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“I told you this last time, right?”: Re-visiting narratives of STEM education

Dziallas, Sebastian and Fincher, Sally (2018) “I told you this last time, right?”: Re-visiting narratives of STEM education. In: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research. ICER International Computing Education Research Workshop . ACM, New York, USA, pp. 223-231. ISBN 978-1-4503-5628-2. (doi:10.1145/3230977.3230989) (KAR id:68567)


The stories we tell ourselves and others - both as individuals and as a community - reflect how we make sense of our lives. Our work using narrative methods has explored how university graduates make sense of their learning experiences and how these fit within their wider learning trajectories. In this paper, we discuss work we conducted with a group of a dozen students who, when first interviewed, were in the second half of their undergraduate education at Olin College of Engineering. All twelve participants were re-interviewed four years later, after they had graduated, using the same narrative protocol that asked them to describe their learning 'life' as if it was a book, and to identify and describe individual chapters of their experience. The pairs of interviews were analysed with respect to their form and their content. In regard to form, a classification of these repeated stories is derived. Thematic analysis of the content examines a) how students come to study and practice computing and b) the continuing, and changing influence of a university education over time, as students construct an individual sense of coherence.

Item Type: Book section
DOI/Identification number: 10.1145/3230977.3230989
Uncontrolled keywords: narrative methods, qualitative research, longitudinal work
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences > School of Computing
Depositing User: Sally Fincher
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2018 06:25 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 12:30 UTC
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University of Kent Author Information

Dziallas, Sebastian.

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Fincher, Sally.

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