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From feed regulation to regulated feeding: intestinal microbiome and performance optimization in broiler chickens in response to antibiotic and probiotic treatment [От регулирования кормов к регулируемому кормлению: оптимизация микробиома кишечника и продуктивности цыплят-бройлеров в ответ на применение антибиотика и пробиотика]

Romanov, M.N., Grozina, A A, Ilina, Larisa A., Laptev, Georgi Yu., Yildirim, Elena A., Filippova, Valentina A., Tyurina, D G, Fisinin, V I, Kochish, I.I., Griffin, Darren K., and others. (2022) From feed regulation to regulated feeding: intestinal microbiome and performance optimization in broiler chickens in response to antibiotic and probiotic treatment [От регулирования кормов к регулируемому кормлению: оптимизация микробиома кишечника и продуктивности цыплят-бройлеров в ответ на применение антибиотика и пробиотика]. In: Life of Genomes 2022: Abstracts of the International Conference / Жизнь геномов 2022: Сборник тезисов Международной конференции. . pp. 44-45. Research Center "Regulatory Genomics", Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia (KAR id:99216)


Aims: The nutrition and immune system of poultry are significantly influenced by gut bacteria. The physiological status, metabolism, and innate immunity of poultry are all impacted by changes in the gut microbiota [1,2]. The current study aimed to define age-related changes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microbiota, with the addition of the in-feed antibiotic Stafac® 110 and a probiotic based on the Bacillus subtilis strain to the diet of broiler chickens.

Methods: Using a molecular genetic technique called the Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis [3,4], a thorough investigation of the taxonomic structure of the microbial community in the GIT of broiler chickens was conducted in this regard, while considering age dynamics and feeding treatment. The latter involved administering the in-feed antibiotic Stafac® 110 as well as a probiotic based on the Bacillus subtilis strain 1-85.

Results: The findings provided insight into how the GIT microflora of broiler chickens develops during the developing stage and how it alters in response to antibiotic and probiotic treatment. Using the antibiotic and probiotic in compound feeds had a positive impact on the microbiological makeup and body weight of broilers. Due to the addition of the antibiotic and probiotic to the feed, different bacterial communities were found in the duodenum and cecum of broiler chickens, and their beneficial effects on broiler growth were demonstrated.

Conclusions: We propose that the use of the tested in-feed antibiotic and probiotic can be advantageous in regulating microbial activities in the GIT and improving broiler chicken productivity and feeding effectiveness. These feed additives can form the basis of a useful procedure for controlling the intestinal microbiota and enhancing broiler performance.

Item Type: Conference or workshop item (Lecture)
Uncontrolled keywords: broiler chickens, in-feed antibiotic, probiotic, gastrointestinal tract, microbiome, T-RFLP
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH426 Genetics
S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Reproduction
Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Biosciences
Signature Themes: Food Systems, Natural Resources and Environment
Depositing User: Mike Romanov
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2022 15:23 UTC
Last Modified: 08 Jun 2023 08:34 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

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