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Items where Author, Editor or other role is "Dhont, Kristof"

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Cichocka, Aleksandra and Dhont, Kristof (2018) The personality bases of political ideology and behavior. In: Zeigler-Hill, V. and Shackelford, T., eds. The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences. SAGE, pp. 323-352. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:61743)

Cichocka, Aleksandra, Dhont, Kristof, Makwana, Arti (2017) On Self-love and Outgroup Hate: Opposite Effects of Narcissism on Prejudice via Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism. European Journal of Personality, 31 (4). pp. 366-384. ISSN 0890-2070. E-ISSN 1099-0984. (doi:10.1002/per.2114) (KAR id:62084)
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Christ, Oliver, Asbrock, Frank, Dhont, Kristof, Pettigrew, Thomas F., Wagner, Ulrich (2013) The Effects of Intergroup Climate on Immigrants’ Acculturation Preferences. Zeitschrift fur psychologie - Journal of Psychology, 221 (4). pp. 252-257. ISSN 2190-8370. E-ISSN 2151-2604. (doi:10.1027/2151-2604/a000155) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42826)
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Dhont, Kristof, Ioannidou, Maria (2024) Health, Environmental, and Animal Rights Motives among Omnivores, Vegetarians, and Vegans and the Associations with Meat, Dairy, and Egg Commitment. Food Quality and Preference, 118 . Article Number 105196. ISSN 0950-3293. (doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2024.105196) (KAR id:106340)
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Dhont, Kristof, Ioannidou, Maria (2024) Similarities and differences between vegetarians and vegans in motives for meat-free and plant-based diets. Appetite, 195 . Article Number 107232. ISSN 0195-6663. (doi:10.1016/j.appet.2024.107232) (KAR id:104784)
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Dhont, Kristof, Ioannidou, Maria (2021) Vegan for the Animals. . Online article. (KAR id:91380)
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Dhont, Kristof, Piazza, Jared, Hodson, Gordon (2021) The role of meat appetite in willfully disregarding factory farming as a pandemic catalyst risk. Appetite, 164 . Article Number 105279. ISSN 0195-6663. (doi:10.1016/j.appet.2021.105279) (KAR id:87868)
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Dhont, Kristof, Stoeber, Joachim (2020) The vegan resistance. The Psychologist, 34 (1). pp. 24-27. (KAR id:80384)
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Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon (2020) Dreaming of a Vegan Christmas? . Website. (KAR id:80314)
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Dhont, Kristof and Hodson, Gordon (2020) Loving and Exploiting Animals: An introduction. In: Why We Love and Exploit Animals: Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy. Routledge, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-0-8153-9665-9. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:79350)

Dhont, Kristof and Hodson, Gordon and Leite, Ana C. and Salmen, Alina (2020) The psychology of speciesism. In: Why We Love and Exploit Animals: Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy. Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy, . Routledge, pp. 29-49. ISBN 978-0-8153-9664-2. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:79351)

Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon, Loughnan, Steve, Amiot, Catherine E. (2019) Rethinking Human-Animal Relations: The Critical Role of Social Psychology. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22 (6). pp. 769-784. ISSN 1368-4302. E-ISSN 1461-7188. (doi:10.1177/1368430219864455) (KAR id:75493)
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De keersmaecker, Jonas, Roets, Arne, Dhont, Kristof, Van Assche, Jasper, Onraet, Emma, Van Hiel, Alain (2017) Need for closure and perceived threat as bases of right-wing authoritarianism: A longitudinal moderation approach. Social Cognition, 35 . pp. 433-449. ISSN 0278-016X. (doi:10.1521/soco.2017.35.4.433) (KAR id:59827)
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Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon, Leite, Ana C. (2016) Common Ideological Roots of Speciesism and Generalized Ethnic Prejudice: The Social Dominance Human–Animal Relations Model (SD-HARM). European Journal of Personality, 30 (6). pp. 507-522. ISSN 0890-2070. (doi:10.1002/per.2069) (KAR id:57528)
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Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon (2014) Why do right-wing adherents engage in more animal exploitation and meat consumption? Personality and Individual Differences, 64 . pp. 12-17. ISSN 0191-8869. (doi:10.1016/j.paid.2014.02.002) (KAR id:41689)
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Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon, Costello, Kimberly, MacInnis, Cara C. (2014) Social Dominance Orientation Connects Prejudicial Human-Human and Human-Animal Relations. Personality and Individual Differences, 61-62 . pp. 105-108. ISSN 0191-8869. (doi:10.1016/j.paid.2013.12.020) (KAR id:41687)
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Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain, Hewstone, Miles (2014) Changing the ideological roots of prejudice: Longitudinal effects of ethnic intergroup contact on social dominance orientation. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17 (1). pp. 27-44. ISSN 1368-4302. E-ISSN 1461-7188. (doi:10.1177/1368430213497064) (KAR id:41999)
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Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon (2014) Does lower cognitive ability predict greater prejudice? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23 (6). pp. 454-459. ISSN 0963-7214. E-ISSN 1467-8721. (doi:10.1177/0963721414549750) (KAR id:47547)
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Dhont, Kristof, Roets, Arne, Van Hiel, Alain (2013) The intergenerational transmission of need for closure underlies the transmission of authoritarianism and anti-immigrant prejudice. Personality and Individual Differences, 54 (6). pp. 779-784. ISSN 0191-8869. (doi:10.1016/j.paid.2012.12.016) (KAR id:42822)
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Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain, De Bolle, Marleen, Roets, Arne (2012) Longitudinal Intergroup Contact Effects on Prejudice Using Self- and Observer-Reports. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51 (2). pp. 221-238. ISSN 0144-6665. (doi:10.1111/j.2044-8309.2011.02039.x) (KAR id:42790)
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Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2012) Intergroup contact buffers against the intergenerational transmission of authoritarianism and racial prejudice. Journal of Research in Personality, 46 (2). pp. 231-234. ISSN 0092-6566. (doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2011.12.008) (KAR id:42785)
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Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain, De Cremer, David (2012) Externalities awareness in anticommons dilemmas decreases defective behavior. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 25 (3). pp. 228-238. ISSN 0894-3257. E-ISSN 1099-0771. (doi:10.1002/bdm.718) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42832)

Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2011) Direct contact and authoritarianism as moderators between extended contact and reduced prejudice: Lower threat and greater trust as mediators. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14 (2). pp. 223-237. ISSN 1368-4302. E-ISSN 1461-7188. (doi:10.1177/1368430210391121) (KAR id:42814)
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Dhont, Kristof, Roets, Arne, Van Hiel, Alain (2011) Opening Closed Minds: The Combined Effects of Intergroup Contact and Need for Closure on Prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37 (4). pp. 514-528. ISSN 0146-1672. E-ISSN 1552-7433. (doi:10.1177/0146167211399101) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42825)

Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain, Pattyn, Sven, Onraet, Emma, Severens, Els (2011) A Step into the Anarchist’s Mind: Examining Political Attitudes and Ideology through Event-Related Brain Potentials. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7 (3). pp. 296-303. ISSN 1749-5016. (doi:10.1093/scan/nsr009) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42827)

Dhont, Kristof, Cornelis, Ilse, Van Hiel, Alain (2010) Interracial Public-Police Contact: Relationships with Police Officers’ Racial and Work-Related Attitudes and Behavior. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34 (6). pp. 551-560. ISSN 0147-1767. (doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2010.07.004) (KAR id:42824)
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Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2009) We must not be enemies: Interracial contact and the reduction of prejudice among authoritarians. Personality and Individual Differences, 46 (2). pp. 172-177. ISSN 0191-8869. (doi:10.1016/j.paid.2008.09.022) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42823)

Demanet, Jelle, Dhont, Kristof, Notebaert, Lies, Pattyn, Sven, Vandierendonck, Andre (2007) Pixelating Familiar People in the Media: Should Masking Be Taken at Face Value? Psychologica Belgica, 47 (4). pp. 261-276. ISSN 0033-2879. (doi:10.5334/pb-47-4-261) (KAR id:42831)
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Earle, Megan, Hodson, Gordon, Dhont, Kristof, MacInnis, Cara C. (2019) Eating with our eyes (closed): Effects of visually associating animals with meat on anti-vegan/vegetarian attitudes and meat consumption willingness. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22 (6). pp. 818-835. ISSN 1368-4302. E-ISSN 1461-7188. (doi:10.1177/1368430219861848) (KAR id:73219)
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Franssen, Vicky, Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2013) Age-Related Differences in Ethnic Prejudice: Evidence of the Mediating Effect of Right-Wing Attitudes. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 23 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 1052-9284. E-ISSN 1099-1298. (doi:10.1002/casp.2109) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42837)


