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E-type asteroid (2867) steins as imaged by OSIRIS on board rosetta

Keller, H.U., Barbieri, C., Koschny, D., Lamy, P., Rkkman, H., Rodrigo, R., Sierks, H., A'Hearn, M.F., Angrilli, F., Barucci, M.A., and others. (2010) E-type asteroid (2867) steins as imaged by OSIRIS on board rosetta. Science, 327 (5962). pp. 190-193. ISSN 0036-8075. E-ISSN 1095-9203. (doi:10.1126/science.1179559) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:52290)

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The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission encountered the main-belt asteroid (2867) Steins while on its way to rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Images taken with the OSIRIS (optical, spectroscopic, and infrared remote imaging system) cameras on board Rosetta show that Steins is an oblate body with an effective spherical diameter of 5.3 kilometers. Its surface does not show color variations. The morphology of Steins is dominated by linear faults and a large 2.1-kilometer-diameter crater near its south pole. Crater counts reveal a distinct lack of small craters. Steins is not solid rock but a rubble pile and has a conical appearance that is probably the result of reshaping due to Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) spin-up. The OSIRIS images constitute direct evidence for the YORP effect on a main-belt asteroid.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1126/science.1179559
Additional information: Unmapped bibliographic data: LA - English [Field not mapped to EPrints] J2 - Science [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - MaX Planck Institute for Solar System Research, KatlenburgLindau, Germany [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - University of Padova, Padova, Italy [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - European Space and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, Netherlands [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Université de Provence, Marseille, France [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Institute För Astronomi Och Rymdfysik, Uppsala, Sweden [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Granada, Spain [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, United States [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Services d'Aéronomie de, CNRS, Verrières le Buisson, France [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Berlin, Germany [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - National Central University, Jhongli City, Taiwan [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - German Aerospace Center, Berlin, Germany [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Madrid, Spain [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Institute of Computer and Network Engineering, Braunschweig, Germany [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aérospacial, Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern, Switzerland [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Polish Academy of Sdences Space Research Center, Warsaw, Poland [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche-lstituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Luxor, Padova, Italy [Field not mapped to EPrints] DB - Scopus [Field not mapped to EPrints]
Uncontrolled keywords: asteroid, comet, crater, infrared imagery, satellite imagery, spectrometer, article, asteroid body, astronomy, imaging system, measurement, osiris, priority journal, space flight
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Physics and Astronomy
Depositing User: Stephen Lowry
Date Deposited: 08 Dec 2015 22:04 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:38 UTC
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