внутрипопуляционная изменчивость генетико-оологических параметров Харьковской популяции озерной чайки. In: 2nd Conference "Study and Protection of Birds of Seversky Donets Basin" / 2-я конференция «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца», 1994, Kharkiv, Ukraine / Харьков, Украина. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83444) |
Chernikov, V F, Romanov, Michael N, Kutnyuk, P I, Gavrys, G G, Goncharov, D A (1994) Estimation of population structure and differentiation in black-headed gull. Journal für Ornithologie, 135 (1). 10 (Abstract P15). ISSN 0021-8375. E-ISSN 1439-0361. (doi:10.1007/BF02445748) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46314) |
Claeys, Jules, Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K. (2023) Integrative comparative analysis of avian chromosome evolution by in-silico mapping of the gene ontology of homologous synteny blocks and evolutionary breakpoint regions. Genetica, 151 (3). pp. 167-178. ISSN 0016-6707. E-ISSN 1573-6857. (doi:10.1007/s10709-023-00185-x) (KAR id:100550) |
Cockerton, Helen M., Kalrström, Amanda, Johnson, Abigail W., Li, Bo, Stavridou, Eleftheria, Hopson, Katie J., Whitehouse, Adam B., Harrison, Richard J. (2021) Genomic Informed Breeding Strategies for Strawberry Yield and Fruit Quality Traits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12 . Article Number 724847. E-ISSN 1664-462X. (doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.724847) (KAR id:93841) |
Cocquet, Julie, Ellis, Peter J.I., Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Affara, Nabeel A., Vaiman, Daniel, Burgoyne, Paul S. (2012) A genetic basis for a postmeiotic X versus Y chromosome intragenomic conflict in the mouse. PLoS genetics, 8 (9). e1002900. ISSN 1553-7404. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002900) (KAR id:46548) |
Cocquet, Julie, Ellis, Peter J.I., Yamauchi, Yasuhiro, Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Affara, Nabeel A., Ward, Monika A., Burgoyne, Paul S. (2009) The multicopy gene Sly represses the sex chromosomes in the male mouse germline after meiosis. PLoS biology, 7 (11). e1000244. ISSN 1545-7885. (KAR id:46555) |
Cocquet, Julie, Ellis, Peter J.I., Yamauchi, Yasuhiro, Riel, Jonathan M., Karacs, Thomas P.S., Rattigan, Aine, Ojarikre, Obah A., Affara, Nabeel A., Ward, Monika A., Burgoyne, Paul S and others. (2010) Deficiency in the multicopy Sycp3-like X-linked genes Slx and Slxl1 causes major defects in spermatid differentiation. Molecular biology of the cell, 21 (20). pp. 3497-505. ISSN 1939-4586. (doi:10.1091/mbc.e10-07-0601) (KAR id:46552) |
Corti, Elio, Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N (2010) Five-toed chickens: their origin, genetics, geographical spreading and history. Izvestia [Proceedings] of Timiryazev Agricultural Academy / Известия Тимирязевской сельскохозяйственной академии, (7). pp. 156-170. ISSN 0021-342X. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46643) |
Corti, Elio, Romanov, Michael N (1997) William Plant – Obituary. World's Poultry Science Journal, 53 (1). pp. 99-100. ISSN 0043-9339. (KAR id:46417) |
Coulton, Arthur T., East, Daniel A., Galinska-Rakoczy, Agnieszka, Lehman, William, Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2010) The recruitment of acetylated and unacetylated tropomyosin to distinct actin polymers permits the discrete regulation of specific myosins in fission yeast. Journal of Cell Science, 123 . pp. 3235-3243. ISSN 0021-9533. (doi:10.1242/jcs.069971) (KAR id:25500) |
Crommenacker, J van de, Bourgeois, Y. X. C., Warren, B. H., Jackson, H., Fleischer-Dogley, F., Groombridge, Jim J., Bunbury, N. (2015) Using molecular tools to guide management of invasive alien species: assessing the genetic impact of a recently introduced island bird population. Diversity and Distributions, 21 (12). pp. 1414-1427. ISSN 1366-9516. (doi:10.1111/ddi.12364) (KAR id:50664) |
Damas, J, Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, Romanov, Michael N, Li, C, Griffin, Darren K., Larkin, Denis M (2014) Towards the construction of avian chromosome assemblies. In: 20th International Chromosome Conference, 1-4 September 2014, Canterbury, Kent, UK. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46701) |
Damas, Joana, Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, Romanov, Michael N, Li, C, Griffin, Darren K., Larkin, Denis M. (2015) Towards the construction of avian chromosome assemblies. In: Griffin, Darren K and Fowler, Katie E and Ellis, Peter J.I. and Jackson, Dean A, eds. Chromosome Research. 20th International Chromosome Conference (ICCXX): 50th Anniversary, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1st–4th September 2014. 23 (2). 378-379, Abstract O21. Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science+Business Media, Cham, Switzerland (doi:10.1007/s10577-014-9447-3) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46906) |
Darolti, Iulia, Wright, Alison E., Sandkam, Benjamin A., Morris, Jake, Bloch, Natasha I., Farré, Marta, Fuller, Rebecca C., Bourne, Godfrey R., Larkin, Denis M., Breden, Felix, and others. (2019) Extreme Heterogeneity in Sex Chromosome Differentiation and Dosage Compensation in Livebearers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (38). pp. 19031-19036. ISSN 0027-8424. E-ISSN 1091-6490. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1905298116) (KAR id:76309) |
Dehghanzadeh, H, Mirhoseini, Seyed Z, Romanov, Michael N, Ghorbani, A (2009) Evaluation of genetic variability and distances among five Iranian native chicken populations using RAPD markers. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 12 (11). pp. 866-871. ISSN 1028-8880. (doi:10.3923/pjbs.2009.866.871) (KAR id:37542) |
Dementeva, Natalia V., Kudinov, Andrei A., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Fedorova, Elena S., Romanov, Michael N (2018) Genome-wide association study of reproductive traits in a gene pool breed of the Russian White chickens. In: Rodriguez-Mártinez, H and Hidalgo, M, eds. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR). 53 (S2). 123-124 (Abstract P 69). Wiley, Cordoba, Spain (doi:10.1111/rda.13272) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:73384) |
Dementeva, Natalia V., Romanov, Michael N, Kudinov, Andrei A., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Terletsky, Valeriy P., Fedorova, Elena S., Nikitkina, E V, Plemyashov, Kirill V (2017) [Studying the structure of a gene pool population of the Russian White chicken breed by genome-wide SNP scan] Изучение структуры генофондной популяции русской белой породы кур методом геномного SNP-сканирования. Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 52 (6). pp. 1166-1174. ISSN 0131-6397. E-ISSN 2412-0324. (doi:10.15389/agrobiology.2017.6.1166eng) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:65981) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Dysin, Artyom P., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Nikitkina, Elena V., Musidray, Artem A., Petrova, Anna V., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Plemyashov, Kirill V., Azovtseva, Anastasiia I., Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2024) Risk of sperm disorders and impaired fertility in frozen–thawed bull semen: a genome-wide association study. Animals, 14 (2). Article Number 251. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani14020251) (KAR id:104598) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Fedorova, Elena S., Krutikova, A A, Mitrofanova, Olga V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Pleshanov, Nikolai V., Smaragdov, M.G., Kudinov, Andrei A., Terletsky, Valeriy P., Romanov, Michael N. and others. (2020) Genetic variability of indels in the prolactin and dopamine receptor D2 genes and their association with the yield of allanto-amniotic fluid in Russian White laying hens. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi: Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26 (3). pp. 373-379. ISSN 2148-9297. (doi:10.15832/ankutbd.483561) (KAR id:89259) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Kudinov, Andrei A., Larkina, Tatiana A., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Dysin, Artyom P., Terletsky, Valeriy P., Tyshchenko, Valentina I., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N. (2020) Genetic variability in local and imported germplasm chicken populations as revealed by analyzing runs of homozygosity. Animals, 10 (10). Article Number 1887. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani10101887) (KAR id:83858) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Dysin, Artyom P., Kudinov, Andrei A., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Larkina, Tatiana A., Plemyashov, Kirill V., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N., Smaragdov, M.G. and others. (2021) Assessing the effects of rare alleles and linkage disequilibrium on estimates of genetic diversity in the chicken populations. Animal, 15 (3). Article Number 100171. ISSN 1751-7311. E-ISSN 1751-732X. (doi:10.1016/j.animal.2021.100171) (KAR id:89167) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Kudinov, Andrei A., Smaragdov, M.G., Yakovlev, A.F., Romanov, Michael N (2018) [Opportunities of SNP-genotyping for studying the features of the genetic architecture of chicken populations with different histories] Возможности SNP-генотипирования для изучения особенностей генетической архитектуры популяций кур с различной историей. In: Fisinin, V I, ed. World and Russian trends in the development of poultry industry: the realities and challenges of the future: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference / Мировые и российские тренды развития птицеводства: реалии и вызовы будущего: Материалы XIX... . pp. 80-81. WPSA – Russian Branch, Poultry Research Centre / ВНАП, Рос. отд-ние, НП «Научный центр по птицеводству», Sergiyev Posad, Russia ISBN 978-5-9907740-4-9. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89493) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Nikitkina, Elena V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Pleshanov, Nikolai V., Ryabova, Anna E., Azovtseva, Anastasiia I., Silyukova, Yulia L., Musidray, Artem A., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N. and others. (2025) Genome-wide analysis of genetic predispositions linked to damaged membranes and impaired fertility as indicators of compromised sperm–egg interaction mechanisms in frozen–thawed rooster semen. Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Edition), 17 (1). Article Number 26022. ISSN 1945-0516. E-ISSN 1945-0524. (doi:10.31083/FBS26022) (KAR id:108512) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Larkina, Tatiana A., Dysin, Artem P., Nikolaeva, Olga A., Ryabova, Anna E., Azovtseva, Anastasiia I., Mitrofanova, Olga V., and others. (2024) Large-scale genome-wide SNP analysis reveals the rugged (and ragged) landscape of global ancestry, phylogeny, and demographic history in chicken breeds. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 25 (4). pp. 324-340. ISSN 1673-1581. E-ISSN 1862-1783. (doi:10.1631/jzus.B2300443) (KAR id:105572) |
Dementieva, Natalia V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Tyshchenko, Valentina I., Terletsky, Valeriy P., Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Nikolaeva, Olga A., Ryabova, Anna E., Azovtseva, Anastasiia I., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., and others. (2022) Comparative analysis of molecular RFLP and SNP markers in assessing and understanding the genetic diversity of various chicken breeds. Genes, 13 (10). Article Number 1876. ISSN 2073-4425. E-ISSN 2073-4425. (doi:10.3390/genes13101876) (KAR id:97470) |
Deniskova, Tatiana E., Dotsev, Arsen V., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Petrov, Sergey N., Frolov, Alexei N., Platonov, Stanislav A., Gladyr, Elena A., Gusev, Igor V., Selionova, Marina I., Rodionov, Andrey N., and others. (2024) Genetic diversity in the Orenburg goat breed revealed by single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis: Initial steps in saving a threatened population. Genes, 15 (11). Article Number 1375. E-ISSN 2073-4425. (doi:10.3390/genes15111375) (KAR id:107608) |
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Dodgson, Jerry B, Romanov, Michael N (2004) Use of chicken models for the analysis of human disease. Current Protocols in Human Genetics, 40 (1). 15.5.1-15.5.11. ISSN 1934-8258. (doi:10.1002/0471142905.hg1505s40) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37681) |
Dodgson, Jerry B, Romanov, Michael N (2004) The chicken genome: from maps to sequence. In: 8th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology: Symposium Talk and Plenary Lecture Abstracts. . Abstract T26. Arizona State University, Scottsdale, AZ, USA (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46516) |
Dodgson, Jerry B, Romanov, Michael N, Price, J A (2003) Integration of the chicken genetic map with BAC contig-based physical maps using overgo hybridization. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XI Conference, 11-15 January 2003, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46416) |
Dodgson, Jerry B, Romanov, Michael N, Rondelli, Catherine M (2004) Integration of chicken linkage and physical maps and sequence alignment using overgo hybridization. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XII Conference, 10-14 January 2004, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46432) |
Dodgson, Jerry B, Romanov, Michael N, Sizemore, F G, Price, J A (2003) Integration of genetic and physical maps of the chicken genome. In: Conference “Advances in Genome Biology and Technology, in cooperation with Automation in Mapping and DNA Sequencing”, 5-8 February 2003, Marco Island, FL, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46428) |
Dotsev, Arsen V., Moradi, Mohammad Hossein, Deniskova, Tatiana E., Esmailizadeh, Ali, Bakoev, Neckruz F., Koshkina, Olga A., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N, Zinovieva, Natalia A. (2025) Molecular genetic assessment aids in clarifying phylogenetic status of Iranian Kerman wild sheep. Animals, 15 (2). Article Number 238. ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani15020238) (KAR id:108486) |
Douglas, Charlotte, Maciulyte, Valdone, Zohren, Jasmin, Snell, Daniel M., Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Ojarikre, Obah A., Ellis, Peter J.I., Turner, James M.A. (2021) CRISPR-Cas9 effectors facilitate generation of single-sex litters and sex-specific phenotypes. Nature Communications, 12 . Article Number 6926. ISSN 2041-1723. (doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27227-2) (KAR id:93108) |
Doyle, Alex, Martín-García, Rebeca, Coulton, Arthur T., Bagley, Steve, Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2009) Fission yeast Myo51 is a meiotic spindle pole body component with discrete roles during cell fusion and spore formation. Journal of Cell Science, 122 (24). pp. 4330-4340. ISSN 0021-9533. (doi:10.1242/jcs.055202) (KAR id:23286) |
Drinkwater, Rosie, Jucker, Tommaso, Potter, Joshua H.T, Swinfield, Tom, Coomes, David, Slade, Eleanor M., Gilbert, M. Thomas P., Lewis, Owen T., Bernard, Henry, Struebig, Matthew J., and others. (2020) Leech blood‐meal invertebrate‐derived DNA reveals differences in Bornean mammal diversity across habitats. Molecular Ecology, . ISSN 0962-1083. E-ISSN 1365-294X. (doi:10.1111/mec.15724) (KAR id:84057) |
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Dunn, I.C., Miao, Yi-Wei, Morris, A., Romanov, Michael N., Waddington, David W, Wilson, P. W., Sharp, P. J. (2001) Association between candidate genes and reproductive traits in a commercial broiler breeder population. In: Proceedings of the 2001 Spring Meetings of the WPSA French and WPSA United Kingdom Branches. . pp. 42-43. World Poultry Science Association, UK Branch (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83862) |
Dunn, Ian C., Miao, Y-W, Morris, A, Romanov, Michael N, Wilson, Peter W., Sharp, Peter J. (1999) The detection and assay of polymorphism in candidate reproductive gene loci in a commercial broiler breeder population for association studies. In: Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium. . p. 113. Working Group 3 of WPSA, Mariensee, Germany (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83660) |
Dunn, Ian C., Miao, Yi-Wei, Morris, A, Romanov, Michael N, Waddington, David W, Wilson, Peter W., Sharp, Peter J. (2001) Association between candidate genes and reproductive traits in a commercial broiler breeder population [Изучение связи между кандидатными генами и показателями воспроизводительной продуктивности у кур-несушек бройлерного типа в товарных популяциях. (Великобритания)]. British Poultry Science, 42 (Sup. 1). S113-S114. ISSN 0007-1668. (doi:10.1080/00071660152681692) (KAR id:46273) |
Dunn, Ian C., Miao, Yi-Wei, Morris, A, Romanov, Michael N, Wilson, Peter W., Waddington, David, Sharp, Peter J. (2001) Candidate genes and reproductive traits in a commercial broiler breeder population, an association study. Journal of Animal Science, 79 (Suppl. 1)/Journal of Dairy Science, 84 (Suppl. 1)/ Poultry Science, 80 (Suppl. 1)/54th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, II . p. 43. ISSN 1525-3163. (KAR id:46270) |
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Ellis, Peter J.I. (2021) Genetics of Sex Determination and Differentiation. In: Fetal and Neonatal Physiology. Sixth Edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia, US, pp. 1555-1565. ISBN 978-0-323-71284-2. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:98207) |
Ellis, Peter J.I. (2021) Modelling suggests ABO histo-incompatibility may substantially reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Epidemics, 35 . Article Number 100446. ISSN 1755-4365. (doi:10.1016/j.epidem.2021.100446) (KAR id:87049) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Affara, Nabeel A. (2006) Spermatogenesis and sex chromosome gene content: an evolutionary perspective. Human fertility (Cambridge, England), 9 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1464-7273. (doi:10.1080/14647270500230114) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46561) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Bacon, Joanne, Affara, Nabeel A. (2011) Association of Sly with sex-linked gene amplification during mouse evolution: a side effect of genomic conflict in spermatids? Human molecular genetics, 20 (15). pp. 3010-21. ISSN 1460-2083. (doi:10.1093/hmg/ddr204) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46551) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Clemente, Emily J., Ball, Penny, Touré, Aminata, Ferguson, Lydia, Turner, James M.A., Loveland, Kate L., Affara, Nabeel A., Burgoyne, Paul S. (2005) Deletions on mouse Yq lead to upregulation of multiple X- and Y-linked transcripts in spermatids. Human molecular genetics, 14 (18). pp. 2705-15. ISSN 0964-6906. (doi:10.1093/hmg/ddi304) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46564) |
Ellis, Peter J.I. and Erickson, Robert P. (2016) Genetics of Sex Determination and Differentiation. In: Fetal and Neonatal Physiology. Fifth Edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia, US, pp. 1510-1519. ISBN 978-0-323-35214-7. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:58284) |
Ellis, Peter J.I. and Erickson, Robert P. (2016) The Sex-Determination Pathway. In: Epstein's Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis. Third edition. Oxford University Press, pp. 161-170. ISBN 978-0-19-993452-2. (doi:10.1093/med/9780199934522.003.0015) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:58283) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Ferguson, Lydia, Clemente, Emily J., Affara, Nabeel A. (2007) Bidirectional transcription of a novel chimeric gene mapping to mouse chromosome Yq. BMC evolutionary biology, 7 . p. 171. ISSN 1471-2148. (KAR id:46557) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Furlong, R.A., Wilson, A., Morris, S., Carter, D., Oliver, G., Print, C., Burgoyne, P.S., Loveland, K.L., Affara, N.A. and others. (2004) Modulation of the mouse testis transcriptome during postnatal development and in selected models of male infertility. Molecular human reproduction, 10 (4). pp. 271-81. ISSN 1360-9947. (doi:10.1093/molehr/gah043) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46565) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Furlong, Robert A., Conner, Sarah J., Kirkman-Brown, Jackson, Afnan, Masoud, Barratt, Christopher, Griffin, Darren K., Affara, Nabeel A. (2007) Coordinated transcriptional regulation patterns associated with infertility phenotypes in men. Journal of Medical Genetics, 44 (8). pp. 498-508. ISSN 1468-6244. (doi:10.1136/jmg.2007.049650) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46559) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Morris, Tiffany J., Skinner, Benjamin M., Sargent, Carole A., Vickers, Mark H., Gluckman, Peter D., Gilmour, Stewart, Affara, Nabeel A. (2014) Thrifty metabolic programming in rats is induced by both maternal undernutrition and postnatal leptin treatment, but masked in the presence of both: implications for models of developmental programming. BMC genomics, 15 . p. 49. ISSN 1471-2164. (KAR id:46545) |
Ellis, Peter J.I., Yu, Yong, Zhang, Shujun (2011) Transcriptional dynamics of the sex chromosomes and the search for offspring sex-specific antigens in sperm. Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 142 (5). pp. 609-19. ISSN 1741-7899. (doi:10.1530/rep-11-0228) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46550) |
Emmanouilidis, Ioannis (2019) Developing CRISPR/Cas9 assays to induce multiple controlled double-strand DNA breaks in human cell culture. Master of Science by Research (MScRes) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:79598) |
Emmanouilidis, Ioannis, Fili, Natalia, Cook, Alexander W., Hari-Gupta, Yukti, dos Santos, Ália, Wang, Lin, Martin-Fernandez, Marisa L., Ellis, Peter J.I., Toseland, Christopher P. (2021) A Targeted and Tuneable DNA Damage Tool Using CRISPR/Cas9. Biomolecules, 11 (2). Article Number 288. E-ISSN 2218-273X. (doi:10.3390/biom11020288) (KAR id:86642) |