Ghunter, Olivia E., MacInnis, Cara C., Hodson, Gordon, Dhont, Kristof (2023) Addressing behavior and policy around meat: associating factory farming with animal cruelty “works” better than zoonotic disease. Anthrozoos, 36 (6). pp. 1099-1113. ISSN 0892-7936. E-ISSN 1753-0377. (doi:10.1080/08927936.2023.2243738) (KAR id:102637)
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Garcia-Sancho, Esperanza, Dhont, Kristof, Salguero, J. Martin, Fernandez-Berrocal, Pablo (2017) The personality basis of aggression: The mediating role of anger and the moderating role of emotional intelligence. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 58 (4). pp. 333-340. ISSN 0036-5564. E-ISSN 1467-9450. (doi:10.1111/sjop.12367) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:62128)
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Hodson, Gordon, Turner, Rhiannon N., Dhont, Kristof (2020) Teaching and learning guide for: The role of individual differences in understanding and enhancing intergroup contact. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, . ISSN 1751-9004. (doi:10.1111/spc3.12551) (KAR id:81974)
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Hodson, Gordon and Dhont, Kristof and Earle, Megan (2020) Devaluing animals, "animalistic" humans, and people who protect animals. In: Why We Love and Exploit Animals: Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy. Routledge, pp. 67-89. ISBN 978-0-8153-9665-9. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:79352)

Hodson, Gordon and Dhont, Kristof (2020) So Why Do We Love But Exploit Animals? Reflections and solutions. In: Why We Love and Exploit Animals: Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy. First Edition. Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy . Routledge, pp. 321-342. ISBN 978-0-8153-9665-9. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:79353)

