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Digital Communication System with High Security and High Immunity

Alshammari, Ahmed (2017) Digital Communication System with High Security and High Immunity. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:69470)

Language: English
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Today, security issues are increased due to huge data transmissions over communication media such as mobile phones, TV cables, online games, Wi-Fi and satellite transmission etc. for uses such as medical, military or entertainment. This creates a challenge for government and commercial companies to keep these data transmissions secure. Traditional secure ciphers, either block ciphers such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or stream ciphers, are not fast or completely secure. However, the unique properties of a chaotic system, such as structure complexity, deterministic dynamics, random output response and extreme sensitivity to the initial condition, make it motivating for researchers in the field of communication system security. These properties establish an increased relationship between chaos and cryptography that create strong and fast cipher compared to conventional algorithms, which are weak and slow ciphers. Additionally, chaotic synchronisation has sparked many studies on the application of chaos in communication security, for example, the chaotic synchronisation between two different systems in which the transmitter (master system) is driving the receiver (slave system) by its output signal.

For this reason, it is essential to design a secure communication system for data transmission in noisy environments that robust to different types of attacks (such as a brute force attack). In this thesis, a digital communication system with high immunity and security, based on a Lorenz stream cipher chaotic signal, has been perfectly applied.

A new cryptosystem approach based on Lorenz chaotic systems was designed for secure data transmission. The system uses a stream cipher, in which the encryption key varies continuously in a chaotic manner. Furthermore, one or more of the parameters of the Lorenz generator is controlled by an auxiliary chaotic generator for increased security. In this thesis, the two Lorenz chaotic systems are called the Main Lorenz Generator and the Auxiliary Lorenz Generator. The system was designed using the SIMULINK tool. The system performance in the presence of noise was tested, and the simulation results are provided. Then, the clock-recovery technique is presented, with real-time results of the clock recovery. The receiver demonstrated its ability to recover and lock the clock successfully. Furthermore, the technique for synchronisation between two separate FPGA boards (transmitter and receiver) is detailed, in which the master system transmits specific data to trigger a slave system in order to run synchronously. The real-time results are provided, which show the achieved synchronisation. The receiver was able to recover user data without error, and the real-time results are listed.

The randomness test (NIST) results of the Lorenz chaotic signals are also given. Finally, the security analysis determined the system to have a high degree of security compared to other communication systems.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD))
Thesis advisor: [error in script], [error in script]
Uncontrolled keywords: Digital Communication System, High Security, High immunity, Chaotic System, Lorenz System, Encryption, Block Cipher, Stream Cipher, FPGA
SWORD Depositor: System Moodle
Depositing User: System Moodle
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2018 13:27 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 12:31 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

University of Kent Author Information

Alshammari, Ahmed.

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