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Ferguson, Lydia, Ellis, Peter J.I., Affara, Nabeel A. (2009) Two novel mouse genes mapped to chromosome Yp are expressed specifically in spermatids. Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society, 20 (4). pp. 193-206. ISSN 1432-1777. (doi:10.1007/s00335-009-9175-8) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46556) |
Fitch, Ian T (1989) Structure and expression of the yeast heat-shock gene HSP26. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.94349) (KAR id:94349) |
Fletcher, Jessica, O’Connor-Moneley, James, Frawley, Dean, Flanagan, Peter R., Alaalm, Leenah, Menendez-Manjon, Pilar, Estevez, Samuel Vega, Hendricks, Shane, Woodruff, Andrew L., Buscaino, Alessia, and others. (2023) Deletion of the Candida albicans TLO gene family using CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis allows characterisation of functional differences in α-, β- and γ- TLO gene function. PLoS Genetics, 19 (12). Article Number e1011082. ISSN 1553-7404. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1011082) (KAR id:104333) |
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Grant, Chris M., Tuite, Mick F. (1994) Mistranslation of Human Phosphoglycerate Kinase in Y east in the Presence of Paromomycin. Current Genetics, 26 (2). pp. 95-99. ISSN 0172-8083. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:20222) |
Green, Simon R., Spalding, Alison, Ashford, Tony, Proud, Christopher G., Tuite, Mick F. (1991) Synthesis of human initiation factor-2-alpha in saccharomyces-cerevisiae. Gene, 108 (2). pp. 253-258. ISSN 0378-1119. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:22959) |
Griffin, Darren K. and Ellis, Peter J.I. (2018) The Human Y-chromosome: Evolutionary Directions and Implications for the Future of “Maleness”. In: Palermo, Gianpiero D. and Sills, E. Scott, eds. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. 1st edition. Springer, pp. 183-192. ISBN 978-3-319-70496-8. E-ISBN 978-3-319-70497-5. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70497-5_13) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:66998) |
Griffin, Darren K., Ellis, Peter J.I., Dunmore, B., Bauer, Johann W., Abel, M, Affara, Nabeel (2010) Transcriptional Profiling of Luteinizing Hormone Receptor-Deficient Mice Before and after Testosterone Treatment Provides Insight into the Hormonal Control of Postnatal Testicular Development and Leydig Cell Differentiation. Biology of Reproduction, 82 (6). pp. 1139-1150. ISSN 0006-3363. (doi:10.1095/biolreprod.109.082099) (KAR id:34157) |
Griffin, Darren K., Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E., Romanov, Michael N., Larkin, Denis M. (2014) Avian cytogenetics goes functional. In: Chromosome Research. 21st International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping. 22 (3). 423-424 (Abstract of Lecture L11). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (doi:10.1007/s10577-014-9435-7) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:80048) |
Griffin, Darren K., Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E., Romanov, Michael N, Larkin, Denis M. (2015) Avian chromonomics goes functional. In: Griffin, Darren K and Fowler, Katie E. and Ellis, Peter J.I. and Jackson, Dean A, eds. Chromosome Research. 20th International Chromosome Conference (ICCXX): 50th Anniversary, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1st–4th September 2014. 23 (2). 367 (Abstract S32). Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science+Business Media, Cham, Switzerland (doi:10.1007/s10577-014-9447-3) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46905) |
Griffin, Darren K., Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E, Romanov, Michael N, Larkin, Denis M (2014) Avian chromonomics goes functional. In: 20th International Chromosome Conference, 1-4 September 2014, Canterbury, Kent, UK. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46699) |
Griffin, Darren K., Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, O'Connor, Rebecca, Romanov, Michael N, Larkin, Denis M. (2014) Avian cytogenetics goes functional. In: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2014 Meeting on Avian Model Systems. . p. 18. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (doi:10.1007/s10577-014-9435-7) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46686) |
Griffin, Darren K., Kretschmer, Rafael, Srikulnath, Kornsorn, Singchat, Worapong, O’Connor, Rebecca E., Romanov, Michael N (2024) Correction: Insights into avian molecular cytogenetics — with reptilian comparisons. Molecular Cytogenetics, 17 . Article Number 29. E-ISSN 1755-8166. (doi:10.1186/s13039-024-00699-9) (KAR id:107898) |
Griffin, Darren K., Kretschmer, Rafael, Srikulnath, Kornsorn, Singchat, Worapong, O’Connor, Rebecca E., Romanov, Michael N. (2024) Insights into avian molecular cytogenetics—with reptilian comparisons. Molecular Cytogenetics, 17 (1). Article Number 24. E-ISSN 1755-8166. (doi:10.1186/s13039-024-00696-y) (KAR id:107670) |
Griffin, Darren K., Larkin, Denis M., O’Connor, Rebecca E., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Dinosaurs. . MDPI, Basel, Switzerland Encyclopedia (online), Entry 39796. (KAR id:99415) |
Griffin, Darren K., Larkin, Denis M., O’Connor, Rebecca E., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Dinosaurs: comparative cytogenomics of their reptile cousins and avian descendants. Animals, 13 (1). Article Number 106. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani13010106) (KAR id:99340) |
Griffin, Darren K. and Larkin, Denis M. and O’Connor, Rebecca E. and Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Dinosaurs: comparative cytogenomics of their reptile cousins and avian descendants. In: Olmo, Ettore, ed. Reptile Evolution and Genetics – Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Teresa Capriglione. Reprint of the special issue published in Animals. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 203-211. ISBN 978-3-0365-8170-5. E-ISBN 978-3-0365-8171-2. (doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-8171-2) (KAR id:103281) |
Griffin, Darren K., O'Connor, Rebecca, Romanov, Michael N, Damas, Joana, Farré, Marta, Martell, Henry, Kiazim, Lucas G., Jennings, Rebecca, Mandawala, Anjali A., Joseph, Sunitha, and others. (2018) Jurassic spark: Mapping the genomes of birds and other dinosaurs. Comparative Cytogenetics, 12 (3). 322-323 (Abstract L13). ISSN 1993-0771. E-ISSN 1993-078X. (doi:10.3897/CompCytogen.v12i3.27748) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:69112) |
Griffin, Darren K., Ogur, Cagri (2023) PGT-SR: A Comprehensive Overview and a Requiem for the Interchromosomal Effect. DNA, 3 (1). pp. 41-64. ISSN 2673-8856. (doi:10.3390/dna3010004) (KAR id:100514) |
Griffin, Darren K., Robertson, Lindsay, Tempest, Helen G., Skinner, Benjamin M. (2007) The evolution of the avian genome as revealed by comparative molecular cytogenetics. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 117 (1-4). pp. 64-77. ISSN 1424-8581. (doi:10.1159/000103166) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2173) |
Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E., Larkin, Denis M. (2015) Avian cytogenetics goes functional, in: Third Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2015. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 145 (2). pp. 100-105. ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000430927) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:49538) |
Groombridge, Jim J. (2007) Genetics and extinction of island endemics: the importance of historical perspectives. Animal Conservation, 10 (2). pp. 147-148. ISSN 1367-9430. (doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2007.00109.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2197) |
Groombridge, Jim J. (2007) Silent birds. Planet Earth, (WINTER). pp. 28-29. ISSN 1479-2605. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48339) |
Groombridge, Jim J., Jones, C.G., Bruford, M.W., Nichols, R.A. (2000) 'Ghost' alleles of the Mauritius kestrel. Nature, 403 (6770). p. 616. ISSN 0028-0836. (doi:10.1038/35001148) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48351) |
Groombridge, Jim J. and Raisin, C. and Bristol, R. and Richardson, D.S. (2012) Genetic Consequences of Reintroductions and Insights from Population History. In: Ewen, John G. and Armstrong, David P. and Parker, Kevin A. and Seddon, Phil J., eds. Reintroduction Biology: Integrating Science and Management. John Wiley and Sons, pp. 395-440. ISBN 978-1-4051-8674-2. (doi:10.1002/9781444355833.ch12) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48337) |
Halper, Jaroslava, Burt, David W., Romanov, Michael N (2004) On reassessment of the chicken TGFB4 gene as TGFB1. Growth Factors, 22 (2). pp. 121-122. ISSN 0897-7194. (doi:10.1080/08977190410001712878) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37559) |
He, Yang, Xu, Xiang-Ming, Tobutt, Kenneth R., Ridout, Martin S. (2001) POLYLINK: To Support Two-point Linkage Analysis in Autotetraploids. Bioinformatics, 17 (8). pp. 740-741. ISSN 1367-4803. (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/17.8.740) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:9369) |
Heaven, Thomas, Armitage, Andrew D., Xu, Xiang-Ming, Goddard, Matthew, Cockerton, Helen M. (2023) Dose-dependent genetic resistance to azole fungicides found in the apple scab pathogen. Journal of Fungi, 9 (12). Article Number 1136. ISSN 2309-608X. (doi:10.3390/jof9121136) (KAR id:104141) |
Heaven, Thomas, Cockerton, Helen M., Xu, Xiangming, Godard, Matthew, Armitage, Andrew (2023) A Genomic Resource for the Strawberry Powdery Mildew Pathogen Podosphaera aphanis. Phytopathology, 113 (2). pp. 355-359. ISSN 0031-949X. E-ISSN 1943-7684. (doi:10.1094/PHYTO-03-22-0091-A) (KAR id:99031) |
Hillier, LaDeana W, Miller, Webb, Birney, Ewan, Warren, Wesley, Hardison, Ross C, Ponting, Chris P, Bork, Peer, Burt, Peer, Groenen, Martien A M, Delany, Mary E, and others. (2005) Erratum: Corrigendum: Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution. Nature, 433 (7027). p. 777. ISSN 0028-0836. (doi:10.1038/nature03394) (KAR id:101723) |
Hillier, LaDeana W, Miller, Webb, Birney, Ewan, Warren, Wesley, Hardison, Ross C, Ponting, Chris P, Bork, Peer, Burt, Peer, Groenen, Martien A M, Delany, Mary E, and others. (2004) Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution. Nature, 432 (7018). pp. 695-716. ISSN 0028-0836. E-ISSN 1476-4687. (doi:10.1038/nature03154) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:106) |
Hodge, Clyde W., Bratt, Alison M., Kelley, Stephen P. (2008) Deletion of the 5-HT(3A)-receptor subunit blunts the induction of cocaine sensitization. Genes Brain and Behavior, 7 (1). pp. 96-102. ISSN 1601-1848. (doi:10.1111/j.1601-183X.2007.00332.x) (KAR id:11374) |
Hodge, Clyde W., Kelley, Stephen P., Bratt, Alison M., Iller, Kimberly, Schroeder, Jason P., Besheer, Joyce 5-HT(3A) receptor subunit is required for 5-HT3 antagonist-induced reductions in alcohol drinking. Neuropsychopharmacology, 29 . pp. 1807-1813. (KAR id:11708) |
Hodge, Clyde W., Mehmert, Kirstin K., Kelley, Stephen P., McMahon, Thomas, Haywood, Ashley, Olive, M. Foster, Wang, Dan, Sanchez-Perez, Ana Maria, Messing, Robert O. Supersensitivity to allosteric GABA(A) receptor modulators and alcohol in mice lacking PKCepsilon. Nat Neurosci, 2 . pp. 997-1002. (KAR id:11709) |
Hong, Kyung-Won, Weiss, Alexander, Morimura, Naruki, Udono, Toshifumi, Hayasaka, Ikuo, Humle, Tatyana, Murayama, Yuichi, Ito, Shin'ichi, Inoue-Murayama, Miho (2011) Polymorphism of the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) gene is associated with chimpanzee neuroticism. PLoS ONE, 6 (7). e22144. ISSN 1932-6203. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022144) (KAR id:38025) |
Hsu, Chieh, Jaquet, Vincent, Gencoglu, Mumun, Becskei, Attila (2016) Protein dimerization generates bistability in positive feedback loops. Cell reports, 16 (5). pp. 1204-1210. ISSN 2211-1247. E-ISSN 2211-1247. (doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.06.072) (KAR id:55964) |
Hsu, Chieh, Jaquet, Vincent, Maleki, Farzaneh, Becskei, Attila (2016) Contribution of bistability and noise to cell fate transitions determined by feedback opening. Journal of Molecular Biology, . ISSN 0022-2836. (doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2016.07.024) (KAR id:56686) |
Matsuzawa, Tetsuro and Humle, Tatyana and Sugiyama, Yukimaru, eds. (2011) The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba. Springer Verlag ISBN 978-4-431-53920-9. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:43511) |
Jackson, H., Strubbe, D. S., Tollington, Simon, Prys-Jones, R., Matthysen, E., Groombridge, Jim J. (2015) Ancestral origins and invasion pathways in a globally invasive bird correlate with climate and influences from bird trade. Molecular Ecology, 24 (16). pp. 4269-4285. ISSN 0962-1083. E-ISSN 1365-294X. (doi:10.1111/mec.13307) (KAR id:50689) |
Jackson, H, Jones, C G, Agapow, P-M, Tatayah, V, Groombridge, Jim J. (2015) Micro-evolutionary diversification among Indian Ocean parrots: temporal and spatial changes in phylogenetic diversity as a consequence of extinction and invasion. Ibis, 157 (3). pp. 496-510. ISSN 0019-1019. (doi:10.1111/ibi.12275) (KAR id:50688) |
Jackson, Hazel A., Bunbury, Nancy, Przelomska, Natalia, Groombridge, Jim J. (2016) Evolutionary distinctiveness and historical decline in genetic diversity in the Seychelles Black Parrot Coracopsis nigra barklyi. Ibis, . pp. 1-15. ISSN 0019-1019. E-ISSN 1474-919X. (doi:10.1111/ibi.12343) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:53727) |
Jackson, Hazel, Morgan, Byron J. T., Groombridge, Jim J. (2013) How closely do measures of mitochondrial DNA control region diversity reflect recent trajectories of population decline in birds? Conservation Genetics, 14 (6). pp. 1291-1296. ISSN 1572-9737. (doi:10.1007/s10592-013-0514-7) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:50662) |
Jarvis, Erich D, Mirarab, Siavash, Aberer, Andre J, Li, Bo, Houde, Peter, Li, Cai, Ho, Simon Y W, Faircloth, Brant C, Nabholz, Benoit, Howard, Jason T, and others. (2015) Phylogenomic analyses data of the avian phylogenomics project. GigaScience, 4 (1). Article Number 4 (s13742-. ISSN 2047-217X. (doi:10.1186/s13742-014-0038-1) (KAR id:57584) |
Jochems, Reina, Canedo-Ribeiro, Carla, Silvestri, Giuseppe, Derks, Martijn F.L., Hamland, Hanne, Zak, Louisa J., Knol, Egbert F., Handyside, Alan H., Grindflek, Eli, Griffin, Darren K. and others. (2023) Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) Reveals High Levels of Chromosomal Errors in In Vivo-Derived Pig Embryos, with an Increased Incidence When Produced In Vitro. Cells, 12 (5). Article Number 790. ISSN 2073-4409. (doi:10.3390/cells12050790) (KAR id:100291) |
Johnson, Matthew, Couton, Arthur T., Geeves, Michael A., Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2010) Targeted amino-terminal acetylation of recombinant proteins in E. coli. PLoS ONE, 5 (12). e15801. ISSN 1932-6203. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015801) (KAR id:26186) |
Johnson, Matthew, East, Daniel A., Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2014) Formins Determine the Functional Properties of Actin Filaments in Yeast. Current Biology, 24 (13). pp. 1525-1530. ISSN 0960-9822. E-ISSN 1879-0445. (doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.034) (KAR id:41502) |
Kiazim, Lucas G., O’Connor, Rebecca E., Larkin, Denis M., Romanov, Michael N., Narushin, Valeriy G., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Griffin, Darren K. (2021) Comparative mapping of the macrochromosomes of eight avian species provides further insight into their phylogenetic relationships and avian karyotype evolution. Cells, 10 (2). Article Number 362. ISSN 2073-4409. E-ISSN 2073-4409. (doi:10.3390/cells10020362) (KAR id:89168) |
Kochish, Ivan I., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Vorobyov, N.I., Nikonov, I N, Korenyuga, M V, Myasnikova, O V, Griffin, Darren K., Surai, Peter F., Romanov, Michael N (2023) Features of fractal conformity and bioconsolidation in the early myogenesis gene expression and their relationship to the genetic diversity of chicken breeds. Animals, 13 (3). Article Number 521. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani13030521) (KAR id:99855) |
Kochish, Ivan I., Romanov, Michael N., Surai, Peter F. (2020) [Modern biotechnology to assess the expression of chicken genes in relation to productivity and disease resistance] Современные биотехнологии для оценки экспрессии генов кур в связи с продуктивностью и устойчивостью к заболеваниям. In: Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Association “Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science and Biotechnology”/ Материалы научно-практической конференции, посвященной 10-летию Ассоциации «Ветеринария... . pp. 102-106. ZooVetKniga, Moscow, Russia (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z20-25) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89256) |
Kochish, Ivan I. and Romanov, Michael N and Laptev, Georgi Yu. and Yildirim, Elena A. and Ilina, Larisa A. and Filippova, Valentina A. and Dubrovin, Andrei V. and Novikova, Natalia I. and Tyurina, D G and Tarlavin, N V and Dunyashev, Timur P. and Selina, M V and Bernikova, K E and Motin, M S (2019) [Methodological recommendations for the use of modern biotechnology for assessing the expression of genes associated with the productivity and resistance of poultry to adverse factors] Методические рекомендации по использованию современных биотехнологий для оценки экспрессии генов, связанных с продуктивностью и устойчивостью птицы к неблагоприятным факторам. Manual. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89338) |
Kochish, Ivan I. and Romanov, Michael N and Myasnikova, O V and Nikonov, I N and Selina, M.V. and Korenyuga, M V and Zimin, E.E. and Sharafetdinov, G.R. and Martynov, V.V. (2021) [Methodical recommendations on the use of antimicrobial feed additive for the prevention of stress in industrial crosses of laying hens] Методические рекомендации по применению антимикробной кормовой добавки для профилактики стрессов у промышленных кроссов кур-несушек. Technical report. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия 10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-33. (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-33) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:92646) |
Kochish, Ivan I. and Romanov, Michael N and Myasnikova, O V and Smolensky, Vladimir I. and Martynov, V.V. and Nikonov, I N and Selina, M.V. and Kolesnikova, R R and Bernikova, K E and Motin, M S (2019) [Practical recommendations for the use of feed additives to improve the productivity and stress resistance of egg poultry] Практические рекомендации по применению кормовых добавок для улучшения продуктивности и стрессоустойчивости яичной птицы. Manual. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89282) |
Kochish, Ivan I., Romanov, Michael N, Nikonov, I N, Ilyina, Larisa A., Laptev, Georgi Yu. (2018) [Determination of intestinal microbiocenoses in hens of egg-type crosses] Определение микробиоценозов кишечника кур яичных кроссов. In: Fisinin, V I, ed. World and Russian trends in the development of poultry industry: the realities and challenges of the future: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference / Мировые и российские тренды развития птицеводства: реалии и вызовы будущего: Материалы XIX... . pp. 240-243. WPSA – Russian Branch, Poultry Research Centre / ВНАП, Рос. отд-ние, НП «Научный центр по птицеводству», Sergiyev Posad, Russia / Сергиев Посад, Моск. обл., Россия ISBN 978-5-9907740-4-9. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89487) |
Kochish, Ivan I. and Smolensky, Vladimir I. and Laptev, Georgi Yu. and Romanov, Michael N and Nikonov, I N and Panin, A N and Surai, Peter F. and Ilina, Larisa A. and Myasnikova, O V and Selina, M.V. and Korenyuga, M V and Kolesnikova, R R and Shikhbabaev, E U (2018) [Methodical recommendations on the implementation of the developed system for the prevention of pathogen bacteria by correcting diets in laying hens and using antimicrobial additives] Методические рекомендации по внедрению разработанной системы профилактики бактерий-патогенов путем коррекции рационов питания у кур несушек и применения антимикробных добавок. Manual. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:75283) |
Kochish, Ivan I. and Surai, Peter F. and Romanov, Michael N and Smolensky, Vladimir I. and Nikonov, I N and Selina, M.V. and Myasnikova, O V and Kolesnikova, R R (2019) [Methodical recommendations on the application of the foundations of the technology of feeding egg-type chickens, providing a high percentage of realization of their genetic potential for productivity] Методические рекомендации по применению основ технологии кормления яичных кур, обеспечивающей высокий процент реализации их генетического потенциала продуктивности. Technical report. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89283) |
Kochish, Ivan I., Titov, V.Yu., Nikonov, I N, Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Vorobyov, N.I., Korenyuga, M V, Myasnikova, O V, Dolgorukova, A.M., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N and others. (2023) Unraveling signatures of chicken genetic diversity and divergent selection in breed-specific patterns of early myogenesis, nitric oxide metabolism and post-hatch growth. Frontiers in Genetics, 13 . Article Number 1092242. ISSN 1664-8021. E-ISSN 1664-8021. (doi:10.3389/fgene.2022.1092242) (KAR id:99381) |
Kochish, Ivan I. and Yildirim, Elena A. and Laptev, Georgi Yu. and Ilina, Larisa A. and Tyurina, D G and Dubrovin, Andrei V. and Filippova, Valentina A. and Novikova, Natalia I. and Tarlavin, N V and Romanov, Michael N. (2020) [Guidelines for the use of a feed additive tested in an industrial environment on highly productive commercial laying hens] Методические рекомендации по использованию кормовой добавки, прошедшей испытания в промышленных условиях на высокопродуктивных промышленных курах-несушках. Technical report. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (KAR id:89170) |
