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Cosine-Sine Modulated Filter Banks for Motion Estimation and Correction

Maass, Marco and Phan, Huy and Möller, Anita and Mertins, Alfred (2015) Cosine-Sine Modulated Filter Banks for Motion Estimation and Correction. In: Battiato, Sebastiano and Blanc-Talon, Jacques and Gallo, Giovanni and Philips, Wilfried and Popescu, Dan and Scheunders, Paul, eds. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems 16th International Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Catania, Italy, pp. 195-204. ISBN 978-3-319-25902-4. E-ISBN 978-3-319-25903-1. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25903-1_17) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:72690)

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We present a new motion estimation algorithm that uses cosine-sine modulated filter banks to form complex modulated filter banks. The motion estimation is based on phase differences between a template and the reference image. By using a non-downsampled version of the cosine-sine modulated filter bank, our algorithm is able to shift the template image over the reference image in the transform domain by only changing the phases of the template image based on a given motion field. We also show that we can correct small non-rigid motions by directly using the phase difference between the reference and the template images in the transform domain. We also include a first application in magnetic resonance imaging, where the Fourier space is corrupted by motion and we use the phase difference method to correct small motion. This indicates the magnitude invariance for small motions.

Item Type: Book section
DOI/Identification number: 10.1007/978-3-319-25903-1_17
Uncontrolled keywords: Motion estimation, Motion correction, Motion invariance , Cosine-sine modulated filter banks, Motion MRI
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences > School of Computing
Depositing User: Huy Phan
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2019 17:07 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 12:35 UTC
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