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An Investigation Into Thermal Comfort In Residential Buildings In The Hot Humid Climate Of Sub-Saharan Africa: A Field Study In Abuja-Nigeria

Adaji, Michael, Watkins, Richard, Adler, Gerald (2015) An Investigation Into Thermal Comfort In Residential Buildings In The Hot Humid Climate Of Sub-Saharan Africa: A Field Study In Abuja-Nigeria. In: Proceedings of 31st International PLEA Conference, Passive Low Energy Architecture: Architecture in (R)Evolution. . (KAR id:52682)


A field study was conducted to understand the real and preferred conditions of thermal comfort in low-income residential buildings in Abuja, Nigeria. Knowing the temperatures people are experiencing in their houses and the limits which residents can tolerate is a first step to proffer passive solutions to reduce discomfort. During the study, 40 people responded to a post occupancy questionnaire and two households were issued a comfort survey questionnaire. Physical measurements were taken simultaneously during the comfort survey in both an air-conditioned and naturally ventilated residential building. The ASHRAE and air flow sensation scale were chosen as voting scales. The results from this study show that during the monitoring period the average and maximum temperatures in an air conditioned residential building were 31°C and 34°C; and 33°C and 36°C for natural ventilated buildings in Abuja. This compares with the external average and maximum air temperatures of 31°C and 39°C.

Item Type: Conference or workshop item (Paper)
Uncontrolled keywords: thermal comfort low-income residential building post occupancy survey comfort survey
Subjects: Q Science
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Arts and Humanities > Kent School of Architecture and Planning
Depositing User: Richard Watkins
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2015 09:38 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:39 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

University of Kent Author Information

Adaji, Michael.

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Watkins, Richard.

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Adler, Gerald.

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