Koops, Kathelijne, Humle, Tatyana, Frandsen, Peter, Fitzgerald, Maegan, D'Auvergne, Lucy, Jackson, Hazel A., Børsting, Claus, Siegismund, Hans R., Soumah, Aly Gaspard, Hvilsom, Christina and others. (2023) Genetics as a novel tool in mining impact assessment and biomonitoring of critically endangered western chimpanzees in the Nimba Mountains, Guinea. Conservation Science and Practice, 5 (4). Article Number e12898. ISSN 2578-4854. (doi:10.1111/csp2.12898) (KAR id:100508) |
Koshkina, Olga A., Deniskova, Tatiana E., Romanov, Michael N, Zinovieva, Natalia A. (2024) Genomic studies in domestic goats (Capra hircus L.): current advances and prospects (review] Геномные исследования домашних коз (Capra hircus L.): современное состояние и перспективы (обзор). Agricultural Biology [Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya], 59 (4). pp. 587-604. ISSN 0131-6397. E-ISSN 2412-0324. (doi:10.15389/agrobiology.2024.4.587eng) (KAR id:107238) |
Kretschmer, Rafael, de Souza, Marcelo Santos, Furo, Ivanete de Oliveira, Romanov, Michael N., Gunski, Ricardo José, Garnero, Analía del Valle, de Freitas, Thales Renato Ochotorena, de Oliveira, Edivaldo Herculano Corrêa, O’Connor, Rebecca E., Griffin, Darren K. and others. (2021) Interspecies chromosome mapping in Caprimulgiformes, Piciformes, Suliformes, and Trogoniformes (Aves): cytogenomic insight into microchromosome organization and karyotype evolution in birds. Cells, 10 (4). Article Number 826. ISSN 2073-4409. (doi:10.3390/cells10040826) (KAR id:89153) |
Krutikova, A A, Dementieva, Natalia V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Goncharov, Vasiliy V., Romanov, Michael N (2024) Polymorphism of genes potentially affecting growth and body size suggests genetic divergence in wild and domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) populations. Genes, 15 (12). Article Number 1629. ISSN 2073-4425. (doi:10.3390/genes15121629) (KAR id:108235) |
Kudinov, Andrei A, Dementieva, N V, Mitrofanova, Olga V, Stanishevskaya, Olga I, Fedorova, Elena S, Larkina, T A, Mishina, Arina I, Plemyashov, Kirill V, Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N and others. (2019) Genome-wide association studies targeting the yield of extraembryonic fluid and production traits in Russian White chickens. BMC Genomics, 20 (1). Article Number 270. ISSN 1471-2164. E-ISSN 1471-2164. (doi:10.1186/s12864-019-5605-5) (KAR id:73388) |
Kuijk, Ewart, Jager, Myrthe, van der Roest, Bastiaan, Locati, Mauro D., Van Hoeck, Arne, Korzelius, Jerome, Janssen, Roel, Besselink, Nicolle, Boymans, Sander, van Boxtel, Ruben, and others. (2020) The mutational impact of culturing human pluripotent and adult stem cells. Nature Communications, 11 (1). E-ISSN 2041-1723. (doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16323-4) (KAR id:81480) |
Kulibaba, Roman O., Sakhatskyi, Mykola I., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N (2024) Molecular diversity of Ukrainian native chicken breeds: a review. World's Poultry Science Journal, 80 (4). pp. 1265-1292. ISSN 0043-9339. E-ISSN 1743-4777. (doi:10.1080/00439339.2024.2411401) (KAR id:107806) |
Kundu, Samit, Jones, Carl G., Prys-Jones, Robert P., Groombridge, Jim J. (2011) The evolution of the Indian Ocean parrots (Psittaciformes): Extinction, adaptive radiation and eustacy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62 (1). pp. 296-305. ISSN 1055-7903. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.09.025) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:30504) |
Labisko, Jim, Griffiths, Richard A., Chong-Seng, Lindsay, Bunbury, Nancy, Maddock, Simon T., Bradfield, Kay S., Taylor, Michele L., Groombridge, Jim J. (2019) Endemic, endangered, and evolutionarily significant: Cryptic lineages in Seychelles’ frogs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 126 (3). pp. 417-435. ISSN 0024-4066. (doi:10.1093/biolinnean/bly183) (KAR id:71727) |
Lalic, Tatjana, Steponenaite, Aiste, Wei, Liting, Vasudevan, Sridhar R., Mathie, Alistair, Peirson, Stuart N., Lall, Gurprit S., Cader, M. Zameel (2020) TRESK is a key regulator of nocturnal suprachiasmatic nucleus dynamics and light adaptive responses. Nature Communications, 11 . Article Number 4614. E-ISSN 2041-1723. (doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17978-9) (KAR id:82906) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Ilyina, Larisa A., Nikonov, I N, Kochish, Ivan I., Romanov, Michael N, Smolensky, Vladimir I., Panin, A N, Yildirim, Elena A., Novikova, Natalia I., Filippova, Valentina A., and others. (2017) [Determination of intestinal microbiocenoses of chickens of the Hisex breed by the T-RFLP method in ontogenesis] Определение микробиоценозов кишечника кур породы «Хайсекс» методом T-RFLP в онтогенезе. In: Acta Naturae. II All-Russian Conference with International Participation “High-throughput Sequencing in Genomics” / II Всероссийская конференция с международным участием «Высокопроизводительное секвенирование в геномике». 9 (SI 1). p. 33. LLC "Park-Media" / ООО "Парк-медиа", Novosibirsk, Russia / Новосибирск, Россия ISBN 978-5-9902238-5-1. (KAR id:89535) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Turina, Darya G., Morozov, Vitali Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Ilina, Larisa A., Filippova, Valentina A., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Novikova, Natalia I., Melikidi, Veronika Kh., and others. (2024) Changes in expression of key genes in ceca of chicken broilers as affected by glyphosate, antibiotics and a coccidiostat. Animals, 14 (23). Article Number 3544. ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani14233544) (KAR id:108105) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Turina, Darya G., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Melikidi, Veronika Kh., Novikova, Natalia I., Kalitkina, Kseniya A., and others. (2023) Analysis of changes in broiler microbiome biodiversity parameters due to intake of glyphosate and probiotic Bacillus sp. GL-8 using next-generation sequencing. In: Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2023), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 05–07, 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies , 362. pp. 161-170. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore ISBN 9789819941643 (Hardcover), 9789819941674 (Softcover). E-ISBN 978-981-99-4165-0. (doi:10.1007/978-981-99-4165-0_15) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:102452) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Turina, Darya G., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Melikidi, Veronika Kh., Novikova, Natalia I., Kalitkina, Kseniya A., and others. (2023) [Analysis of changes in broiler microbiome biodiversity parameters due to intake of glyphosate and probiotic Bacillus sp. GL-8 using next-generation sequencing] Анализ изменений параметров биоразнообразия микробиома бройлеров в результате приема глифосата и пробиотика Bacillus Sp. GL-8 с использованием секвенирования следующего поколения. In: Third International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2023): Conference Programme and Abstracts, June 5–7, 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia. . p. 20. (KAR id:107611) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Tyurina, D G, Yildirim, Elena A., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Ilina, Larisa A., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Dubrovina, Alisa S., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Novikova, Natalia I., and others. (2024) [Effects of glyphosate and antibiotics on the expression of genes related to performance, antioxidant protection and histological barrier in the cecum of broilers] Влияние глифосата и антибиотиков на экспрессию генов, связанных с продуктивностью, антиоксидантной защитой и гистологическим барьером в слепой кишке бройлеров. In: Fourth International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2024): Conference Programme and Abstracts, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 5–8 June 2024. . p. 29. (KAR id:107881) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Tyurina, D. G., Yildirim, Elena A., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Ilina, Larisa A., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Dubrovina, Alisa S., Novikova, Natalia I., Melikidi, Veronika Kh., and others. (2024) Effects of glyphosate and antibiotics on the expression of genes related to performance, antioxidant protection and histological barrier in the cecum of broilers. In: Agriculture Digitalization and Organic. Production Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2024), Minsk, Belarus, June 05-08, 2024. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies , 397. pp. 337-345. Springer Nature, Singapore ISBN 978-981-97-4409-1. E-ISBN 978-981-97-4410-7. (doi:10.1007/978-981-97-4410-7_28) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:107905) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Filippova, Valentina A., Kochish, Ivan I., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Narushin, Valeriy G., Novikova, Natalia I., and others. (2021) Effects of essential oils-based supplement and Salmonella infection on gene expression, blood parameters, cecal microbiome and egg production in laying hens. Animals, 11 (2). Article Number 360. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani11020360) (KAR id:85944) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Ponomareva, Ekaterina S., Kalitkina, Kseniya A., Turina, Darya G., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Bashir, Khairullamin, Smetannikova, Tatyana, and others. (2023) [Effect of a probiotic strain administration in different feeding phases on α- and β-diversity and gene expression of the rumen microbiome in lactating cows] Влияние введения пробиотического штамма на разных этапах кормления на α- и β-разнообразие и экспрессию генов микробиомы рубца у лактирующих коров. In: Third International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2023): Conference Programme and Abstracts, June 5–7, 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia. . pp. 23-24. (KAR id:107627) |
Laptev, Georgi Yu, Filippova, Valentina A., Kochish, Ivan I., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Novikova, Natalia I., Novikova, Oksana B., Dmitrieva, Margarita E., and others. (2019) Examination of the expression of immunity genes and bacterial profiles in the caecum of growing chickens infected with Salmonella Enteritidis and fed a phytobiotic. Animals, 9 (9). Article Number 615. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani9090615) (KAR id:75995) |
Laptev, Georgiy, Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Ponomareva, Ekaterina S., Kalitkina, Kseniya A., Turina, Darya G., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Bashir, Khairullamin, Smetannikova, Tatyana, and others. (2023) Effect of a probiotic strain administration in different feeding phases on α- and β-diversity and gene expression of the rumen microbiome in lactating cows. In: Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2023), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 05–07, 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies , 362. pp. 181-191. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore ISBN 9789819941643 (Hardcover), 9789819941674 (Softcover). E-ISBN 978-981-99-4165-0. (doi:10.1007/978-981-99-4165-0_17) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:102447) |
Larkina, Tatiana A., Barkova, Olga Y., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Dementieva, Natalia V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Makarova, Alexandra V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Pozovnikova, Marina V., and others. (2021) Evolutionary subdivision of domestic chickens: implications for local breeds as assessed by phenotype and genotype in comparison to commercial and fancy breeds. Agriculture, 11 (10). Article Number 914. ISSN 2077-0472. E-ISSN 2077-0472. (doi:10.3390/agriculture11100914) (KAR id:90337) |
Larkina, Tatiana A. and Barkova, Olga Y. and Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K. and Mitrofanova, Olga V. and Dementieva, Natalia V. and Stanishevskaya, Olga I. and Vakhrameev, Anatoly B. and Makarova, Alexandra V. and Shcherbakov, Yuri S. and Pozovnikova, Marina V. and Brazhnik, Evgeni A. and Griffin, Darren K. and Romanov, Michael N. (2022) Evolutionary subdivision of domestic chickens: implications for local breeds as assessed by phenotype and genotype in comparison to commercial and fancy breeds. In: Poultry: Breeding, Health, Nutrition, and Management. Printed edition of the special issue published in Agriculture. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 121-143. ISBN 978-3-0365-4055-9. E-ISBN 978-3-0365-4056-6. (doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-40) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:96979) |
Larkina, Tatiana A., Romanov, Michael N., Barkova, Olga Y., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Dementieva, Natalia V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Makarova, Alexandra V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., and others. (2021) [Genetic variation of the NCAPG-LCORL locus in chickens of local breeds based on SNP genotyping data] Генетическая изменчивость локуса NCAPG-LCORL у кур локальных пород на основе данных SNP-генотипирования. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 133-146. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90624) |
Lee, M O, Romanov, Michael N, Plemyashov, Kirill V., Dementieva, Natalia V., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Barkova, Olga Y., Womack, J E (2017) Haplotype structure and copy number polymorphism of the beta-defensin 7 genes in diverse chicken breeds. Animal Genetics, 48 (4). pp. 490-492. ISSN 0268-9146. E-ISSN 1365-2052. (doi:10.1111/age.12552) (KAR id:61284) |
Lee, Mi-Kyung, Ren, Chengwei, Yan, Bo, Cox, B, Zhang, Hongbin, Romanov, Michael N, Sizemore, F G, Suchyta, S P, Peters, E, Dodgson, Jerry B and others. (2003) Construction and characterization of three BAC libraries for analysis of the chicken genome. Animal Genetics, 34 (2). pp. 151-152. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2052.2003.00965_5.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37568) |
Lewis, Nicole M., Rathje, Claudia Cattoni, Canedo-Ribeiro, Carla, Bosman, Lisa M., Kiazim, Lucas G., Jennings, Rebecca L., O’Connor, Rebecca E., Silvestri, Giuseppe, Griffin, Darren K. (2021) Incidence, Reproductive Outcome, and Economic Impact of Reciprocal Translocations in the Domestic Pig. DNA, 1 (2). pp. 68-76. ISSN 2673-8856. (doi:10.3390/dna1020007) (KAR id:90831) |
Li, B.H., Xu, Xiang-Ming, Ridout, Martin S. Modelling the establishment and spread of autotetraploid plants in a spatially heterogeneous environment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17 . pp. 562-573. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:9061) |
Lithgow, Pamela E, O'Connor, Rebecca, Smith, Deborah, Fonseka, Gothami, Rathje, Claudia, Frodsham, Richard, O’Brien, Patricia C, Ferguson-Smith, Malcolm A, Skinner, Benjamin M, Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2014) Novel tools for characterising inter- and intra-chromosomal rearrangements in avian microchromosomes. In: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2014 Meeting on Avian Model Systems. . p. 56. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (KAR id:46692) |
Lopes, Alexandra M., Miguel, Ricardo N., Sargent, Carole A., Ellis, Peter J.I., Amorim, António, Affara, Nabeel A. (2010) The human RPS4 paralogue on Yq11.223 encodes a structurally conserved ribosomal protein and is preferentially expressed during spermatogenesis. BMC molecular biology, 11 . p. 33. ISSN 1471-2199. (KAR id:46553) |
Lund, Peter A., Tuite, Mick F. (2005) Preventing illicit liaisons in Poland. EMBO Reports, 6 (12). pp. 1126-1130. ISSN 1469-221X. (doi:10.1038/sj.embor.7400581) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:5478) |
Lycett, Stephen J., Eriksson, Anders, Betti, Lia, Friend, Andrew D., Singarayer, Joy S., Cramon-Taubadel, Noreen von, Valdes, Paul J., Balloux, Francois, Manica, Andrea (2012) Late Pleistocene climate change and the global expansion of anatomically modern humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109 (40). pp. 16089-16094. ISSN 1091-6490. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1209494109) (KAR id:32004) |
Maldonado, Jesus E., Michaelides, Sozos, Cornish, Nina, Griffiths, Richard A., Groombridge, Jim J., Zajac, Natalia, Walters, Graham J., Aubret, Fabien, While, Geoffrey M., Uller, Tobias and others. (2015) Phylogeography and Conservation Genetics of the Common Wall Lizard, Podarcis muralis, on Islands at Its Northern Range. PLOS ONE, 10 (2). Article Number 117113. ISSN 1932-6203. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117113) (KAR id:48307) |
Mansell, Jim (2008) Economies and diseconomies of scale in residential services for people with ID. In: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 52 (8-9). p. 755. Wiley (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2008.01092.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:15517) |
Mansell, Jim, Beadle-Brown, Julie, Knapp, Martin R J., Beecham, Jennifer (2008) Conclusions and recommendations from the DECLOC project. In: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 52 (8-9). p. 780. Wiley (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2008.01094.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:15518) |
Martell, Henry, O'Connor, Rebecca, Damas, Joana, Mandawala, A, Fowler, Katie E., Joseph, Sunitha, Farré, Marta, Romanov, Michael N, Lithgow, Pamela E, Larkin, Denis M., and others. (2015) Assembling and comparing avian genomes by molecular cytogenetics. In: 2nd Bioinformatics Student Symposium, 7 Oct 2015, Norwich, Norfolk, UK. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:57005) |
Martín-García, Rebeca, Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2009) Myosin V spatially regulates microtubule dynamics and promotes the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of the fission yeast CLIP-170 homologue, Tip1. Journal of Cell Science, 122 (21). pp. 3862-3872. ISSN 0021-9533. (doi:10.1242/jcs.054460) (KAR id:23030) |
Marzanova, Saida N., Devrishov, Davud A., Turbina, Irina S., Marzanov, Nurbiy S., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Classification of genetic load. . MDPI, Basel, Switzerland Encyclopedia (online), Entry 43363. (KAR id:101042) |
Marzanova, Saida N., Devrishov, Davud A., Turbina, Irina S., Marzanov, Nurbiy S., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Genetic load of mutations causing inherited diseases and its classification in dairy cattle bred in the Russian Federation. Agriculture, 13 (2). Article Number 299. ISSN 2077-0472. E-ISSN 2077-0472. (doi:10.3390/agriculture13020299) (KAR id:99779) |
Marzanova, Saida N. and Devrishov, Davud A. and Turbina, Irina S. and Marzanov, Nurbiy S. and Griffin, Darren K. and Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Genetic load of mutations causing inherited diseases and its classification in dairy cattle bred in the Russian Federation. In: Chen, Zhi and Li, Cong, eds. Breeding, Genetics and Safety Production of Dairy Cattle. Reprint of the special issue published in Agriculture. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 143-158. ISBN 978-3-0365-8246-7. E-ISBN 978-3-0365-8247-4. (doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-8247-4) (KAR id:102400) |
Meyer, Christoph and Struebig, Matthew J. and Willig, Michael (2016) Responses of tropical bats to habitat fragmentation, logging, and deforestation. In: Voigt, Christian and Kingston, Tigga, eds. Bats in the Anthropocene: conservation of bats in a changing world. Springer, pp. 63-103. ISBN 978-3-319-25218-6. E-ISBN 978-3-319-25220-9. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25220-9_4) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:51859) |
Modi, William S, Romanov, Michael N, Green, Eric D, Ryder, Oliver A (2009) Molecular cytogenetics of the California condor: evolutionary and conservation implications. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 127 (1). pp. 26-32. ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000272458) (KAR id:37574) |
Mohammadabadi, M R, Nikbakhti, M, Mirzaee, H R, Shandi, A, Saghi, D A, Romanov, Michael N, Moiseyeva, Irina G (2010) Genetic variability in three native Iranian chicken populations of the Khorasan province based on microsatellite markers. Russian Journal of Genetics, 46 (4). pp. 505-509. ISSN 1022-7954. E-ISSN 1608-3369. (doi:10.1134/S1022795410040198) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37541) |
