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Setting robust biodiversity goals

Maron, Martine, Juffe-Bignoli, Diego, Krueger, Linda, Kiesecker, Joseph, Kümpel, Noëlle F., ten Kate, Kerry, Milner-Gulland, E.J., Arlidge, William N. S., Booth, Hollie, Bull, Joseph W., and others. (2021) Setting robust biodiversity goals. Conservation Letters, . ISSN 1755-263X. (doi:10.1111/conl.12816) (KAR id:88525)


The new global biodiversity framework (GBF) being developed under the Convention on Biological Diversity must drive action to reverse the ongoing decline of the Earth’s biodiversity. Explicit, measurable goals that specify the outcomes we want to achieve are needed to set the course for this action. However, the current draft goals and targets fail to set out these clear outcomes. We argue that distinct outcome goals for species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity are essential, and should specify net outcomes required for each. Net outcome goals such as ‘no net loss’ do, however, have a controversial history, and loose specification can lead to perverse outcomes. We outline seven general principles to underpin net outcome goal-setting that minimise risk of such perverse outcomes. Finally, we recommend inclusion of statements of impact in action targets that support biodiversity goals, and we illustrate the importance of this with examples from the draft GBF action targets. These modifications would help reveal the specific contribution each would make to achieving the outcome goals, and provide clarity on whether the successful achievement of action targets would be adequate to achieve the outcome goals and, in turn, the 2050 vision: living in harmony with nature.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1111/conl.12816
Uncontrolled keywords: Conservation policy, conservation targets, Convention on Biological Diversity, ecosystem collapse, species extinction, Global Biodiversity Framework, national commitments, net gain, perverse outcomes
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Anthropology and Conservation
Depositing User: Joseph Bull
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2021 10:47 UTC
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2024 19:46 UTC
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