Hodson, Gordon, Dhont, Kristof (2015) The person-based nature of prejudice: Individual difference predictors of intergroup negativity. European Review of Social Psychology, 26 (1). pp. 1-42. ISSN 1046-3283. E-ISSN 1479-277X. (doi:10.1080/10463283.2015.1070018) (KAR id:50472)
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Krattenmacher, Jochen, Casal, Paula, Dutkiewicz, Jan, Huchard, Elise, Sanders, Edel, Treich, Nicolas, Wadiwel, Dinesh, Williams, Andrew, Bègue, Laurent, Cardilini, Adam P A, and others. (2023) Universities should lead on the plant-based dietary transition. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7 (5). E354-E355. ISSN 2542-5196. (doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00082-7) (KAR id:101462)
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Krings, Victoria C, Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon (2022) Food Technology Neophobia as a Psychological Barrier to Clean Meat Acceptance. Food Quality and Preference, 96 . Article Number 104409. ISSN 0950-3293. (doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2021.104409) (KAR id:90272)
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Krings, Victoria Candace (2022) Attitudes towards Animals and Meat Consumption: The Role of Ideology and Individual Differences. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.93450) (KAR id:93450)
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Krings, Victoria C, Dhont, Kristof, Salmen, Alina (2021) The Moral Divide between High- and Low-Status Animals: The Role of Human Supremacy Beliefs. Anthrozoös, . ISSN 0892-7936. (doi:10.1080/08927936.2021.1926712) (KAR id:85811)
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Kteily, Nour, Hodson, Gordon, Dhont, Kristof, Ho, Arnold K. (2019) Predisposed to Prejudice but Responsive to Intergroup Contact? Testing the Unique Benefits of Intergroup Contact Across Different Types of Individual Differences. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22 (1). pp. 3-25. ISSN 1368-4302. E-ISSN 1461-7188. (doi:10.1177/1368430217716750) (KAR id:62130)
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Leach, Stefan, Dhont, Kristof (2023) Non-speciesist language conveys moral commitments to animals and evokes do-gooder derogation. Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations, . Article Number 9869. E-ISSN 2750-6649. (doi:10.5964/phair.9869) (KAR id:100296)
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Leach, Stefan, Sutton, Robbie M., Dhont, Kristof, Douglas, Karen, Bergström, Zara M (2023) Are we smart enough to remember how smart animals are? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, . ISSN 0096-3445. (doi:10.1037/xge0001401) (KAR id:99937)
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Leach, Stefan, Sutton, Robbie M., Dhont, Kristof, Douglas, Karen, Bergström, Zara M (2023) Changing minds about minds: Evidence that people are too sceptical about animal sentience. Cognition, 230 . Article Number 105263. ISSN 0010-0277. E-ISSN 1873-7838. (doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2022.105263) (KAR id:97554)
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Leach, Stefan, Kitchin, Andrew, Sutton, Robbie M., Dhont, Kristof (2022) Speciesism in everyday language. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62 (1). pp. 486-502. ISSN 0144-6665. (doi:10.1111/bjso.12561) (KAR id:97555)
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Leach, Stefan, Piazza, Jared, Loughnan, Steve, Sutton, Robbie M., Kapantai, Ioanna, Dhont, Kristof, Douglas, Karen (2022) Unpalatable truths: Commitment to eating meat is associated with strategic ignorance of food-animal minds. Appetite, 171 . Article Number 105935. ISSN 0195-6663. (doi:10.1016/j.appet.2022.105935) (KAR id:92842)
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Leach, Stefan, Sutton, Robbie M., Douglas, Karen, Dhont, Kristof (2021) The ‘me’ in meat: Does affirming the self make eating animals seem more morally wrong? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95 . Article Number 104135. ISSN 0022-1031. (doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2021.104135) (KAR id:87536)
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Leach, Stefan, Sutton, Robbie M., Dhont, Kristof, Douglas, Karen M. (2020) When is it wrong to eat animals? The relevance of different animal traits and behaviours. European Journal of Social Psychology, . ISSN 0046-2772. (doi:10.1002/ejsp.2718) (KAR id:83232)
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Leite, Ana C., Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon (2019) Longitudinal Effects of Human Supremacy Beliefs and Vegetarianism Threat on Moral Exclusion (vs. Inclusion) of Animals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49 (1). pp. 179-189. ISSN 0046-2772. (doi:10.1002/ejsp.2497) (KAR id:66768)
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Makwana, Arti (2023) Exploring The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Prejudice and Intergroup Relations. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.100648) (KAR id:100648)
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Makwana, Arti Purshottam, Dhont, Kristof, García-Sancho, Esperanza, Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo (2021) Are emotionally intelligent people less prejudiced? The importance of emotion management skills for outgroup attitudes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51 . pp. 779-792. ISSN 0021-9029. E-ISSN 1559-1816. (doi:10.1111/jasp.12798) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:90180)
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Meleady, Rose, Crisp, Richard J., Dhont, Kristof, Hopthrow, Tim, Turner, Rhiannon N. (2020) Intergroup Contact, Social Dominance and Environmental Concern: A Test of the Cognitive-Liberalization Hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118 (6). pp. 1146-1164. ISSN 0022-3514. E-ISSN 1939-1315. (doi:10.1037/pspi0000196) (KAR id:73713)
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Makwana, Arti, Dhont, Kristof, De keersmaecker, Jonas, Akhlagi-Ghaffarokh, Parisa, Masure, Marine, Roets, Arne (2018) The motivated cognitive basis of transphobia: The role of right-wing ideologies and gender role beliefs. Sex Roles, 79 . pp. 206-217. ISSN 0360-0025. E-ISSN 1573-2762. (doi:10.1007/s11199-017-0860-x) (KAR id:64557)
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Meeusen, Cecil, Dhont, Kristof (2015) Parent–Child similarity in common and specific components of prejudice: The role of ideological attitudes and political discussion. European Journal of Personality, 29 (6). pp. 585-598. ISSN 0890-2070. E-ISSN 1099-0984. (doi:10.1002/per.2011) (KAR id:50636)
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Ozkan, Zafer, Dhont, Kristof, Abrams, Dominic (2024) Intergroup contact and intended actions in support of disadvantaged groups: the role of affective processes and feelings of solidarity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 27 (3). pp. 471-496. ISSN 1461-7188. E-ISSN 1461-7188. (doi:10.1177/13684302231174402) (KAR id:101111)
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Ozkan, Zafer (2019) Intergroup Contact and Solidarity-based Collective Action Intentions: The Role of Affective and Identity-based Processes. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:73489)
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Onraet, Emma, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof, Hodson, Gordon, Schittekatte, Mark, De Pauw, Sarah (2015) The Association of Cognitive Ability with Right-wing Ideological Attitudes and Prejudice: A Meta-analytic Review. European Journal of Personality, 29 (6). pp. 599-621. ISSN 0890-2070. E-ISSN 1099-0984. (doi:10.1002/per.2027) (KAR id:53610)
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Onraet, Emma, Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2014) The relationships between internal and external threat and right-wing attitudes: A three-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40 (6). pp. 715-725. ISSN 0146-1672. E-ISSN 1552-7433. (doi:10.1177/0146167214524256) (KAR id:42844)
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Onraet, Emma, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof, Pattyn, Sven (2013) Internal and external threat in relationship with right-wing attitudes. Journal of Personality, 81 (3). pp. 233-248. ISSN 0022-3506. E-ISSN 1467-6494. (doi:10.1111/jopy.12011) (KAR id:42754)
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Onraet, Emma, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof (2013) The relationship between right-wing ideological attitudes and psychological well-being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39 (4). pp. 509-522. ISSN 0146-1672. E-ISSN 1552-7433. (doi:10.1177/0146167213478199) (KAR id:42845)
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Peitz, Linus (2020) The Psychology of Euroscepticism and Brexit Preferences: The Role of Social Attitudes and Implications for National Identification. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:84834)
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Peitz, Linus, Dhont, Kristof, Seyd, Ben (2018) The Psychology of Supranationalism: Its Ideological Correlates and Implications for EU Attitudes and post-Brexit Preferences. Political Psychology, 39 (6). pp. 1305-1322. ISSN 0162-895X. E-ISSN 1467-9221. (doi:10.1111/pops.12542) (KAR id:69906)
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Pattyn, Sven, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof, Onraet, Emma (2012) Stripping the Political Cynic: A Psychological Exploration of the Concept of Political Cynicism. European Journal of Personality, 26 (6). pp. 566-579. ISSN 0890-2070. (doi:10.1002/per.858) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:42833)


