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Toward a Dynamical Approach for Systematic Conservation Planning of Eastern English Channel Fisheries

Reecht, Yves and Gasche, Loïc and Lehuta, Sigrid and Vaz, Sandrine and Smith, Robert J. and Mahévas, Stéphanie and Marchal, Paul (2015) Toward a Dynamical Approach for Systematic Conservation Planning of Eastern English Channel Fisheries. In: Ceccaldi, Hubert-Jean and Hénocque, Yves and Koike, Yasuyuki and Komatsu, Teruhisa and Stora, Georges and Tusseau-Vuillemin, Marie-Hélene, eds. Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems. Springer International Publishing, pp. 175-185. ISBN 978-3-319-13877-0. E-ISBN 978-3-319-13878-7. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-13878-7_19) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:48053)

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In the past decade, systematic conservation planning tools have been increasingly and successfully used to set spatial conservation plans that meet quantitative protection targets while minimizing enforcement and socioeconomic costs. However, when applied to fisheries, systematic conservation planning fails to account for (1) changes in fleet dynamics induced by new conservation constraints and their associated feedbacks on conservation costs or (2) their influence on fish population dynamics and distributions, which may in turn alter the achievement of conservation targets. Such a static approach may therefore lead to short- or medium-term misestimates in forecasted costs and target achievements. In order to circumvent such limitations of systematic conservation planning, we present a first attempt to couple a conservation planning tool (Marxan with Zones) with a mixed fisheries dynamics simulation model (ISIS-Fish), applied to the Eastern English Channel fisheries. Broad principles and perspectives are discussed and anticipated future challenges of such an approach are presented.

Item Type: Book section
DOI/Identification number: 10.1007/978-3-319-13878-7_19
Uncontrolled keywords: MPAs, Systematic conservation planning, Mixed fisheries dynamics, Model coupling, Eastern English Channel, Marxan with Zones, ISIS-Fish
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH75 Conservation (Biology)
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Anthropology and Conservation > DICE (Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology)
Depositing User: Bob Smith
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2015 12:38 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:31 UTC
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