Mohammadabadi, M R, Nikbakhti, M, Mirzaee, H R, Shandi, A, Saghi, D A, Romanov, Michael N, Moiseyeva, Irina G (2010) Genetic variability in three native Iranian chicken populations of the Khorasan province based on microsatellite markers [Генетическая изменчивость микросателлитных маркеров в трех популяциях местных пород кур из провинции Хорасан]. Genetika, 46 (4). pp. 572-576. ISSN 0016-6758. E-ISSN 1608-3369. (doi:10.1134/s1022795410040198) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46936) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Avrutskaya, T B, Romanov, Michael N (2012) [A.S. Serebrovsky, founder of chicken genetics studies] А.С. Серебровский – основоположник исследований по генетике кур. In: Fisinin, V I, ed. Innovation Developments and Their Implementation in Poultry Industry: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference / Материалы XVII Международной конференции "Инновационные разработки и их освоение в промышленном птицеводстве". . pp. 85-88. WPSA – Russian Branch, Poultry Research Centre / ВНАП, Рос. отд-ние, НП «Научный центр по птицеводству», Sergiyev Posad, Russia / Сергиев Посад, Моск. обл., Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46679) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Avrutskaya, T B, Romanov, Michael N (2013) [Studies in chicken genetics by A. S. Serebrovsky] Исследования А.С. Серебровского по генетике кур. [Dvorovaya zhivnost’ i usad’ba] / Дворовая живность и усадьба, (1–2). pp. 31-37. (KAR id:91086) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Corti, Elio, Romanov, Michael N (2009) [Polydactyly in chickens] Полидактилия у домашних кур. In: Fisinin, V I, ed. Advances in Modern Poultry Science: Research and Innovation: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference / Материалы XVI Международной конференции "Достижения в современном птицеводстве: исследования и инновации". . pp. 51-53. WPSA – Russian Branch, RAAS, All-Russia Poultry Science and Technology Institute / Всемир. науч. ассоц. по птицеводству. Рос. отд-ние, Рос. акад. с.-х. наук, Всерос. науч.-исслед. и технол. ин-т птицеводства, Sergiyev Posad, Russia / Сергиев Посад, Моск. обл., Россия (KAR id:46715) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Kovalenko, A T, Mosyakina, T V, Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yu V, Kutnyuk, P I, Podstreshny, A P, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Tkachik, T E (2006) [Origin, history, genetics and economic traits of the Poltava chicken breed] Происхождение, история, генетика и хозяйственные особенности полтавской породы кур. Elektronnyi zhurnal [Electronic Journal] / Электронный журнал, (4). (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37567) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Romanov, Michael N, Alexandrov, Alexander V, Moysyak, Ye V, Semyenova, Serafima K (2007) Происхождение, история, генетика и хозяйственные особенности породы кур юрловская голосистая [Origin, history, genetics and economic traits of the Yurlov Crower chicken breed]. Elektronnyi zhurnal [Electronic Journal] / Электронный журнал, . (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46624) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Romanov, Michael N, Balanovsky, O P (2003) Dynamics of domestic animal diversity as influenced by anthropogenic factor / Динамика разнообразия домашних животных под действием антропогенного фактора. In: New in Ethnography and Anthropology: CD-ROM Presentation Texts of Participants of the 5th Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia / Новое в этнографии и антропологии: Тексты докладов участников V Конгресса этнографов и антропологов России. . Omsk State University / Омский государственный университет, Omsk, Russia / Омск, Россия (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46429) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G and Nikiforov, Andrey A and Romanov, Michael N and Balanovsky, O P (2003) Dynamics of domestic animal diversity as influenced by anthropogenic factor / Динамика разнообразия домашних животных под действием антропогенного фактора. In: Korusenko, M A and Tikhonov, S S and Tomilov, N A, eds. Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers / Интеграция археологических и этнографических исследований: Сб. науч. тр. Nauka-Omsk / Наука-Омск, Omsk, Russia / Омск, Россия, pp. 284-287. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46430) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Alexandrov, Alexander V, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Sevastyanova, Antonina A (2009) [Evolution and genetic diversity of old domestic hen's breed - Yurlovskaya golosistaya, System analysis of variability forms] Эволюция, генетическая изменчивость юрловской голосистой породы кур. Системный анализ форм изменчивости [Evolution and genetic variation in the Yurlov Crower chicken breed: a system analysis of variation forms]. Izvestiya Timiryazevskoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Akademii [Izvestia [Proceedings] of Timiryazev Agricultural Academy] / Известия Тимирязевской сельскохозяйственной академии, (3). pp. 132-147. ISSN 0021-342X. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46633) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Kovalenko, A T, Mosyakina, T V, Bondarenko, Yu V, Kutnyuk, P I, Podstreshny, A P, Nikiforov, Andrey A (2007) The Poltava chicken breed of Ukraine: its history, characterization and conservation. Animal Genetic Resources Information, 40 . pp. 71-78. ISSN 2078-6336. E-ISSN 2078-6344. (doi:10.1017/S1014233900002212) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46623) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Avrutskaia, N B (2012) [Studies in chicken genetics: commemorating the 120th anniversary of the outstanding Soviet geneticist A. S. Serebrovsky (1892–1948)] Исследования по генетике кур. К 120-летию со дня рождения выдающегося советского генетика А.С. Серебровского (1892–1948). Genetika, 48 (9). pp. 1021-1038. ISSN 0016-6758. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:45740) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Avrutskaya, N B (2012) Studies in chicken genetics. Commemorating the 120th anniversary of the outstanding Soviet geneticist A. S. Serebrovsky (1892–1948). Russian Journal of Genetics, 48 (9). pp. 869-885. ISSN 1022-7954. E-ISSN 1608-3369. (doi:10.1134/S1022795412090074) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37535) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Nikiforov, Andrey A, Sevastyanova, Antonina A, Semyenova, Serafima K (2003) Evolutionary relationships of Red Jungle Fowl and chicken breeds. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 35 (4). pp. 403-423. ISSN 0999-193X. (doi:10.1186/1297-9686-35-5-403) (KAR id:46621) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Ovsyannikova, Helene, Alimov, Andrei (2013) Orloff chicken breed [De Orloff]. Aviculture Europe (Digital Magazine), 9 (4). Article Number 3. E-ISSN 2352-2445. (KAR id:96978) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Romanov, Michael N, Pigarev, Nikolai (2000) Sergey Petrov – Obituary. World's Poultry Science Journal, 56 (4). pp. 437-438. ISSN 0043-9339. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46276) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Sevastyanova, Antonina A, Alexandrov, Alexander V, Romanov, Michael N (2011) [Singing breeds of hens] Поющие породы кур. Priroda / Природа, (4/1148). pp. 10-18. ISSN 0032-874X. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46666) |
Moiseyeva, Irina G, Sevastyanova, Antonina A, Alexandrov, Alexander V, Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Romanov, Michael N, Dmitriev, Yuriy I, Semenova, Serafima K, Sulimova, Galina E (2016) [Orloff chicken breed: history, current status and studies] Орловская порода кур. История, современное состояние, научные исследования. Izvestiya Timiryazevskoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Akademii [Izvestia [Proceedings] of Timiryazev Agricultural Academy] / Известия Тимирязевской сельскохозяйственной академии, (1). pp. 78-96. ISSN 0021-342X. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:54553) |
Morris, W.B., Stephenson, Julie E., Robertson, Lindsay, Turner, K., Brown, Heather, Ioannou, Dimitris, Tempest, Helen G., Skinner, Benjamin M., Griffin, Darren K. (2007) Practicable approaches to facilitate rapid and accurate molecular cytogenetic mapping in birds and mammals. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 117 (1-4). pp. 36-42. ISSN 1424-8581. (doi:10.1159/000103163) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2615) |
Mounce, Hanna L., Raisin, Claire, Leonard, David L., Wickenden, Hannah, Swinnerton, Kirsty J., Groombridge, Jim J. (2015) Spatial genetic architecture of the critically-endangered Maui Parrotbill (Pseudonestor xanthophrys): management considerations for reintroduction strategies. Conservation Genetics, 16 (1). pp. 71-84. ISSN 1566-0621. (doi:10.1007/s10592-014-0641-9) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48305) |
Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2017) Live Cell Imaging in Fission Yeast. In: Hagan, Iain M. and Carr, Anthony M. and Grallert, Agnes and Nurse, Paul, eds. Fission Yeast: A Laboratory Manual. 14 . Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, Long Island, New York, USA. ISBN 978-1-62182-082-6. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:62558) |
Mulvihill, Daniel P. (2017) Live Cell Imaging in Fission Yeast. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2017 (10). pp. 761-773. ISSN 1940-3402. E-ISSN 1559-6095. (doi:10.1101/pdb.top090621) (KAR id:64114) |
Murphy, Glynis H. (2000) Group treatment for men at risk of sex offences. In: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 44. p. 835. Blackwell (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2788.2000.d01-124.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:16444) |
Murphy, Glynis H., Berkson, G. (2000) Early development of self-injurious behaviour in young children with intellectual disabilities. In: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 44. p. 406. Blackwell (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2788.2000.d01-124.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:16446) |
Murphy, Glynis H., O'Callaghan, Ali C., Clare, Isabel C. H. (2007) The impact of alleged abuse on behaviour in adults with severe intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51 (10). pp. 741-749. ISSN 0964-2633. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2007.00973.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2653) |
Murphy, Glynis H., Powell, Simon, Guzman, Ana-Maria, Hays, Sarah-Jane (2007) Cognitive-behavioural treatment for men with intellectual disabilities and sexually abusive behaviour: a pilot study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51 (11). pp. 902-912. ISSN 0964-2633. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2007.00990.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2618) |
Nanda, I., Karl, E., Griffin, Darren K., Schartl, M., Schmid, Michael (2007) Chromosome repatterning in three representative parrots (Psittaciformes) inferred from comparative chromosome painting. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 117 (1-4). pp. 43-53. ISSN 1424-8581. (doi:10.1159/000103164) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2656) |
Narushin, Valeriy G., Bogatyr, V P, Romanov, Michael N (2016) Relationship between hatchability and non-destructive physical measurements of chicken eggs. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 154 (2). pp. 359-365. ISSN 0021-8596. E-ISSN 1469-5146. (doi:10.1017/S0021859615001045) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:54052) |
Narushin, Valeriy G., Selina, M V, Romanov, Michael N. (2019) [Analysis of conjugated changes in gene expression and blood biochemical parameters in an experiment on laying hens] Анализ сопряженных изменений экспрессии генов и биохимических показателей крови в эксперименте на курах-несушках. In: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 67-82. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия ISBN 978-5-6043642-4-6. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89340) |
Narushin, Valery G., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Filippova, Valentina A., Kochish, Ivan I., Gorfunkel, Elena P., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Novikova, Natalia I., Dunyashev, Timur P., and others. (2020) Modelling effects of phytobiotic administration on coherent responses to Salmonella infection in laying hens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 19 (1). pp. 282-287. ISSN 1594-4077. E-ISSN 1828-051X. (doi:10.1080/1828051X.2020.1733445) (KAR id:80364) |
Navarro-Costa, Paulo A., Molaro, Antoine, Misra, Chandra S., Meiklejohn, Colin D., Ellis, Peter J. (2020) Sex and suicide: The curious case of Toll-like receptors. PLoS Biology, . ISSN 1544-9173. (doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000663) (KAR id:80701) |
Nikitkina, Elena V., Dementieva, Natalia V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Atroshchenko, Mikhail M., Kudinov, Andrei A., Samoylov, Oleg I., Pozovnikova, Marina V., Dysin, Artem P., Krutikova, A A, Musidray, Artem A., and others. (2022) Genome-wide association study for frozen-thawed sperm motility in stallions across various horse breeds. Animal Bioscience, 35 (12). pp. 1827-1838. ISSN 2765-0189. E-ISSN 2765-0235. (doi:10.5713/ab.21.0504) (KAR id:96956) |
Nikonov, I N, Il'ina, Larisa A., Kochish, Ivan I., Romanov, Michael N, Podobed, L I, Laptev, Georgi Yu., Panin, A N, Smolenskij, Vladimir I., Suraj, Peter F. (2017) [Changing the intestinal microbiota of chickens in ontogenesis] Изменение микробиоты кишечника кур в онтогенезе. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 7 (4). pp. 492-499. ISSN 2520-2138. (doi:10.15421/2017_150) (KAR id:68759) |
Nikonov, I N, Kochish, Ivan I., Ilyina, Larisa A., Romanov, Michael N, Shevhuzhev, A F (2017) Microbiota in the intestines of cross chick Lohmann Brown in ontogeny. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8 (6). pp. 645-654. ISSN 0975-8585. E-ISSN 0975-8585. (doi:79) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:68767) |
Nikonov, I N, Romanov, Michael N, Kochish, Ivan I., Surai, Peter F. (2018) Determination of microbiocoenoses in the intestine of the Hisex Brown hens in ontogenesis. In: World's Poultry Science Journal. The XVth European Poultry Conference: Conference Information and Proceedings. (Suppl.). 337, Abstract 599. World's Poultry Science Association, Zagreb, Croatia ISBN 978-90-829157-0-9. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:69139) |
Nishida-Umehara, Chizuko, Tsuda, Yayoi, Ishijima, Junko, Ando, Junko, Fujiwara, Atushi, Matsuda, Yoichi, Griffin, Darren K. (2007) The molecular basis of chromosome orthologies and sex chromosomal differentiation in palaeognathous birds. Chromosome Research, 15 (6). pp. 721-734. ISSN 0967-3849. (doi:10.1007/s10577-007-1157-7) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2664) |
O'Callaghan, Ali C., Murphy, Glynis H. (2007) Sexual relationships in adults with intellectual disabilities: understanding the law. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51 (3). pp. 197-206. ISSN 0964-2633. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2006.00857.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:2686) |
O'Connor, Rebecca, Damas, J, Farré, Marta, Romanov, Michael N, Martell, Henry, Fonseka, Gothami, Jennings, R, Kiazam, L, Bennett, Sophie, Ward, Jake, and others. (2016) Upgrading molecular cytogenetics to study reproduction and reproductive isolation in mammals, birds, and dinosaurs. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 148 (2–3). 151-152 (Abstract VII.13). ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000446523) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:57004) |
O'Connor, Rebecca, Romanov, Michael N, Farré, Marta, Larkin, Denis M., Griffin, Darren K. (2016) Gross genome evolution in the Dinosauria. Chromosome Research, 24 (Supp 1). S36-S37. ISSN 0967-3849. E-ISSN 1573-6849. (doi:10.1007/s10577-016-9532-x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:61145) |
O'Connor, Rebecca, Romanov, Michael N, Farré, Marta, Larkin, Denis M., Griffin, Darren K. (2015) Reconstruction of the putative Saurian karyotype and the hypothetical chromosome rearrangements that occurred along the Dinosuar lineage. In: Griffin, Darren K and Fowler, Katie E and Ellis, Peter J.I. and Jackson, Dean A, eds. Chromosome Research. 20th International Chromosome Conference (ICCXX): 50th Anniversary, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1st–4th September 2014. 23 (2). 379-380 (Abstract O22). Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science+Business Media, Cham, Switzerland (doi:10.1007/s10577-014-9447-3) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46904) |
O'Connor, Rebecca, Romanov, Michael N, Farré, Marta, Larkin, Denis M, Griffin, Darren K. (2014) Reconstruction of the putative Saurian karyotype and the hypothetical chromosome rearrangements that occurred along the Dinosuar lineage. In: 20th International Chromosome Conference, 1–4 September 2014, Canterbury, Kent, UK. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46704) |
O'Connor, Rebecca, Romanov, Michael N, Kiazim, Lucas G, Barrett, Paul M, Farré, Marta, Damas, Joana, Ferguson-Smith, Malcolm A., Valenzuela, Nicole, Larkin, Denis M, Griffin, Darren K. and others. (2018) Reconstruction of the diapsid ancestral genome permits chromosome evolution tracing in avian and non-avian dinosaurs. Nature Communications, 9 (1). Article Number 1883. ISSN 2041-1723. (doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04267-9) (KAR id:67102) |
Onyemaechi, Ogechi (2025) Investigating the Functional Impact of Six Clinically Relevant Variants in Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 3 subunit i (eIF3i) on Global Translation, Growth Rate, and Protein Interaction: A Molecular and Cellular Analysis. Master of Science by Research (MScRes) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.108556) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:108556) |
O’Connor, Rebecca E., Kretschmer, Rafael, Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K. (2024) Bird’s-eye view of chromosomic evolution in Class Aves. . MDPI Encyclopedia. (KAR id:105136) |
O’Connor, Rebecca E., Kretschmer, Rafael, Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K. (2024) A bird's-eye view of chromosomic evolution in the Class Aves. Cells, 13 (4). Article Number 310. ISSN 2073-4409. E-ISSN 2073-4409. (doi:10.3390/cells13040310) (KAR id:104902) |
Paredes, Ursula M., Prys-Jones, Robert, Adams, Mark, Groombridge, Jim J., Kundu, Samit, Agapow, Paul-Michael, Abel, Richard L. (2012) Micro-CT X-rays do not fragment DNA in preserved bird skins. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 50 (3). pp. 247-250. ISSN 0947-5745. (doi:10.1111/j.1439-0469.2012.00657.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48321) |
Pheasey, Helen, Albert Fonseca, Andrea, J. Albertazzi, Federico, Griffiths, Richard A., Roberts, David L. (2024) Tracing the origins of sea turtle eggs in the markets of Costa Rica. Conservation Science and Practice, 6 (5). Article Number e13125. ISSN 2578-4854. (doi:10.1111/csp2.13125) (KAR id:105727) |
Pickles, R. S. A., Groombridge, Jim J., Rojas, V. D. Zambrana, Van Damme, P., Gottelli, D., Ariani, C. V., Jordan, W. C. (2012) Genetic diversity and population structure in the endangered giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis. Conservation Genetics, 13 (1). pp. 235-245. ISSN 1566-0621. (doi:10.1007/s10592-011-0279-9) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48323) |
Pickles, R.S.A., Groombridge, Jim J., Zambrana Rojas, V.D., Van Damme, P., Gottelli, D., Kundu, S., Bodmer, R., Ariani, C.V., Iyengar, A., Jordan, W.C. and others. (2011) Evolutionary history and identification of conservation units in the giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 61 (3). pp. 616-627. ISSN 1055-7903. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.08.017) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48329) |
Pirany, Nasrollah, Romanov, Michael N, Ganpule, Suhash P, Devegowda, Govindaiah, Prasad, Doddananjappa T (2007) Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity in Indian chicken populations [Анализ генетической изменчивости внутри и между шестью индийскими популяциями кур с помощью микросателлитных маркеров. (Иран. Индия)]. The Journal of Poultry Science, 44 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 1346-7395. (doi:10.2141/jpsa.44.19) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37685) |
Plemyashov, Kirill V., Smaragdov, M.G., Romanov, Michael N. (2021) [Genomic assessment of breeding bulls] Геномная оценка племенных быков. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 363-367. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90630) |
Plemyashov, Kirill V., Smaragdov, M.G., Romanov, Michael N. (2021) [Molecular genetic polymorphism in animal populations and its application in intensive breeding of dairy cattle – a review] Молекулярно-генетический полиморфизм в популяциях животных и его применение в интенсивной селекции молочного скота: обзор. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 368-378. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90631) |
Raisin, Claire, Frantz, Alain C., Kundu, Samit, Greenwood, Andrew G., Jones, Carl G., Zuel, Nicolas, Groombridge, Jim J. (2012) Genetic consequences of intensive conservation management for the Mauritius parakeet. Conservation Genetics, 13 (3). pp. 707-715. ISSN 1566-0621. (doi:10.1007/s10592-012-0319-0) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48320) |
Ren, Chengwei, Lee, Mi-Kyung, Yan, Bo, Ding, Kejiao, Cox, Bettye, Romanov, Michael N, Price, Jennifer A, Dodgson, Jerry B, Zhang, Hongbin (2003) A BAC-based physical map of the chicken genome. Genome Research, 13 (12). pp. 2754-2758. ISSN 1088-9051. (doi:10.1101/gr.1499303) (KAR id:37566) |
Resnick, Michael A., Cox, Brian S. (2000) Yeast as an honorary mammal. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 451 (1-2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0027-5107. (doi:10.1016/S0027-5107(00)00036-1) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:16562) |
Ridout, Martin S., Bell, J.A., Simpson, D.W. (2001) Analysis of segregation data from selfed progeny of allopolyploids. Heredity, 87 (5). pp. 537-543. ISSN 0018-067X. (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2540.2001.00938.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:9370) |
Ridout, Martin S., Xu, Xiang-Ming, Tobutt, Kenneth R. Single-locus gametophytic incompatibility in autotetraploids. Journal of Heredity, 96 . pp. 430-433. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:9052) |
Riel, Jonathan M., Yamauchi, Yasuhiro, Sugawara, Atsushi, Li, Ho Yan J., Ruthig, Victor, Stoytcheva, Zoia, Ellis, Peter J.I., Cocquet, Julie, Ward, Monika A. (2013) Deficiency of the multi-copy mouse Y gene Sly causes sperm DNA damage and abnormal chromatin packaging. Journal of cell science, 126 (Pt 3). pp. 803-13. ISSN 1477-9137. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46547) |