Rosenfeld, Daniel L., Balcetis, Emily, Bastian, Brock, Berkman, Elliot T., Bosson, Jennifer K., Brannon, Tiffany N., Burrow, Anthony L., Cameron, C. Daryl, Chen, Serena, Cook, Jonathan E., and others. (2022) Psychological Science in the Wake of COVID-19: Social, Methodological, and Metascientific Considerations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17 . pp. 311-333. ISSN 1745-6916. (doi:10.1177/1745691621999374) (KAR id:87537)
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Reimer, Nils Karl, Becker, Julia, Benz, Angelika, Christ, Oliver, Dhont, Kristof, Klocke, Ulrich, Neji, Sybille, Rychlowska, Magdalena, Schmid, Katharina, Hewstone, Miles and others. (2017) Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43 (1). pp. 121-136. ISSN 0146-1672. (doi:10.1177/0146167216676478) (KAR id:58320)
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Roets, Arne, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof (2012) Is sexism a gender issue? A motivated social cognition perspective on men’s and women’s sexist attitudes toward own and other gender. European Journal of Personality, 26 (3). pp. 350-359. ISSN 0890-2070. (doi:10.1002/per.843) (KAR id:42813)
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Stoeber, Joachim, Salmen, Alina, Dhont, Kristof (2024) Individual differences in effective animal advocacy: Moderating effects of gender identity and speciesism. Anthrozoös, 37 (3). pp. 573-585. ISSN 0892-7936. (doi:10.1080/08927936.2024.2314389) (KAR id:108622)
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Stoeber, Joachim, Dhont, Kristof, Salmen, Alina (2024) Individual differences in effective animal advocacy: Moderating effects of gender identity and speciesism. Anthrozoös, 37 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0892-7936. (In press) (doi:10.1080/08927936.2024.2314389) (KAR id:104927)
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Salmen, Alina, Dhont, Kristof (2022) Animalizing women and feminizing (vegan) men: The psychological intersections of sexism, speciesism, meat, and masculinity. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17 (2). Article Number e12717. ISSN 1751-9004. (doi:10.1111/spc3.12717) (KAR id:99276)
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Salmen, Alina and Dhont, Kristof and Faber, Nadira S. (2022) Beef it up! How masculinity distorts perceptions of vegan men. Working paper. University of Kent (Unpublished) (KAR id:99206)
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Salmen, Alina (2022) Animalizing women and feminizing men: The psychological intersections of human supremacism, sexism, and anti-veganism. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.93763) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:93763)
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Salmen, Alina, Dhont, Kristof (2021) Hostile and Benevolent Sexism: The Differential Roles of Human Supremacy Beliefs, Women’s Connection to Nature, and the Dehumanization of Women. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24 (7). pp. 1053-1076. ISSN 1368-4302. (doi:10.1177/1368430220920713) (KAR id:80688)
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Salmen, Alina, Dhont, Kristof (2021) On ‘meatheads’ and ‘soy boys’. The Psychologist, 34 . pp. 40-43. ISSN 0952-8229. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:83937)


