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Studies on chick embryo sex determination and manipulation in the countries of the former USSR — a review. 2. Shifting of sex ratio

Romanov, Michael N., Narushin, Valeriy G., Sakhatsky, N I (1994) Studies on chick embryo sex determination and manipulation in the countries of the former USSR — a review. 2. Shifting of sex ratio. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Poultry Conference: Plenary Papers and Contributed Papers. 1. pp. 324-326. Great Britain, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; World's Poultry Science Association, UK Branch, Andover, Hampshire, England, UK ISBN 0-9523602-1-7. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:46312)

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A review of some trials in the former USSR, attempting to influence the sex ratio in fowls by administering feed additives to hens, changing egg incubation temperature, treating eggs with amino acids and inducing parthenogenesis.

The results of studies carried out in the countries of the former USSR on the problem of sex ratio shifting are reviewed with reference to impacts both on the parent organisms and on the embryos. The first way of shifting has been realized by using some additions to the hen rations and the second one by changing temperature, treating eggs with amino acids or orienting them in the Earth’s magnetic field during incubation. Also, the studies on manipulating poultry sex by the induced parthenogenesis are listed. [For Pt. 1 see pp. 320-321 of the Proceedings].

Item Type: Conference or workshop item (Poster)
Uncontrolled keywords: sex diagnosis; avian egg; quality; size; interrelationships; eggs; egg weight; shape index; eggshell; egg contents; chickens; sex; poultry
Subjects: D History General and Old World > DK Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics
Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Reproduction
Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Biosciences
Signature Themes: Food Systems, Natural Resources and Environment
Depositing User: Mike Romanov
Date Deposited: 26 Dec 2014 11:07 UTC
Last Modified: 29 May 2024 12:33 UTC
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