Roberts, David L., St. John, Freya A.V. (2014) Estimating the prevalence of researcher misconduct: a study of UK academics within biological sciences. PeerJ, 2 . pp. 1-7. ISSN 2167-8359. (doi:10.7717/peerj.562) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42997) |
Romanov, M.N., Grozina, A A, Ilina, Larisa A., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Filippova, Valentina A., Tyurina, D G, Fisinin, V I, Kochish, I.I., Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2022) From feed regulation to regulated feeding: intestinal microbiome and performance optimization in broiler chickens in response to antibiotic and probiotic treatment [От регулирования кормов к регулируемому кормлению: оптимизация микробиома кишечника и продуктивности цыплят-бройлеров в ответ на применение антибиотика и пробиотика]. In: Life of Genomes 2022: Abstracts of the International Conference / Жизнь геномов 2022: Сборник тезисов Международной конференции. . pp. 44-45. Research Center "Regulatory Genomics", Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia (KAR id:99216) |
Romanov, M.N., Kochish, I.I., Myasnikova, O.V., Nikonov, I.N., Surai, P.F., Selina, M.V. (2021) [Modern biotechnology and optimization of intestinal microbiota in poultry industry] Современные биотехнологии и оптимизация микробиоты кишечника в условиях промышленного птицеводства. In: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 138-141. VNIIGRZh / ВНИИГРЖ, Pushkin, Russia (In press) (KAR id:93136) |
Romanov, M.N., Kochish, I.I., Sharafetdinov, G.R., Myasnikova, O V, Nikonov, I N, Selina, M.V., Surai, P.F. (2021) [Towards advanced biotechnological developments to realize the genetic potential of egg-type poultry] Направления современных биотехнологических разработок для реализации генетического потенциала яичной птицы. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 40-51. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90617) |
Romanov, M.N., Kochish, I.I., Titov, V.Yu., Nikonov, I N, Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Vorobyov, N.I., Korenyuga, M V, Myasnikova, O V, Dolgorukova, A.M., Griffin, Darren K. and others. (2022) Breed-specific patterns of early myogenesis, nitric oxide metabolism, and post-hatch growth in relation to genetic diversity and divergent selection in chickens [Породоспецифичные модели раннего миогенеза, метаболизма оксида азота и постнатального роста в связи с генетическим разнообразием и разнонаправленной селекцией у кур]. In: Life of Genomes 2022: Abstracts of the International Conference / Жизнь геномов 2022: Сборник тезисов Международной конференции. . p. 43. Research Center "Regulatory Genomics", Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia (KAR id:99220) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP). World's Poultry Science Journal, 51 (1). pp. 100-101. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46321) |
Romanov, Michael N (1994) Analysis of down and plumage colour and pattern in Rhode Island Red-like breeder hens. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Baltic Poultry Conference / II-я конференция Балтийских стран по птицеводству: тез. докл. . pp. 81-82. World's Poultry Science Association, Lithuanian Branch, Vilnius, Lithuania / Вильнюс, Литва (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46316) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) [Analysis of down and plumage colour and pattern in the Rhode Island White-like chickens] Анализ фенотипов окраски и рисунка пуха и оперения кур типа белый род-айланд. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Devoted to 140th Birth Anniversary of Professor P.N. Kuleshov / Материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., посв. 140-летию со дня рождения профессора П.Н.Кулешова. . pp. 39-40. Kharkiv Zooveterinary Institute / Харьковский зооветеринарный институт, Kharkiv, Ukraine / Харьков, Украина (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46318) |
Romanov, Michael N (2021) British sheep breed diversity. . MDPI, Basel, Switzerland Encyclopedia (online), Entry 8505. (KAR id:89156) |
Romanov, Michael N (2005) California condors benefit from genome studies. CRES Report, (Winter). p. 3. ISSN n/a. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37544) |
Romanov, Michael N (1993) Centres of domestication, breed formation and dispersion of geese and ducks / Центри доместикації, породоутворення і поширення гусей та качок. In: Abstracts of the 1st Ukrainian Poultry Conference / Тези доповідей I Наукової конференції по птахівництву. . World's Poultry Science Association, Ukrainian Branch, Poultry Research Institute, UAAS / Всесвітня наукова асоціація з птахівництва, Українське відділення, Інститут птахівництва УААН, Borky, Simferopol, Ukraine / Борки, Сімферополь, Україна; pp. 11–14 (Ukrainian), 122–123 (English) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46717) |
Romanov, Michael N (1988) [Development of initial selection material producing colour-sexing crossbred progeny] Создание исходного материала для селекции, дающего колорсексное гибридное потомство. In: Abstracts of the Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation "Problems of Commercial Production of Eggs" / Проблеми на промишленото производство на яйца: Материали от научно-техническата конференция с международно участие. . pp. 21-22. Poultry Institute – Kostinbrod / Институт по птицевъдство – Костинброд, Sofia, Bulgaria / София, България (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46292) |
Romanov, Michael N (1994) [Electrophoretic study of the ovoprotein loci in layer populations under improvement of Hisex Brown cross] Электрофоретическое изучение овопротеиновых локусов в популяциях яичных кур в процессе совершенствования кросса “Хайсекс коричневый”. In: Zubets, M.V. and et al., eds. Abstracts of the 1st International Conference "Molecular-Genetic Markers of Animals" / Молекуляр.-генет.маркеры животных: Тез. докл. I Междунар. конф. по молекулярно-генетическим маркерам животных. . pp. 34-35. UAAS; Agrarna nauka / Укр. акад. аграр. наук, Ин-т разведения и генетики животных, Ин-т агроэкологии и биотехнологии; Аграрна наука, Kyiv, Ukraine / Киев, Украина (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46418) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Evolution of domestic geese. Centres of domestication and dispersion = Эволюция домашних гусей. Центры доместикации, породообразования и распространения. In: Gudina, Alexander N., ed. New Investigations on Palearctic Geese / Новые исследования по гусям Палеарктики: сб. науч. тр. Zaporizhya Branch of the Ukrainian Ornithological Society, Zaporizhya State University / Запорожское отделение Укр. орнит. об-ва, Запорожский гос. ун-т, Zaporizhya, Ukraine / Запорожье, Украина, pp. 120-126. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46275) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Evolution of domestic geese. Reconstruction of microphylogenesis by methods of population phenetics = Эволюция домашних гусей. Реконструкция микрофилогенеза с помощью методов фенетики популяций. In: Gudina, Alexander N., ed. New Investigations on Palearctic Geese / Новые исследования по гусям Палеарктики: сб. науч. тр. Zaporizhya Branch of the Ukrainian Ornithological Society, Zaporizhya State University / Запорожское отделение Укр. орнит. об-ва, Запорожский гос. ун-т, Zaporizhya, Ukraine / Запорожье, Украина, pp. 115-120. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46274) |
Romanov, Michael N (2000) Farm animal genetic resources. Global regions – breeds at risk. Europe: Ukraine (Chicken. Domestic duck. Domestic goose. Turkey). In: Scherf, B D, ed. World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity. 3rd. Information Division, FAO, UNEP, Rome, Italy, 429-440, 642. ISBN 92-5-104511-9. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46424) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Farm animal genetic resources. The global databank for farm animal genetic resources. Breeds currently in the global databank: Ukraine. Chicken. Domestic duck. Domestic goose. Turkey. In: Scherf, B D, ed. World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity. 2nd. Information Division, FAO, UNEP, Rome, Italy, 550-551, 602. ISBN 92-5-103729-9. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46419) |
Romanov, Michael N (2004) Geese. In: Pond, W G and Bell, A W, eds. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Dekker Encyclopedias Series . Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, USA, pp. 453-455. ISBN 0-8247-5496-4. E-ISBN 0-8247-5495-6. (doi:10.1081/E-EAS-120019645) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46523) |
Romanov, Michael N (2011) Geese. In: Ullrey, D E and Baer, C K and Pond, W G, eds. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. 2nd. Taylor & Francis Inc.; CRC Press Inc., London, UK; Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 487-489. ISBN 978-1-4398-0932-7. (doi:10.1081/E-EAS2-120019645) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46532) |
Romanov, Michael N (2018) Geese. In: Ullrey, D E and Baer, C K and Pond, W G, eds. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. 2nd (eBook). Taylor & Francis Inc.; CRC Press Inc., London, UK; Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 487-489. ISBN 1-351-23799-3. E-ISBN 978-1-351-23799-4. (doi:10.1081/E-EAS2-151/geese) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89628) |
Romanov, Michael N (2007) Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction, 5th ed. Review of: Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction, 5th ed by Brown, Terence A. Journal of Heredity, 98 (1). pp. 97-98. ISSN 0022-1503. E-ISSN 1465-7333. (doi:10.1093/jhered/esl047) (KAR id:37677) |
Romanov, Michael N (1991) [Genetic peculiarities of plumage pigmentation in chickens from autosexing cross Hisex Brown] Генетические особенности пигментации оперения у кур аутосексного кросса “Хайсекс Браун”. In: Ukrainian Conference with International Participation "Actual Problems of Current Poultry Farming" / Актуальные проблемы современного птицеводства: Укр. конф. с международ. участием. . pp. 26-27. , Kharkiv, Ukraine / Харьков, Украина (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46299) |
Romanov, Michael N (1992) Genetic studies on geese of Ukraine and Russia. 1. Historical preface. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Waterfowl. . pp. 102-104. World's Poultry Science Association, Pisa, Italy (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46300) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Genetic studies on geese of Ukraine and Russia. 3. Phenetic and phylogenetic approaches. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Waterfowl. . pp. 429-432. World's Poultry Science Association, Halle (Saale), Germany (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46301) |
Romanov, Michael N (2001) Genetics of broodiness in poultry — a review. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 14 (11). pp. 1647-1654. ISSN 1011-2367. E-ISSN 1976-5517. (doi:10.5713/ajas.2001.1647) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46710) |
Romanov, Michael N (1999) Goose production efficiency as influenced by genotype, nutrition and production systems. World's Poultry Science Journal, 55 (3). pp. 281-294. ISSN 0043-9339. E-ISSN 1743-4777. (doi:10.1079/WPS19990021) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46422) |
Romanov, Michael N (1997) Impact of genotype, nutrition and management systems on goose production efficiency. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Waterfowl. . pp. 33-41. Association Groupe Francais de la WPSA (French Branch); World Society for the Protection of Animals French Branch, Nantes, France ISBN 2950788432, 9782950788436. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46409) |
Romanov, Michael N (2016) News: To Russia with love; The Spectre of a return trip. CISoR Newsletter, (3). p. 8. (KAR id:57886) |
Romanov, Michael N (1993) Phenetics of poultry populations / Фенетика популяцій с.-г. птиці. In: Abstracts of the 1st Ukrainian Poultry Conference / Тези доповідей I Наукової конференції по птахівництву. . 15-16 (Ukrainian), 123 (English). World's Poultry Science Association, Ukrainian Branch, Poultry Research Institute, UAAS / Всесвітня наукова асоціація з птахівництва, Українське відділення, Інститут птахівництва УААН, Borky, Simferopol, Ukraine / Борки, Сімферополь, Україна (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46302) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Polish Branch. World's Poultry Science Journal, 51 (1). pp. 114-115. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46732) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Polish Branch. World's Poultry Science Journal, 51 (3). pp. 363-364. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83588) |
Romanov, Michael N (1994) [Polymorphic ovoproteins as markers of intra-population variability in black-headed gull] Полиморфные овобелки как маркеры внутрипопуляционной изменчивости озерной чайки. In: Zubets, M.V. and et al., eds. Abstracts of the 1st International Conference "Molecular-Genetic Markers of Animals" / Молекуляр.-генет.маркеры животных: Тез. докл. I Междунар. конф. по молекулярно-генетическим маркерам животных. . pp. 35-36. UAAS; Agrarna nauka / Укр. акад. аграр. наук, Ин-т разведения и генетики животных, Ин-т агроэкологии и биотехнологии; Аграрна наука, Kyiv, Ukraine / Киев, Украина (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46307) |
Romanov, Michael N (1996) [Population and Genetic Characterization of Poultry for Autosexing and Other Marker Traits: Author’s Abstract, Thesis of the Candidate of Biological Sciences [Ph.D. in Biology], specialty code 03.00.15 — Genetics] Популяционно-генетическая характеристика сельскохозяйственной птицы по аутосексности и другим маркером признакам: автореф. дис. ... канд. биол. наук: 03.00.15 / Романов Михаил Николаевич. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, Kharkiv National University / Харьковский гос. ун-т, Харьков, Украина. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46333) |
Romanov, Michael N (1996) [Population and Genetic Characterization of Poultry for Autosexing and Other Marker Traits: Thesis of the Candidate of Biological Sciences [Ph.D. in Biology], specialty code 03.00.15 — Genetics] Популяционно-генетическая характеристика сельскохозяйственной птицы по аутосексности и другим маркером признакам: дис. ... канд. биол. наук: 03.00.15 / Романов Михаил Николаевич. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, UAAS, Poultry Research Institute / УААН, Ин-т птицеводства, Борки, Украина. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46334) |
Romanov, Michael N (1992) [Population-morphological studies on domestic geese] Популяційно-морфологічні дослідження домашніх гусей. In: Proceedings of the Ukrainian Conference of Young Scientists and Postgraduates on Poultry Problems / Українська конф. молодих вчених та аспірантів з питань птахівництва: Тези доповідей. . pp. 8-9. Poultry Research Institute, UAAS / Институт птицеводства УААН, Borky, Kharkiv, Ukraine / Борки, Харків, Україна (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46423) |
Romanov, Michael N (1993) [Problems of genetics and selection in the Congress proceedings] Проблемы генетики и селекции в материалах конгресса. Ptitsevodstvo / Птицеводство, 43 (8). pp. 36-39. ISSN 0033-3239. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46298) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Qualitative and quantitative egg characteristics in laying hens of different genotype. In: Cepero Briz, Ricardo, ed. Egg and Egg Products Quality: Proceedings of the VI European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. . pp. 203-206. World's Poultry Science Association, Spanish Branch; Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain ISBN 978-84-605-3926-1. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46404) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Searching for non-allelic relationships between feathering and egg white loci in laying hens. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Current Problems in Avian Genetics. . pp. 160-163. World's Poultry Science Association, Polish Branch, Balice near Kraków, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46325) |
Romanov, Michael N (1994) Searching for relationships between feathering and egg white genotypes in laying hens. In: Materiały z VIII Międzynarodowego Młodzieżowego Sympozjum Drobiarskiego. . pp. 81-82. World's Poultry Science Association, Polish Branch; ART, Bydgoszcz, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83524) |
Romanov, Michael N (1986) Сцепленное с полом наследование и аутосексинг домашних птиц: Реферат [Sex-linked Inheritance and Autosexing in Poultry: Review]. VASKhNIL, Ukrainian Poultry Research Institute / ВАСХНИЛ, ЮО, Укр. НИИ птицеводства, Borki, USSR / Борки, СССР. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:105344) |
Romanov, Michael N (1988) Study of genetic polymorphism of ovoproteins in some egg type and meat-egg type lines of chickens. In: Abstracts of the 4th Symposium of Young Poultry Scientists / IV Naukowe międzynarodowe młodzieżowe sympozjum drobiarskie: Streszczenie referatów. . p. 10. World's Poultry Science Association, Polish Branch, Kraków, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46291) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Turkish Branch — YUTAV'95. World's Poultry Science Journal, 51 (3). p. 364. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83589) |
Romanov, Michael N (1996) Ukrainian Branch. World's Poultry Science Journal, 52 (3). p. 363. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83598) |
Romanov, Michael N (1995) Ukrainian Branch. World's Poultry Science Journal, 51 (1). p. 115. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46320) |
Romanov, Michael N (1994) Using phenetic approaches for studying poultry populations under preservation and breeding. In: Gene mapping, polymorphisms, disease genetic markers, marker assisted selection, gene expression, transgenes, non-conventional animal products, conservation genetics, conservation of domestic animal genetic resources. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 21. pp. 556-559. International Committee for World Congresses on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production; University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada ISBN 0-88955-366-1. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46403) |
Romanov, Michael N (1989) The study of genetic structure of autosexing cross of chickens. In: Abstracts of the 5th Symposium of Young Poultry Scientists / V Naukowe międzynarodowe młodzieżowe sympozjum drobiarskie: Streszczenie referatów. . p. 7. World's Poultry Science Association, Polish Branch, Szczecin, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46296) |
Romanov, Michael N. (2022) Microchromosome organization in birds. . MDPI, Basel, Switzerland Encyclopedia (online), Entry 30520. (KAR id:97565) |
Romanov, Michael N. (1994) Study of feathering phenotypes in Hisex Brown parent lines and their hybrids — a population-genetic analysis. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Poultry Conference: Plenary Papers and Contributed Papers. 1. pp. 352-354. Great Britain, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; World's Poultry Science Association, UK Branch, Andover, Hampshire, England, UK ISBN 0-9523602-1-7. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46313) |
Romanov, Michael N., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Fisinin, Vladimir I., Gladyr, Elena A., Volkova, Natalia A., Anshakov, Dmitry V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Dotsev, Arsen V., Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2023) Whole genome screening procures a holistic hold of the Russian chicken gene pool heritage and demographic history. Biology, 12 (7). Article Number 979. ISSN 2079-7737. E-ISSN 2079-7737. (doi:10.3390/biology12070979) (KAR id:102026) |
Romanov, Michael N., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Fisinin, Vladimir I., Gladyr, Elena A., Volkova, Natalia A., Koshkina, Olga A., Rodionov, Andrey N., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Gusev, Igor V., Anshakov, Dmitry V., and others. (2023) Selective footprints and genes relevant to cold adaptation and other phenotypic traits are unscrambled in the genomes of divergently selected chicken breeds. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 14 (1). Article Number 35. ISSN 2049-1891. (doi:10.1186/s40104-022-00813-0) (KAR id:100214) |
Romanov, Michael N., Da, Yang, Chemnick, Leona G., Thomas, Steven M., Dandekar, Sugandha S., Papp, Jeanette C., Ryder, Oliver A. (2022) Towards a genetic linkage map of the California condor, an endangered New World vulture species. Animals, 12 (23). Article Number 3266. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani12233266) (KAR id:98311) |
Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K. (2021) [Molecular genetic and genomic approaches to studying evolution and adaptation in birds] Молекулярно-генетические и геномные подходы к изучению эволюции и адаптации птиц. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 147-156. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90628) |
Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K., Panin, A N, Kochish, Ivan I., Smolensky, Vladimir I., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Nikonov, I N, Ilyina, Larisa A. (2017) Comparison of gut microbiota in hens of the crosses Hisex Brown and Lohmann Brown. In: Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism. Proceedings of 15th World Congress on Advances in Nutrition Food Science & Technology. 1 (3). p. 30. Allied Academies, London, UK (KAR id:89543) |
