Items where Author, Editor or other role is "Graye, Sarah Marie"
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Number of items: 17.
Graye, Sarah Marie (2025) I own, therefore I am? Object biography, object personification and the personal archive. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.108756) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:108756) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) The Space In Between. The Banyan Review Video. (KAR id:90637) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) The Week's Walk. The Banyan Review Video. (KAR id:90640) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) Chipped Tooth. Albany Poets Video. (KAR id:89938) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) The Unwelcome Visitor. . Tendon Magazine: Johns Hopkins University's Medical Humanities Creative Journal website. (KAR id:89920) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) All the Sights, Sounds and Smells. . The Antonym Magazine Internet article. (KAR id:88777) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) Nature's Fireworks. Poetry Film Live Video. (KAR id:88661) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) Mary Rose: The Wreckage of Chronic Illness. . The Polyphony, 4 pp. Website article. (KAR id:88281) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) There is no journey; I stay put. . Text and image. (KAR id:88318) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) Representing Epistemic Injustice. . British Medical Journal internet blog. (KAR id:87943) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2021) Ill But Invisible: When Doctors Are No Longer Interested. Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research / Sarah Marie Graye / YouTube Online film. (KAR id:87699) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2018) The Victoria Lie. The Butterfly Effect . Vociferate Press, 304 pp. ISBN 978-1-9999880-3-6. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:85809) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2018) Why I Believe The Name ADHD Needs To Change. . Huffington Post Online newspaper. (KAR id:85805) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2018) No, Using Your Phone Won't Cause ADHD: A study ignores the differences between causation and correlation. . Huffington Post Online newspaper. (KAR id:85810) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2018) "The ADHD Symptom Women Might Be Overlooking" I didn’t have a Borderline Personality Disorder, after all. . ADDitude Magazine Online newspaper. (KAR id:85807) |
Graye, Sarah Marie (2017) The Second Cup. The Butterfly Effect . Vociferate Press, 313 pp. ISBN 978-1-9999880-1-2. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:85808) |