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Why are Kyrgyzstan’s slum dwellers so angry?

Sanghera, Balihar (2010) Why are Kyrgyzstan’s slum dwellers so angry? openDemocracy, . (KAR id:38348)


If you want to understand what has motivated the uprising of Kyrgyzstan’s poor, you need look no further than the package of neo-liberal economic reforms imposed on the country by the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organisation

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled keywords: russia & eurasia, russia, conflicts, Foreign, Conflict, Conflict Kyrgyzstan
Subjects: H Social Sciences
Divisions: Divisions > Division for the Study of Law, Society and Social Justice > School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research
Depositing User: Mita Mondal
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2014 09:33 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:22 UTC
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