Romanov, Michael N., Kiazim, Lucas, O'Connor, Rebecca, Griffin, Darren K. (2020) [Current molecular genetic and genomic technologies in the field of studying the avian biology. 2. Basic research] Современные молекулярно-генетические и геномные технологии в области изучения биологии птиц. 2. Фундаментальные исследования. In: Materials of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 2-й Международной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 34-44. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/k20-5) (KAR id:89220) |
Romanov, Michael N., Kochish, Ivan I., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Filippova, Valentina A., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Novikova, Natalia I., Dunyashev, Timur P., Novikova, Oksana B., and others. (2019) [Development of modern biotechnologies for evaluating gene expression in connection with disease resistance and productivity in poultry] Разработка современных биотехнологий для оценки экспрессии генов в связи с устойчивостью к болезням и продуктивностью у домашней птицы. In: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 11-41. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия ISBN 978-5-6043642-4-6. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89342) |
Romanov, Michael N., Kochish, Ivan I., Selina, M.V. (2021) [Research in the International Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Genomics of Poultry, FSBEI HE MGAVMiB – MBA named after K. I. Skryabin] Исследования международной лаборатории молекулярной генетики и геномики птицы ФГБОУ ВО МГАВМиБ – MBA имени К. И. Скрябина. In: Materials of the National Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы национальной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 179-180. FGBOU VO MGAVMiB – MBA named after K. I. Skryabin, Moscow, Russia (KAR id:89151) |
Romanov, Michael N., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Filippova, Valentina A., Kochish, Ivan I., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Novikova, Natalia I., Dunyashev, Timur P., Smolensky, Vladimir I., and others. (2020) [Current molecular genetic and genomic technologies in the field of studying the avian biology. 1. Applied research] Современные молекулярно-генетические и геномные технологии в области изучения биологии птиц. 1. Прикладные исследования. In: Materials of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 2-й Международной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 13-33. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/k20-5) (KAR id:89219) |
Romanov, Michael N., Larkina, Tatiana A., Barkova, Olga Y., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., Mitrofanova, Olga V., Dementieva, Natalia V., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Makarova, Alexandra V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., and others. (2021) [Comparative analysis of phenotypic traits in various breeds representing the world poultry gene pool] Сравнительный анализ фенотипических признаков различных пород, представляющих мировой генофонд птицы. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 52-63. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90623) |
Romanov, Michael N., Shakhin, Alexey V., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Volkova, Natalia A., Efimov, Dmitry N., Fisinin, Vladimir I., Korshunova, Liudmila G., Anshakov, Dmitry V., Dotsev, Arsen V., Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2024) Dissecting selective signatures and candidate genes in grandparent lines subject to high selection pressure for broiler production and in a local Russian chicken breed of Ushanka. Genes, 15 (4). Article Number 524. ISSN 2073-4425. E-ISSN 2073-4425. (doi:10.3390/genes15040524) (KAR id:105714) |
Romanov, Michael N., Trukhina, A V, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Griffin, Darren K. (2021) [Actual problems of cytogenomics, organization and evolution of the genomes and chromosomes in birds] Актуальные вопросы цитогеномики, организации и эволюции геномов и хромосом у птиц. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 64-79. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90625) |
Romanov, Michael N., Zinovieva, Natalia A., Griffin, Darren K. (2021) British sheep breeds as a part of world sheep gene pool landscape: looking into genomic applications. Animals, 11 (4). Article Number 994. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani11040994) (KAR id:89154) |
Romanov, Michael N, Ameen, Questan A., Shaker, Ahmed S., Al-Obaidi, Rana M., Griffin, Darren K. (2024) Conservation genetics and breeding using molecular genetic markers in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Edition), 16 (4). Article Number 23. ISSN 1945-0516. E-ISSN 1945-0524. (doi:10.31083/j.fbs1604023) (KAR id:108243) |
Romanov, Michael N, Avrutskaya, T B, Moiseyeva, Irina G (2012) [Life given to science. To 120th anniversary of A. S. Serebrovsky] Жизнь, отданная науке. К 120-летию со дня рождения А.С. Серебровского. Priroda / Природа, (2/1158). pp. 63-70. ISSN 0032-874X. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46673) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bato, R V, Yokoyama, M T, Rust, S R (2004) PCR detection and 16S rRNA sequence-based phylogeny of a novel Propionibacterium acidipropionici applicable for enhanced fermentation of high moisture corn. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 97 (1). pp. 38-47. ISSN 1364-5072. E-ISSN 1365-2672. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2004.02282.x) (KAR id:37561) |
Romanov, Michael N, Betuel, Adam M., Chemnick, Leona G., Ryder, Oliver A., Kulibaba, Roman O., Tereshchenko, Oleksandr V., Payne, William S., Delekta, Phillip C, Dodgson, Jerry B, Tuttle, Elaina M., and others. (2019) Widely applicable PCR markers for sex identification in birds. Russian Journal of Genetics, 55 (2). pp. 220-231. ISSN 1022-7954. E-ISSN 1608-3369. (doi:10.1134/S1022795419020121) (KAR id:74022) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yu V (1991) Genetic structure of plumage color in some populations of geese. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Current Problems of Avian Genetics. . p. 198. Výzkumný ústav pro chov (Czech and Slovak Federal Republic); World's Poultry Science Association, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic Branch; Slovak Society for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Science, Smolenice, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46297) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yu V (1994) Introducing Ukrainian indigenous poultry — domestic ducks. Fancy Fowl, 13 (3). 13, 28. ISSN 0262-3846. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46713) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yu V (1994) Introducing the Ukrainian indigenous poultry — the Poltava chickens. Fancy Fowl, 14 (2). pp. 8-9. ISSN 0262-3846. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46284) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yu V (1995) Use of autosexing in waterfowl breeding and production. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Waterfowl. . pp. 473-476. World's Poultry Science Association, Halle (Saale), Germany (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46323) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yu V, Veremeyenko, R P (1994) Conservation of Ukrainian domestic duck genetic resources / Збереження генофонду українських свійських качок. In: Abstracts of the 13th Ukrainian Conference of Young Poultry Scientists and Postgraduates / XIII Українська конференція молодих вчених і аспірантів з птахівництва: Тези доповідей. . pp. 24-26. World's Poultry Science Association, Ukrainian Branch, Poultry Research Institute, UAAS / Всесвітня наукова асоціація з птахівництва, Українське відділення, Інститут птахівництва УААН, Borky, Ukraine / Борки, Україна (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46330) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yuri V. (1986) [Study of down colour in coloursex chicks (S locus)] Изучение окраски пуха колорсексных цыплят (локус S) [Izuchenie okraski pukha kolorseksnykh tsyplyat (lokus S)]. In: Contribution of Young Scientists of the Ukraine to the Intensification of Agricultural Production. Abstracts of the 2nd Republican Scientific and Production Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists / Вклад молодых ученых Украины в интенсификацию с.-х. производства: Тез. докл. 2-й Респ. науч.-производств. конф. молодых учёных и специалистов. 2. pp. 156-157. VASKhNIL / ВАСХНИЛ; НИИЖ Лесостепи и Полесья УССР; УкрНИИ эксперимент. ветеринарии; УкрНИИ птиц-ва; Укр. НИИРСиГ им. В.Я. Юрьева, Kharkov, USSR / Харьков, СССР (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46285) |
Romanov, Michael N, Bondarenko, Yuri V., Sakhatsky, N I (1992) Genetic studies on geese of Ukraine and Russia. 2. Research aspects. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Waterfowl. . pp. 105-107. World's Poultry Science Association, Pisa, Italy (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46322) |
Romanov, Michael N, Daniels, Laura, Dodgson, Jerry B, Delany, Mary E. (2005) Integration of the cytogenetic and physical maps of chicken chromosome 17. Chromosome Research, 13 (2). pp. 215-222. ISSN 0967-3849. E-ISSN 1573-6849. (doi:10.1007/s10577-005-1506-3) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37555) |
Romanov, Michael N, Dementieva, Natalia V., Plemyashov, Kirill V, Terletsky, Valeriy P., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Kudinov, Andrei A., Fedorova, Elena S., Perinek, Oksana Yu, Larkina, Tatiana A., Pleshanov, Nikolai V. and others. (2017) Applying SNP array technology to assess genetic diversity in Russian gene pool of chickens. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XXV Conference, 14-18 January 2017, San Diego, CA, USA. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:61064) |
Romanov, Michael N, Dodgson, Jerry B (2006) Cross-species overgo hybridization and comparative physical mapping within avian genomes. Animal Genetics, 37 (4). pp. 397-399. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2006.01463.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37548) |
Romanov, Michael N, Dodgson, Jerry B (2005) Development of a physical and comparative map of the turkey genome. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XIII Conference, 15-19 January 2005, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46542) |
Romanov, Michael N, Dodgson, Jerry B, Gonser, Rusty A, Tuttle, Elaina M (2011) Comparative BAC-based mapping in the white-throated sparrow, a novel behavioral genomics model, using interspecies overgo hybridization. BMC Research Notes, 4 . p. 211. ISSN 1756-0500. (doi:10.1186/1756-0500-4-211) (KAR id:37550) |
Romanov, Michael N, Ellegren, Hans, Dodgson, Jerry B (2001) Polymerase chain reaction amplified markers for bird sexing. In: International Plant and Animal Genome IX Conference, 13–17 January 2001, San Diego, CA, USA. (KAR id:46277) |
Romanov, Michael N, Farré-Belmonte, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela E, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E, Larkin, Denis M, Griffin, Darren K. (2014) In silico reconstruction of chromosomal rearrangements and an avian ancestral karyotype. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference, 11-16 January 2014, San Diego, CA, USA. (KAR id:37651) |
Romanov, Michael N, Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela E, Fowler, Katie E., Skinner, Benjamin M., O'Connor, Rebecca E., Fonseka, Gothami, Backström, Niclas, Matsuda, Yoichi, Nishida, Chizuko, and others. (2014) Reconstruction of gross avian genome structure, organization and evolution suggests that the chicken lineage most closely resembles the dinosaur avian ancestor. BMC Genomics, 15 . Article Number 1060. ISSN 1471-2164. E-ISSN 1471-2164. (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1060) (KAR id:46269) |
Romanov, Michael N, Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela E, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E., Skinner, Benjamin M., Larkin, Denis M., Griffin, Darren K. (2015) Avian ancestral karyotype reconstruction and differential rates of inter-and intra-chromosomal change in different lineages. In: Griffin, Darren K and Fowler, Katie E. and Ellis, Peter J.I. and Jackson, Dean A, eds. Chromosome Research. 20th International Chromosome Conference (ICCXX): 50th Anniversary, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1st–4th September 2014. 23 (2). p. 414. Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science+Business Media, Cham, Switzerland (doi:10.1007/s10577-014-9447-3) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46907) |
Romanov, Michael N, Farré, Marta, Lithgow, Pamela, O'Connor, Rebecca, Fowler, Katie E, Skinner, Benjamin M, Larkin, Denis M, Griffin, Darren K. (2014) Avian ancestral karyotype reconstruction and differential rates of inter-and intra-chromosomal change in different lineages. In: 20th International Chromosome Conference, 1-4 September 2014, Canterbury, Kent, UK. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46705) |
Romanov, Michael N, Griffin, Darren K. (2015) The use of avian BAC libraries and clones, in: Third Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2015. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 145 (2). pp. 94-96. ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000430927) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:49534) |
Romanov, Michael N, Jones, Kenneth C, Chemnick, Leona G, Stremel-Mork, E, Otten, Christie A, Da, Yang, Akhunov, E D, Ryder, Oliver A (2009) California condor microsatellite-enriched library as a tool for genetic and genomic studies in an endangered species. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XVII Conference, January 10-14, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46627) |
Romanov, Michael N, Kochish, Ivan I., Selina, M.V. (2020) [New biotechnologies and feed additives for solving the problems of poultry production] Новые биотехнологии и кормовые добавки применительно к решению проблем птицеводства. In: Proceedings of the VI Interdisciplinary Scientific Forum with international participation "New Materials and Advanced Technologies" / VI Междисциплинарный научный форум с международным участием «Новые материалы и перспективные технологии»: Сб. мат. 2. p. 756. Autonomous Non-profit Organization "Center for Scientific and Technical Solutions" / Автономная некоммерческая организация «Центр научно-технических решений», Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия ISBN 978-5-6044699-3-4. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89149) |
Romanov, Michael N, Koriabine, Maxim, Nefedov, Mikhail, de Jong, Pieter J, Ryder, Oliver A (2006) Construction of a California condor BAC library and first-generation chicken–condor comparative physical map as an endangered species conservation genomics resource. Genomics, 88 (6). pp. 711-718. ISSN 0888-7543. (doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2006.06.005) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37547) |
Romanov, Michael N, Kutnyuk, P I, Chernikov, V F (1994) Estimation of population structure and differentiation in black-headed gull by using genetic/oological parameters. 1. Analysis within an East-Ukrainian population. In: Journal für Ornithologie. Selected Contributions from the 21st International Ornithological Congress. 135 (1). 261 (Abstract P493). Springer Science+Business Media (doi:10.1007/BF02445773) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46315) |
Romanov, Michael N, Kutnyuk, P I, Chernikov, V F (1993) Intrapopulation variability of genetic/oological parameters in Kharkiv population of black-headed gull / Внутріпопуляційна мінливість генетико-оологічних параметрів Харківської популяції озерної чайки. In: Abstracts of the 1st Ukrainian Poultry Conference / Тези доповідей I Наукової конференції по птахівництву. . 44 (Ukrainian), 130-131 (English). World's Poultry Science Association, Ukrainian Branch, Poultry Research Institute, UAAS / Всесвітня наукова асоціація з птахівництва, Українське відділення, Інститут птахівництва УААН, Borky, Simferopol, Ukraine / Борки, Сімферополь, Україна (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46304) |
Romanov, Michael N, Kutnyuk, P I, Chernikov, V F, Gavrys, G G, Goncharov, D A (1993) Interpopulation variability of oological characteristics of black-headed gull / Міжпопуляційна мінливість оологічних характеристик озерної чайки. In: Abstracts of the 1st Ukrainian Poultry Conference / Тези доповідей I Наукової конференції по птахівництву. . 45-46 (Ukrainian), 131 (English). World's Poultry Science Association, Ukrainian Branch, Poultry Research Institute, UAAS / Всесвітня наукова асоціація з птахівництва, Українське відділення, Інститут птахівництва УААН, Borky, Simferopol, Ukraine / Борки, Сімферополь, Україна (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46305) |
Romanov, Michael N and Kutnyuk, P I and Chernikov, V F and Gavrys, G G and Goncharov, D A (1993) [Interpopulation variation of oological characteristics of black-headed gull populations] Межпопуляционная изменчивость оологических характеристик популяций озерной чайки. In: [Problems of Natural Sciences: Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists] / Вопросы естествознания: Сборник научных работ молодых ученых. LSPI / ЛГПИ, Lipetsk, Russia / Lipetsk, Russia, pp. 50-51. (KAR id:47098) |
Romanov, Michael N, Kutnyuk, P I, Chernikov, V F, Gavrys, G G, Goncharov, D A (1999) [Intraspecific variation of oological characteristics in black-headed gulls] Внутривидовая изменчивость оологических характеристик озёрной чайки. Ptahivnictvo / Птахівництво: Міжвід. темат. наук. зб., 48 . pp. 22-27. ISSN 0370-212X. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46411) |
Romanov, Michael N, Laptev, Georgi Yu., Nikonov, I N, Ilyina, Larisa A., Novikova, Natalia I., Barkova, Olga Y., Griffin, Darren K., Kochish, Ivan I., Smolensky, Vladimir I., Panin, A N, and others. (2017) Determination of microbiocoenosis in the intestine of the Hisex Brown hens in ontogenesis using T-RFLP method. In: Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism. Proceedings of 15th World Congress on Advances in Nutrition Food Science & Technology. 1 (3). p. 39. Allied Academies – UK, London, UK (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89545) |
Romanov, Michael N, Miao, Yi-Wei, Wilson, Peter W., Morris, A, Sharp, Peter J., Dunn, Ian C. (1999) Detection and assay of polymorphism in reproductive gene loci in a commercial broiler breeder population for use in association studies. In: Dekkers, J C M and Lamont, S J and Rothschild, Max F., eds. Proceedings of the Conference “From Jay Lush to Genomics: Visions for Animal Breeding and Genetics”. . p. 155. Iowa State University, Department of Animal Science, Ames, IA, USA (KAR id:46421) |
Romanov, Michael N, O'Connor, Rebecca, Skinner, Benjamin M, Martell, Henry, Farré, Marta, Larkin, Denis M, Griffin, Darren K. (2015) Comparative cytogenomics enhanced with bioinformatic tools provides further insights into genome evolution of birds and other amniotes. In: Congress Workbook. . Abstract 5. Oxford Global Conferences Ltd, London, UK (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48107) |
Romanov, Michael N, Price, J A, Sizemore, F G, Dodgson, Jerry B (2003) Chicken BAC library screening using conventional and OVERGO probes. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XI Conference, 11-15 January 2003, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46426) |
Romanov, Michael N, Price, Jennifer A, Dodgson, Jerry B (2003) Integration of animal linkage and BAC contig maps using overgo hybridization. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 102 (1-4). pp. 277-281. ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000075763) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37564) |
Romanov, Michael N, Rondelli, Catherine M, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) Alignment of the linkage map, physical map, and sequence of the chicken genome. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XII Conference, 10-14 January 2004, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46433) |
Romanov, Michael N, Ryder, Oliver A, Koriabine, Maxim, Nefedov, Mikhail, de Jong, Pieter J, Dodgson, Jerry B (2006) Comparative physical mapping in avians and conservation genomics of California condor. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, 14-18 January 2006, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46619) |
Romanov, Michael N, Ryder, Oliver A, Koriabine, Maxim, Nefedov, Mikhail, de Jong, Pieter J, Modi, William S, Dodgson, Jerry B (2007) Genomic resources and tools to investigate factors associated with chondrodystrophy in California condors. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference, 13-17 January 2007, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46622) |
Romanov, Michael N, Sakhatsky, N I (1995) Conservation of poultry genetic resources in Ukraine / Ochrona zasobów genetycznych drobiu na Ukrainie. In: 9th International Symposium of Young Poultry Scientists: Summaries / IX Międzynarodowe młodzieżowe sympozjum drobiarskie: Streszczenie referatów. . pp. 87-88. World's Poultry Science Association, Polish Branch, Siedlce, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46326) |
Romanov, Michael N, Sakhatsky, N I (1995) [Inventory of fowl genetic resources in the Ukraine] / [Inventory of poultry genetic resources in Ukraine] Инвентаризация генофонда домашних птиц Украины. Naučno-tehničeskij bûlletenʹ - Institut pticevodstva [Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiĭ Byulleten', Ukrainskiĭ Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiĭ Institut Ptitsevodstva] / Научно-технический бюллетень Института птицеводства, 34 . pp. 3-14. ISSN 0136-9814. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46319) |