Turner, Rhiannon N., Hodson, Gordon, Dhont, Kristof (2020) The role of individual differences in understanding and enhancing intergroup contact. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, . E-ISSN 1751-9004. (doi:10.1111/spc3.12533) (KAR id:80670)
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Turner, Rhiannon N., Dhont, Kristof, Hewstone, Miles, Prestwich, Andrew, Vonofakou, Christiana (2014) The Role of Personality Factors in the Reduction of Intergroup Anxiety and Amelioration of Outgroup Attitudes via Intergroup Contact. European Journal of Personality, 28 (2). pp. 180-192. ISSN 0890-2070. (doi:10.1002/per.1927) (KAR id:42722)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Swart, Hermann, Schmid, Katharina, Dhont, Kristof, Al Ramiah, Ananthi, Christ, Oliver, Kauff, Mathias, Rothmann, Sebastiaan, Savelkoul, Michael, Tausch, Nicole, and others. (2023) Intergroup Contact Is Reliably Associated With Reduced Prejudice, Even in the Face of Group Threat and Discrimination. American Psychologist, . ISSN 0003-066X. E-ISSN 1935-990X. (doi:10.1037/amp0001144) (KAR id:101112)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Roets, Arne, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof (2019) Diverse Reactions to Ethnic Diversity: The Role of Individual Differences in Authoritarianism. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28 (6). pp. 523-527. ISSN 0963-7214. E-ISSN 1467-8721. (doi:10.1177/0963721419857769) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:73895)

Van Assche, Jasper, Dhont, Kristof, Pettigrew, Thomas F. (2019) The Social-Psychological Bases of Far-Right Support in Europe and the United States. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29 (5). pp. 385-401. ISSN 1052-9284. E-ISSN 1099-1298. (doi:10.1002/casp.2407) (KAR id:73220)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Van Hiel, Alain, Dhont, Kristof, Roets, Arne (2019) Broadening the individual differences lens on party support and voting behavior: Cynicism and prejudice as relevant attitudes referring to modern-day political alignments. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49 (1). pp. 190-199. ISSN 0046-2772. E-ISSN 1099-0992. (doi:10.1002/ejsp.2377) (KAR id:66373)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Asbrock, Frank, Dhont, Kristof, Roets, Arne (2018) The Diversity Challenge for High and Low Authoritarians: Multilevel and Longitudinal Effects through Intergroup Contact and Threat. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44 (8). pp. 1163-1179. ISSN 0146-1672. (doi:10.1177/0146167218764653) (KAR id:66371)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain, Roets, Arne (2018) Ethnic diversity and support for populist parties: The “right” road through political cynicism and lack of trust. Social Psychology, 49 . pp. 182-189. ISSN 1864-9335. (doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000340) (KAR id:66374)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Roets, Arne, Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2016) The association between actual and perceived ethnic diversity: The moderating role of authoritarianism and implications for outgroup threat, anxiety, and mistrust. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46 . pp. 807-817. ISSN 0046-2772. (doi:10.1002/ejsp.2211) (KAR id:59828)
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Van Assche, Jasper, Roets, Arne, Dhont, Kristof, Van Hiel, Alain (2014) Diversity and Out-Group Attitudes in the Netherlands: The Role of Authoritarianism and Social Threat in the Neighbourhood. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 (9). pp. 1414-1430. ISSN 1369-183X. E-ISSN 1469-9451. (doi:10.1080/1369183X.2013.876895) (KAR id:42846)
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