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[Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) nanoparticle production in a milliscale segmented flow crystalliser

Robertson, Karen, Flandrin, Pierre-Baptiste, Shepherd, Helena J., Wilson, Chick C. (2017) [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) nanoparticle production in a milliscale segmented flow crystalliser. Chimica Oggi, 35 (1). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0392-839X. E-ISSN 1973-8250. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:61916)

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Microfluidics has become well established as the benchmark method of nanoparticle production but the need for special equipment and the challenge of scale-up can make it prohibitive for many laboratories. In contrast, the larger scale millifluidics methodology provides a platform for controlled nanoparticle production in a simple set-up without risk of blockages, increasing the volume of material produced while continuing to offer control over particle attributes. Nanoparticle size can have a profound effect on the properties exhibited, in the case of spin-crossover materials the size of nanoparticles can have a direct correspondence with the hysteresis of magnetic susceptibility vs temperature. Nanoparticle synthesis of the spin-crossover coordination polymer [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) (Htrz = 1,2,4-1H-triazole) has hitherto been reported through batch methods alone. Here we present the first flow synthesis of [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) in a milli-scale segmented flow crystalliser (the Kinetically Regulated Automated Input Crystalliser, KRAIC).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled keywords: Nanoparticles, flow crystallisation, meso, milli, spin-crossover, flow chemistry.
Subjects: Q Science
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Physics and Astronomy
Depositing User: Helena Shepherd
Date Deposited: 02 Jun 2017 08:53 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:56 UTC
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