Romanov, Michael N and Sazanov, Alexei A and Moiseyeva, Irina G and Smirnov, Alexandr F (2009) Poultry. In: Kole, Chittaranjan and Cockett, Noelle E, eds. Genome Mapping and Genomics in Domestic Animals. Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, 3 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York, pp. 75-141. ISBN 978-3-540-73834-3. (doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73835-0_5) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37663) |
Romanov, Michael N, Sazanov, Alexei A, Smirnov, Alexandr F (2004) First century of chicken gene study and mapping – a look back and forward. World's Poultry Science Journal, 60 (1). pp. 19-41. ISSN 0043-9339. (doi:10.1079/WPS20043) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37682) |
Romanov, Michael N, Suchyta, S P, Peters, E, Sizemore, F G, Dodgson, Jerry B (2002) Alignment of the chicken linkage map with BAC contigs. In: Final Abstracts Guide of the International Plant, Animal and Microbe Genome X Conference. . 225, Abstract P588. Scherago International, San Diego, CA, USA (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46712) |
Romanov, Michael N, Sölkner, Johann, Zinovieva, Natalia A., Wimmers, Klaus, Weigend, Steffen (2023) Editorial: Traditional and up-to-date genomic insights into domestic animal diversity. Frontiers in Genetics, 13 . Article Number 1117708. ISSN 1664-8021. E-ISSN 1664-8021. (doi:10.3389/fgene.2022.1117708) (KAR id:99380) |
Romanov, Michael N and Sölkner, Johann and Zinovieva, Natalia A. and Wimmers, Klaus and Weigend, Steffen (2023) Editorial: Traditional and up-to-date genomic insights into domestic animal diversity. In: Genetic Markers Identification for Animal Production and Disease Resistance. e-book of the Research Topic published in Frontiers in Genetics. Frontiers Media S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 5-11. E-ISBN 978-2-8325-1337-8. (doi:10.3389/978-2-8325-1337-8) (KAR id:102332) |
Romanov, Michael N, Talbot, R T, Dunn, I C, Wilson, P W, Sharp, P J (1999) Inheritance of broodiness in the domestic fowl [Наследуемость инстинкта насиживания у кур. (Великобритания)]. In: Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium. . p. 139. Working Group 3 of WPSA, Mariensee, Germany (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46709) |
Romanov, Michael N, Talbot, Richard T., Dunn, Ian C., Wilson, Peter W., Sharp, Peter J. (1999) Inheritance of broodiness in the domestic fowl [Наследуемость инстинкта насиживания у кур. (Великобритания)]. In: Spring Meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association (UK Branch), 24-25 March 1999, Scarborough, UK. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83633) |
Romanov, Michael N, Talbot, Richard T., Wilson, Peter W., Sharp, Peter J. (2003) Erratum to “Genetic Control of Incubation Behavior in the Domestic Hen”. Poultry Science, 82 (10). p. 1659. ISSN 0032-5791. (doi:10.1093/ps/82.10.1659) (KAR id:45705) |
Romanov, Michael N, Talbot, Richard, Wilson, P W, Sharp, P J (2002) Genetic control of incubation behavior in the domestic hen [Генетический контроль поведения при насиживании яиц у домашних кур. (Великобритания)]. Poultry Science, 81 (7). pp. 928-931. ISSN 0032-5791. (doi:10.1093/ps/81.7.928) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37569) |
Romanov, Michael N, Talbot, Richard, Wilson, Peter W., Sharp, Peter J. (1999) Inheritance of broodiness in the domestic fowl [Наследуемость инстинкта насиживания у кур. (Великобритания)]. British Poultry Science, 40 (Sup01). S20-S21. ISSN 0007-1668. (doi:10.1080/00071669986611) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37572) |
Romanov, Michael N, Tuttle, Elaina M., Houck, Marlys L., Modi, William S., Chemnick, Leona G., Korody, Marisa L., Stremel Mork, Emily M., Otten, Christie A., Renner, Tanya, Jones, Kenneth C., and others. (2009) The value of avian genomics to the conservation of wildlife. BMC Genomics, 10 (Supp 2). S10. ISSN 1471-2164. (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-S2-S10) (KAR id:37543) |
Romanov, Michael N, Veremeyenko, R P, Bondarenko, Yu V (1995) Conservation of waterfowl germplasm in Ukraine. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Waterfowl. . pp. 401-414. World's Poultry Science Association, Halle (Saale), Germany (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46711) |
Romanov, Michael N, Weigend, S (2001) Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers [Анализ генетического родства между различными популяциями домашних и диких джунглиевых (банкивских) кур с использованием микросателлитных маркеров. (Украина. ФРГ)]. Poultry Science, 80 (8). pp. 1057-1063. ISSN 0032-5791. (doi:10.1093/ps/80.8.1057) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37570) |
Romanov, Michael N, Weigend, S, Bondarenko, Yu V, Podstreshny, A P, Kutnyuk, P I, Sakhatsky, N I (1999) Studies on poultry germplasm diversity and conservation in Ukraine. In: Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium. . p. 140. Working Group 3 of WPSA, Mariensee, Germany (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46412) |
Romanov, Michael N, Weigend, Steffen (1999) Genetic diversity in chicken populations based on microsatellite markers. In: Proceedings of the Conference “From Jay Lush to Genomics: Visions for Animal Breeding and Genetics”. . p. 174. Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46420) |
Romanov, Michael N, Weigend, Steffen (2001) Using RAPD markers for assessment of genetic diversity in chickens [Определение генетического разнообразия в популяциях кур пяти пород с помощью маркеров случайно амплифицированной полиморфной ДНК. (Украина. ФРГ)]. Archiv für Geflügelkunde (European Poultry Science), 65 (4). pp. 145-148. ISSN 0003-9098. E-ISSN 1612-9199. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46415) |
Romanov, Michael N, Wezyk, S, Cywa-Benko, Katarzyna, Sakhatsky, N I (1996) Poultry genetic resources in the countries of Eastern Europe – history and current state. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 7 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1357-048X. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:45714) |
Rooney, Barrie C. (1996) Report on the 6th meeting of ESACT-UK, 4-5 January 1996, Leeds. Genetic Engineer and Biotechnologist, 16 (4). pp. 209-210. ISSN 0959-020X. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:18767) |
Ryder, Oliver A., Miller, Webb, Ralls, Katherine, Ballou, Jonathan D, Steiner, Cynthia C, Mitelberg, Anna, Romanov, Michael N, Chemnick, Leona G., Mace, Michael, Schuster, Stephan and others. (2016) Whole genome sequencing of California condors is now utilized for guiding genetic management. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference, 8–13 January 2016, San Diego, CA, USA. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:61072) |
Ryder, Oliver A., Romanov, Michael N, Stremel, E, Chemnick, Leona G., Ballou, Jonathan D, Ralls, Katherine, Mitchell, A, Thompson, E, Jones, Kenneth C (2005) Improving genetic management of California Condors through molecular research. In: 123rd Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union: Abstracts. . 69, Abstract s49. American Ornithologists' Union; University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46617) |
Ryder, Oliver A., Romanov, Michael N, Stremel, E, Chemnick, Leona G., Ballou, Jonathan D, Ralls, Katherine, Mitchell, A, Thompson, E, Jones, Kenneth C (2007) Improving genetic management of California Condors through molecular research. In: The Auk. Proceedings of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union. 124 (2, Sup). 36BB (Abstract s49). American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C., USA (doi:10.2307/25150331) (KAR id:46618) |
Ryder, Oliver A., Thomas, Steven, Martin Judson, Jessica, Romanov, Michael N., Dandekar, Sugandha, Papp, Jeanette C., Sidak-Loftis, Lindsay C., Walker, Kelli, Stalis, Ilse H., Mace, Michael, and others. (2022) Corrigendum to: Facultative Parthenogenesis in California Condors. Journal of Heredity, 113 (2). p. 217. ISSN 0022-1503. E-ISSN 1465-7333. (doi:10.1093/jhered/esab074) (KAR id:92565) |
Ryder, Oliver A, Thomas, Steven, Martin Judson, Jessica, Romanov, Michael N, Dandekar, Sugandha, Papp, Jeanette C., Sidak-Loftis, Lindsay C., Walker, Kelli, Stalis, Ilse H., Mace, Michael, and others. (2021) Facultative parthenogenesis in California condors. Journal of Heredity, 112 (7). pp. 569-574. ISSN 0022-1503. E-ISSN 1465-7333. (doi:10.1093/jhered/esab052) (KAR id:91218) |
Ryder, Oliver, Chemnick, Leona G., Thomas, Steven, Martin, Jessica, Romanov, Michael N, Ralls, Katherine, Ballou, Jonathan D., Mace, Michael, Ratan, Aakrosh, Miller, Webb, and others. (2014) Supporting California condor conservation management through analysis of species-wide whole genome sequence variation. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference, 11–16 January 2014, San Diego, CA, USA. (KAR id:45672) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Kiselyova, E V, Zakharenko, A A, Romanov, Michael N, Zaraysky, M I (2017) Erratum to: Plasma and saliva miR-21 expression in colorectal cancer patients. Journal of Applied Genetics, 58 (2). p. 239. ISSN 1234-1983. E-ISSN 2190-3883. (doi:10.1007/s13353-016-0386-x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:60960) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Kiselyova, E.V., Zakharenko, A.A., Romanov, M.N., Zaraysky, M.I. (2017) Plasma and saliva miR-21 expression in colorectal cancer patients. Journal of Applied Genetics, 58 (2). pp. 231-237. ISSN 1234-1983. E-ISSN 2190-3883. (doi:10.1007/s13353-016-0379-9) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:59719) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Romanov, Michael N, Sazanova, Anna L., Tzareva, Viktoria A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Price, Jennifer A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) [Chromosomal localization of continuous genomic clones in the chicken with a view of comparative mapping] Локализация на хромосомах протяженных геномных клонов домашней курицы в целях сравнительного картирования. In: Genetics in the XXI Century: Current State and Prospects for Development: Abstracts of the III Congress of the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Selectionists / Генетика в XXI веке: современное состояние и перспективы развития: Материалы III съезда ВОГиС. 2. p. 271. Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Selectionists, N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University / ВОГиС, ИОГен, МГУ; ООО "Альматрейд", Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46505) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Romanov, Michael N, Smirnov, Alexandr F (2005) Libraries of large-insert genomic clones as a tool for molecular cytogenetic analysis of avian genome. Russian Journal of Genetics, 41 (5). pp. 461-467. ISSN 1022-7954. E-ISSN 1608-3369. (doi:10.1007/s11177-005-0111-z) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37554) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Romanov, Michael N, Smirnov, Alexandr F (2005) [Libraries of large-insert genomic clones as a tool for molecular cytogenetic analysis of avian genome] Библиотеки протяженных геномных клонов как инструмент молекулярно-цитогенетического анализа генома птиц. Genetika, 41 (5). pp. 581-589. ISSN 0016-6758. (KAR id:46267) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Sazanova, Anna L., Nefedov, Mikhail D., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Correction to: A pair of gametologous genes provides further insights into avian comparative cytogenomics. Biologia, 78 (10). p. 2747. ISSN 0006-3088. E-ISSN 1336-9563. (doi:10.1007/s11756-023-01446-y) (KAR id:101454) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Sazanova, Anna L., Nefedov, Mikhail D., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) A pair of gametologous genes provides further insights into avian comparative cytogenomics. Biologia, 78 (10). pp. 2737-2746. ISSN 0006-3088. E-ISSN 1336-9563. (doi:10.1007/s11756-023-01395-6) (KAR id:100665) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Tzareva, Viktoria A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Wardecka, B, Korczak, M, Jaszczak, K, Romanov, Michael N (2003) [Positional cloning of chromosomal regions controlling QTLs in chickens] Позиционное клонирование районов хромосом, контролирующих количественные признаки у кур. In: Abstracts of the Concluding Seminar on Physics and Astronomy Grant Competition Results of Young St Petersburg Scientists in 2002/Итоговый семинар по физике и астрономии по результатам конкурса грантов 2002 г. для молодых ученых Санкт-Петербурга: Тез.докл. . pp. 44-45. A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute / Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе, St Petersburg, Russia / Санкт-Петербург, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46431) |
Sazanov, Alexei A., Tzareva, Viktoria A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Wardecka, B, Korczak, M, Jaszczak, K, Romanov, Michael N (2004) [Positional cloning of quantitative trait loci in the domestic fowl] Позиционное клонирование локусов количественных признаков у домашней курицы. In: Abstracts of the Concluding Seminar on Physics and Astronomy Grant Competition Results of Young St Petersburg Scientists in 2002/Итоговый семинар по физике и астрономии по результатам конкурса грантов 2002 г. для молодых ученых Санкт-Петербурга: Тез.докл. . p. 42. A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute / Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе, St Petersburg, Russia / Санкт-Петербург, Россия (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46480) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Romanov, Michael N, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekol'nikova, V A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Malewski, T, Smirnov, Alexandr F (2005) Chromosomal localization of 15 HSA3p14–p21 Not I clones on GGA12: orthology of a chicken microchromosome to a gene-rich region of HSA3. Animal Genetics, 36 (1). pp. 71-73. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2004.01232.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37557) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Romanov, Michael N, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekolnikova, V A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Lawson Handley, J-L, Dodgson, Jerry B (2006) Cytogenetic localization of the UBAP2Z and UBAP2W genes in chicken chromosomes. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference, 14-18 January 2006, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46620) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Romanov, Michael N, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekol’nikova, V A, Kozireva, A A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Dodgson, Jerry B (2005) Localization of seven HSA3q13-q23 NotI linking clones on the chicken microchromosomes 14 and 15 by double-color FISH. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XIII Conference, 15-19 January 2005, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46571) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Romanov, Michael N, Wardecka, B, Sazanova, Anna L, Korczak, M, Stekol'nikova, V A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Jaszczak, K, Dodgson, Jerry B and others. (2005) Chromosomal localization of 15 large insert BAC clones containing three microsatellites on chicken chromosome 4 (GGA4) which refine its centromere position. Animal Genetics, 36 (2). pp. 161-163. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2004.01225.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37556) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Romanov, Michael N, Wardecka, B, Sazanova, Anna L, Korczak, M, Stekol'nikova, V A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) Chromosomal localization of GGA4 BACs containing QTL-linked microsatellites. In: Hayes, Hélène, ed. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 106 (1). 19 (Abstract P18). Karger Publishers (doi:10.1159/000078555) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46521) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Romanov, Michael N, Stekol’nikova, V A, Malewski, T, Korczak, M, Jaszczak, K, Smirnov, Alexandr F (2005) Molecular organization of chicken genome. In: Conference "Genomic and Microarray Analysis in Biology and Medicine", 25-28 June 2005, Sucha Beskidzka, Poland. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46616) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekol'nikova, V A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Romanov, Michael N, Malewski, T, Smirnov, Alexandr F (2005) Chromosomal localization of seven HSA3q13→q23 NotI linking clones on chicken microchromosomes: orthology of GGA14 and GGA15 to a gene-rich region of HSA3. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 111 (2). pp. 128-133. ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000086381) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37553) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekolnikova, V A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Romanov, Michael N, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) Chromosomal localization of CTSL: expanding of the region of evolutionary conservation between GGAZ and HSA9. Animal Genetics, 35 (3). p. 260. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2004.01145.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37562) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Stekolnikova, V A, Trukhina, A V, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Romanov, Michael N, Handley, L-J L, Malewski, T, Dodgson, Jerry B and others. (2006) Chromosomal localization of the UBAP2Z and UBAP2W genes in chicken. Animal Genetics, 37 (1). pp. 72-73. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2005.01392.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37549) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Tzareva, Viktoria A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Romanov, Michael N, Price, Jennifer A, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) Chromosomal localization of large insert clones of the chicken genome: expanding the comparative map. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XII Conference, 10-14 January 2004, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46441) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Tzareva, Viktoria A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Romanov, Michael N, Price, Jennifer A, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) Chromosomal localization of three GGA4 genes using BAC-based FISH mapping: a region of conserved synteny between the chicken and human genomes. Hereditas, 140 (3). pp. 250-252. ISSN 0018-0661. (doi:10.1111/j.1601-5223.2004.01824.x) (KAR id:37560) |
Sazanov, Alexei A, Sazanova, Anna L, Tzareva, Viktoria A, Kozyreva, Alexandra A, Smirnov, Alexandr F, Romanov, Michael N, Price, Jennifer A, Dodgson, Jerry B (2004) Refined localization of the chicken KITLG, MGP and TYR genes on GGA1 by FISH mapping using BACs. Animal Genetics, 35 (2). pp. 148-150. ISSN 0268-9146. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2004.01088.x) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37563) |
Sazanova, Anna L, Romanov, Michael N, Blagoveshenski, I Yu, Fomichev, K A, Stekol’nikova, V A, Nefedov, Mikhail, de Jong, Pieter J, Modi, William S, Ryder, Oliver A, Dodgson, Jerry B, and others. (2008) Cytogenetic localization of avian Z- and W-linked genes using large insert BAC clones. In: International Plant and Animal Genome XVI Conference, 12-16 January 2008, San Diego, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46625) |
Schippers, H L, Romanov, Michael N (1995) Opening of the National Poultry Museum in the USA. World's Poultry Science Journal, 51 (3). p. 355. ISSN 0043-9339. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46327) |
Schmid, Michael, Smith, Jacqueline, Burt, David W., Aken, Bronwen L., Antin, Parker B., Archibald, Alan L., Ashwell, Chris, Blackshear, Perry J., Boschiero, Clarissa, Brown, C. Titus, and others. (2015) Third Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2015. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 145 (2). pp. 78-179. ISSN 1424-8581. E-ISSN 1424-859X. (doi:10.1159/000430927) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:49539) |
Schmidt, Carl J, Romanov, Michael N, Ryder, Oliver A, Magrini, Vincent, Hickenbotham, Matthew T, Glasscock, Jarret, McGrath, Sean, Mardis, Elaine R, Stein, Lincoln D (2008) Gallus GBrowse: a unified genomic database for the chicken. Nucleic Acids Research, 36 (Sup1). D719-D723. ISSN 0305-1048. (doi:10.1093/nar/gkm783) (KAR id:37575) |
Scott, Catherine (2000) A study on 4.1 proteins in brain. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.94641) (KAR id:94641) |
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Shahbazi, Saleh, Mirhosseini, Seyed Z, Romanov, Michael N (2007) Genetic diversity in five Iranian native chicken populations estimated by microsatellite markers. Biochemical Genetics, 45 (1-2). pp. 63-75. ISSN 0006-2928. (doi:10.1007/s10528-006-9058-6) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37545) |
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Shimai, Hiro, Setoguchi, Hiroaki, Roberts, David L., Sun, Miao (2021) Biogeographical patterns and speciation of the genus Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) inferred by phylogenetic analyses. PLoS ONE, 16 (6). Article Number e0252581. ISSN 1932-6203. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0252581) (KAR id:88592) |
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Simpson, Siobhan, Blampied, Nick, Peniche, Gabriela, Dozières, Anne, Blackett, Tiffany, Coleman, Stephen, Cornish, Nina, Groombridge, Jim J. (2013) Genetic structure of introduced populations: 120-year-old DNA footprint of historic introduction in an insular small mammal population. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (3). pp. 614-628. ISSN 2045-7758. (doi:10.1002/ece3.486) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48313) |
Skinner, Benjamin M., Bacon, Joanne, Rathje, Claudia C., Larson, Erica L., Kopania, Emily E. K., Good, Jeffrey M., Affara, Nabeel A., Ellis, Peter J.I. (2019) Automated nuclear cartography reveals conserved sperm chromosome territory localization across 2 million years of mouse evolution. Genes, 10 (2). Article Number 109. (doi:10.3390/genes10020109) (KAR id:72162) |
Skinner, Benjamin M., Lachani, Kim, Sargent, Carole A, Yang, Fengtang, Ellis, Peter J.I., Hunt, Toby, Fu, Beiyuan, Louzada, Sandra, Churcher, Carol, Tyler-Smith, Chris, and others. (2015) Expansion of the HSFY gene family in pig lineages: HSFY expansion in suids. BMC Genomics, 16 . Article Number 442. ISSN 1471-2164. (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1650-x) (KAR id:50792) |
Skinner, Benjamin M., Rathje, Claudia C., Bacon, Joanne, Johnson, Emma P. S., Larson, Erica L., Kopania, Emily E. K., Good, Jeffrey M., Yousafzai, G., Affara, Nabeel A., Ellis, Peter J.I. and others. (2019) A high-throughput method for unbiased quantitation and categorisation of nuclear morphology. Biology of Reproduction, 100 (5). pp. 1250-1260. ISSN 0006-3363. (doi:10.1093/biolre/ioz013) (KAR id:72160) |
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Song, Beng-Kah, Nadarajah, Kalaivani, Romanov, Michael N, Ratnam, Wickneswari (2005) Cross-species bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library screening via overgo-based hybridization and BAC-contig mapping of a yield enhancement quantitative trait locus (QTL) yld1.1 in the Malaysian wild rice Oryza rufipogon. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 10 (3). pp. 425-437. ISSN 1425-8153. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:37552) |
Strubbe, Diederik, Jackson, Hazel, Groombridge, Jim J., Matthysen, Erik (2015) Invasion success of a global avian invader is explained by within-taxon niche structure and association with humans in the native range. Diversity and Distributions, 21 (6). pp. 675-685. ISSN 1366-9516. (doi:10.1111/ddi.12325) (KAR id:50690) |
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Struebig, Matthew J., Le Comber, Steven C., Rossiter, Stephen J. (2012) Overcoming the issue of small sample sizes in fragmentation genetics. Molecular Ecology, 21 (12). pp. 2850-2851. ISSN 0962-1083; Online ISSN:1365-294X. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05610.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:31172) |
Struebig, Matthew J., Rossiter, Stephen J., Zubaid, Akbar, Mohd-Adnan, Adura, Kunz, Thomas H., Gopal, Sucharita, Petit, Eric J., Kingston, Tigga (2012) Social organization and genetic structure: insights from codistributed bat populations. Molecular Ecology, 21 (3). pp. 647-661. ISSN 0962-1083. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05391.x) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:31175) |
Sudarsha, Sunil, Sourbier, Carole, Kong, Hye-Sik, Block, Karen, Valera Romero, Vladimir A., Yang, Youfeng, Galindo, Cynthia, Mollapour, Mehdi, Scroggins, Bradley T., Goode, Norman, and others. (2009) Fumarate hydratase deficiency in renal cancer induces glycolytic addiction and hypoxia-inducible transcription factor 1 alpha stabilization by glucose-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 29 (15). pp. 4080-4090. ISSN 0270-7306. (doi:10.1128/MCB.00483-09) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:22635) |
Surai, Peter F., Fisinin, V I, Grozina, A A, Kochish, Ivan I., Nikonov, I N, Romanov, Michael N (2018) [From regulation of vitagens to optimization of microbiota: new approaches to maintaining intestinal health in poultry] От регуляции витагенов к оптимизации микробиоты: новые подходы к поддержанию здоровья кишечника птиц. In: Fisinin, V I, ed. World and Russian trends in the development of poultry industry: the realities and challenges of the future: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference / Мировые и российские тренды развития птицеводства: реалии и вызовы будущего: Материалы XIX... . pp. 55-66. WPSA – Russian Branch, Poultry Research Centre / ВНАП, Рос. отд-ние, НП «Научный центр по птицеводству», Sergiyev Posad, Russia / Сергиев Посад, Моск. обл., Россия ISBN 978-5-9907740-4-9. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89492) |
Surai, Peter F., Kochish, Ivan I., Fisinin, V I, Nikonov, I N, Romanov, Michael N. (2019) [Ways to maintain optimal redox balance in the intestines of birds: problems and solutions] Пути поддержания оптимального редокс-баланса в кишечнике птиц: проблемы и решения. In: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. . pp. 42-58. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия ISBN 978-5-6043642-4-6. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89341) |
Surai, Peter F., Kochish, Ivan I., Griffin, Darren K., Nikonov, I N, Romanov, Michael N (2017) Microbiome and antioxidant system of the gut in chicken: Food for thoughts. In: Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism. Proceedings of 15th World Congress on Advances in Nutrition Food Science & Technology. 1 (3). p. 34. Allied Academies – UK, London, UK (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89546) |
Surai, Peter F., Kochish, Ivan I., Romanov, Michael N, Griffin, Darren K. (2019) Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant capacities in poultry: the case of vitamin E. Poultry Science, 98 (9). pp. 4030-4041. ISSN 0032-5791. E-ISSN 1525-3171. (doi:10.3382/ps/pez072) (KAR id:76256) |
Sölkner, Johann, Romanov, Michael N, Zinovieva, Natalia A., Weigend, Steffen, Wimmers, Klaus (2023) Traditional and up-to-date genomic insights into domestic animal diversity. e-book of the Research Topic published in Frontiers in Genetics. Frontiers Media S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland ISBN 978-2-8325-1337-8. (doi:10.3389/978-2-8325-1337-8) (KAR id:102326) |
Tarasova, Ekaterina I., Frolov, Alexei N., Lebedev, Svyatoslav V., Romanov, Michael N. (2023) Landmark native breed of the Orenburg goats: progress in its breeding and genetics and future prospects. Animal Biotechnology, 34 (9). pp. 5139-5154. ISSN 1049-5398. E-ISSN 1532-2378. (doi:10.1080/10495398.2022.2154221) (KAR id:99057) |
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Tataridas-Pallas, Nikolaos, Thompson, Maximilian A., Howard, Alexander, Brown, Ian, Ezcurra, Marina, Wu, Ziyun, Gonçalves Silva, Isabel, Saunter, Christopher D., Kuerten, Timo, Weinkove, David, and others. (2021) Neuronal SKN-1B Modulates Nutritional Signalling Pathways and Mitochondrial Networks to Control Satiety. PLoS Genetics, . ISSN 1553-7404. E-ISSN 1553-7404. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009358) (KAR id:88584) |
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Thompson, Samuel, Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K. (2021) [Comparative and evolutionary genomics of lancelet, chordates and vertebrate animals] Сравнительная и эволюционная геномика ланцетников, хордовых и позвоночных животных. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 432-443. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90632) |
Thompson, Samuel, Romanov, Michael N., Griffin, Darren K. (2021) [Study of animal myosins in a comparative genomic aspect] Изучение миозинов животных в сравнительном геномном аспекте. In: Materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference / Материалы 3-й Международной научно-практической конференции "Молекулярно-генетические технологии для анализа экспрессии генов продуктивности и устойчивости к заболеваниям животных". . pp. 444-449. Sel'skokhozyaistvennye tekhnologii / Сельскохозяйственные технологии, Moscow, Russia / Москва, Россия (doi:10.18720/SPBPU/2/z21-43) (KAR id:90636) |
Tollington, Simon, Jones, Carl G., Greenwood, Andrew, Tatayah, Vikash, Raisin, Claire, Burke, Terry, Dawson, Deborah A., Groombridge, Jim J. (2013) Long-term, fine-scale temporal patterns of genetic diversity in the restored Mauritius parakeet reveal genetic impacts of management and associated demographic effects on reintroduction programmes. Biological Conservation, 161 . pp. 28-38. ISSN 0006-3207. (doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2013.02.013) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42842) |
Touré, Aminata, Clemente, Emily J., Ellis, Peter J.I., Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Ojarikre, Obah A., Ball, Penny A.F., Reynard, Louise, Loveland, Kate L., Burgoyne, Paul S., Affara, Nabeel A. and others. (2005) Identification of novel Y chromosome encoded transcripts by testis transcriptome analysis of mice with deletions of the Y chromosome long arm. Genome biology, 6 (12). R102. ISSN 1465-6914. (KAR id:46563) |
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Turner, James M.A., Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Ellis, Peter J.I., Mitchell, Michael J., Burgoyne, Paul S. (2006) Pachytene asynapsis drives meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and leads to substantial postmeiotic repression in spermatids. Developmental cell, 10 (4). pp. 521-9. ISSN 1534-5807. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46562) |
Turner, Kara Jane (2014) Telomere Length and Distribution in Three Developmental Stages. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:47463) |
Tuttle, Elaina M, Gonser, Rusty A, Romanov, Michael N, Korody, Marisa L, Houck, Marlys L, Modi, William S, Ryder, Oliver A, Lear, T L (2010) Behavioral genomics in the white-throated sparrow. In: Genes & Behavior Gordon Research Conference, 14-19 March 2010, Ventura, CA, USA. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46695) |
Tuttle, Elaina M, Korody, Marisa L, Lear, T L, Gonser, Rusty A., Houck, Marlys L, Ryder, Oliver A., Romanov, Michael N, Balakrishnan, Christopher, Bergland, A, Warren, Wesley and others. (2014) Whole genome sequence of the behaviorally polymorphic white-throated sparrow. 1: Mapping genes for sociogenomics. In: Evolution 2014 Conference: Abstracts. . 183, Abstract 628. Evolution 2014; Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and American Society of Naturalists (ASN), Raleigh, NC, USA (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46698) |
Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Narushin, Valeriy G., Larkina, Tatiana A., Barkova, Olga Y., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., Dysin, Artem P., Dementieva, Natalia V., Makarova, Alexandra V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Pozovnikova, Marina V., and others. (2023) Disentangling clustering configuration intricacies for divergently selected chicken breeds. Scientific Reports, 13 . Article Number 3319. ISSN 2045-2322. E-ISSN 2045-2322. (doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28651-8) (KAR id:100238) |
Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Narushin, Valeriy G., Larkina, Tatiana A., Barkova, Olga Y., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., Dysin, Artem P., Dementieva, Natalia V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Pozovnikova, Marina V., Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2023) Pectoral angle: a glance at a traditional phenotypic trait in chickens from a new perspective. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 161 (4). pp. 606-615. ISSN 0021-8596. E-ISSN 1469-5146. (doi:10.1017/S002185962300045X) (KAR id:103268) |
Vakhrameev, Anatoly B., Narushin, Valeriy G., Larkina, Tatiana A., Barkova, Olga Y., Peglivanyan, Grigoriy K., Dysin, Artem P., Dementieva, Natalia V., Makarova, Alexandra V., Shcherbakov, Yuri S., Pozovnikova, Marina V., and others. (2022) Selection-driven chicken phenome and phenomenon of pectoral angle variation across different chicken phenotypes. Livestock Science, 264 . Article Number 105067. ISSN 1871-1413. (doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2022.105067) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:96967) |
Vernet, Nadège, Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Ellis, Peter J.I., de Rooij, Dirk G., Burgoyne, Paul S. (2012) Spermatid development in XO male mice with varying Y chromosome short-arm gene content: evidence for a Y gene controlling the initiation of sperm morphogenesis. Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 144 (4). pp. 433-45. ISSN 1741-7899. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46549) |
Vernet, Nadège, Mahadevaiah, Shantha K, de Rooij, Dirk G, Burgoyne, Paul S, Ellis, Peter J.I. (2016) Zfy genes are required for efficient meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) in spermatocytes. Human molecular genetics, . ISSN 1460-2083. (doi:10.1093/hmg/ddw344) (KAR id:58282) |
Vernet, Nadège, Szot, Maria, Mahadevaiah, Shantha K., Ellis, Peter J.I., Decarpentrie, Fanny, Ojarikre, Obah A., Rattigan, Áine, Taketo, Teruko, Burgoyne, Paul S. (2014) The expression of Y-linked Zfy2 in XY mouse oocytes leads to frequent meiosis 2 defects, a high incidence of subsequent early cleavage stage arrest and infertility. Development (Cambridge, England), 141 (4). pp. 855-66. ISSN 1477-9129. (doi:10.1242/dev.091165) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46544) |
Volkova, Natalia A., German, Nadezhda Yu., Larionova, Polina V., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Romanov, Michael N, Zinovieva, Natalia A. (2023) [Identification of SNPs and candidate genes associated with abdominal fat deposition in quails (Coturnix japonica)] Идентификация SNPs и генов-кандидатов, ассоциированных с отложением абдоминального жира у перепелов Coturnix japonica. Agricultural Biology [Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya], 58 (6). pp. 1079-1087. ISSN 0131-6397. E-ISSN 2412-0324. (doi:10.15389/agrobiology.2023.6.1079eng) (KAR id:104538) |
Volkova, Natalia A., Kotova, T.O., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Larionova, Polina V., Volkova, Ludmila A., Romanov, Michael N, Zinovieva, Natalia A. (2024) [Genome-wide association study of testes development indicators in roosters (Gallus gallus L.)] Полногеномные ассоциативные исследования показателей развития семенников у петухов (Gallus gallus L.). Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 59 (4). pp. 649-657. ISSN 0131-6397. E-ISSN 2412-0324. (doi:10.15389/agrobiology.2024.4.649eng) (KAR id:107237) |
Volkova, Natalia A., Romanov, Michael N., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Larionova, Polina V., German, Nadezhda Yu., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Shakhin, Alexey V., Volkova, Ludmila A., Anshakov, Dmitry V., Fisinin, Vladimir I., and others. (2024) Genome-wide association study revealed putative SNPs and candidate genes associated with growth and meat traits in Japanese quail. Genes, 15 (3). Article Number 294. ISSN 2073-4425. E-ISSN 2073-4425. (doi:10.3390/genes15030294) (KAR id:105127) |
Volkova, Natalia A., Romanov, Michael N., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Larionova, Polina V., German, Nadezhda Yu., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Shakhin, Alexey V., Volkova, Ludmila A., Anshakov, Dmitry V., Fisinin, Vladimir I., and others. (2023) Genotyping-by-sequencing strategy for integrating genomic structure, diversity and performance of various Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) breeds. Animals, 13 (22). Article Number 3439. ISSN 2076-2615. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani13223439) (KAR id:103790) |
Volkova, Natalia A., Romanov, Michael N., Vetokh, Anastasia N., Larionova, Polina V., Volkova, Ludmila A., Abdelmanova, Alexandra S., Sermyagin, Alexander A., Griffin, Darren K., Zinovieva, Natalia A. (2024) Genome-wide association study reveals the genetic architecture of growth and meat production traits in a chicken F2 resource population. Genes, 15 (10). Article Number 1246. E-ISSN 2073-4425. (doi:10.3390/genes15101246) (KAR id:107356) |
Volyanskaya, Anastasiia R., Akberdin, Ilya R., Kulyashov, Mikhail A., Yevshin, Ivan S., Romanov, Michael N., Shagimardanova, Elena I., Gusev, Oleg A., Kolpakov, Fedor A. (2024) A bird’s-eye overview of molecular mechanisms regulating feed intake in chickens—with mammalian comparisons. Animal Nutrition, 17 (June). pp. 61-74. ISSN 2405-6545. E-ISSN 2405-6383. (doi:10.1016/j.aninu.2024.01.008) (KAR id:105308) |
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van der Weyden, Louise, Arends, Mark J., Chausiaux, Oriane E., Ellis, Peter J.I., Lange, Ulrike C., Surani, M. Azim, Affara, Nabeel, Murakami, Yoshinori, Adams, David J., Bradley, Allan and others. (2006) Loss of TSLC1 causes male infertility due to a defect at the spermatid stage of spermatogenesis. Molecular and cellular biology, 26 (9). pp. 3595-609. ISSN 0270-7306. (doi:10.1128/mcb.26.9.3595-3609.2006) (KAR id:46560) |
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Weigend, Steffen, Romanov, Michael N (2000) Current strategies for the assessment and evaluation of genetic diversity in chicken resources. In: Abstracts and Proceedings Twenty First World's Poultry Congress, 2000. CD-ROM. World's Poultry Science Association, Montreal, Canada (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83682) |
Weigend, Steffen, Romanov, Michael N (2002) The World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity in the context of conservation and utilisation of poultry biodiversity. World's Poultry Science Journal, 58 (4). pp. 411-430. ISSN 0043-9339. (doi:10.1079/WPS20020031) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:45709) |
Weigend, Steffen, Romanov, Michael N. (2002) Genetische Diversitätsanalysen bei Hühnern mit Hilfe molekularer Marker – Assessment of genetic diversity in chickens using molecular markers. Jahresbericht der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL), 2001 . p. 67. ISSN 0171-5801. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:89640) |
Weigend, Steffen, Romanov, Michael N. (1999) Molekulare Charakterisierung genetischer Vielfalt beim Geflügel – Molecular characterization of genetic diversity in chicken. Jahresbericht der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL), 1998 . p. 66. ISSN 0171-5801. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83615) |
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Weigend, Steffen, Romanov, Michael N, Rath, D (2004) Methodologies to identify, evaluate and conserve poultry genetic resources. In: XXII World's Poultry Congress: Book of Abstracts. . p. 84. World's Poultry Science Association, WPSA — Turkish Branch, Istanbul, Turkey (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46511) |
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Wezyk, S, Cywa-Benko, Katarzyna, Romanov, Michael N (1994) Protection against the extinction of the native breeds of poultry in the countries of Eastern Europe. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium "Conservation Measures for Rare Farm Animal Breeds" / Prace nad zachowaniem rzadkich ras zwierząt gospodarskich: referaty, komunikaty: sympozjum międzynarodowe. Suppl. National Research Institute of Animal Production (Poland); Polish Society of Animal Production / Instytut Zootechniki, Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne, Balice, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83521) |
Wezyk, S, Cywa-Benko, Katarzyna, Romanov, Michael N (1994) Protection against the extinction of the native breeds of poultry in the countries of Eastern Europe / Ochrona przed zagładą rodzimych ras drobiu w krajach Wschodniej Europy. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium "Conservation Measures for Rare Farm Animal Breeds" / Mat. Miedz. Symp. "Prace nad zachowaniem rzadkich ras zwierząt gospodarskich". . pp. 25-26. National Research Institute of Animal Production (Poland); Polish Society of Animal Production / Instytut Zootechniki, Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne, Balice near Kraków, Poland (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46308) |
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Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Tyurina, D G, Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Novikova, Natalia I., Kalitkina, Kseniya A., Djepbarova, Ogulgerek, Ponomareva, Ekaterina S., and others. (2024) [The search for sources of enterobacteria and clostridia endotoxins in Russian dairy farms: possible transfer of endotoxins through the feed-cow-milk chain] Поиск источников эндотоксинов энтеробактерий и клостридий в молочных фермах России: возможный перенос эндотоксинов по цепи «корм–корова–молоко». In: Fourth International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2024): Conference Programme and Abstracts, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 5–8 June 2024. . pp. 26-27. (KAR id:107880) |
Yildirim, Elena A., Ilina, Larisa A., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Tyurina, D. G., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., Novikova, Natalia I., Kalitkina, Kseniya A., Djepbarova, Ogulgerek, Ponomareva, Ekaterina S., and others. (2024) The search for sources of enterobacteria and clostridia endotoxins in Russian dairy farms: possible transfer of endotoxins through the feed-cow-milk chain. In: Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2024), Minsk, Belarus, June 05-08, 2024. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies , 397. pp. 325-335. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore ISBN 978-981-97-4409-1. E-ISBN 978-981-97-4410-7. (doi:10.1007/978-981-97-4410-7_27) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:107906) |
Yildirim, Elena A., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Ilina, Larisa A., Ponomareva, Ekaterina S., Brazhnik, Evgeni A., Smetannikova, Tatyana S., Novikova, Natalia I., Tyurina, Darya G., Filippova, Valentina A., Dubrovin, Andrei V., and others. (2025) Metagenomic composition and predicted metabolic pathway analyses of the endometrial and rectal microbiota in dairy cows following the introduction of a complex feed additive. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Edition), 17 (1). Article Number 25725. ISSN 1945-0494. E-ISSN 1945-0508. (doi:10.31083/FBE25725) (KAR id:108522) |
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