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Payments for ecosystem services and rural development: Landowners' preferences and potential participation in western Mexico

MacMillan, Douglas C. (2013) Payments for ecosystem services and rural development: Landowners' preferences and potential participation in western Mexico. Ecosystem Services, 6 (1). pp. 72-81. ISSN 2212-0416. (doi:10.1016) (KAR id:38295)


Incentive-based mechanisms cancontribute to rural development and deliver environmental services, but need to be attractive to landowners and communities to ensure their participation.Here we study the views of landowners and agrarian communities(ejidos)from central Jalisco in Mexico to identify characteristics that payment for environmental services (PES)programs conserving/enhancing forest cover could include in their design. A choice experiment was applied to 161 landowners and ejido-landowners. Results show that importance and dependency on cash payments can decrease if interventions to promote local development through improved health and education services and generation of employment and productive projects areincluded. Responses indicate that communal

forested areas in ejidos would be most likely to enroll into PES.In some cases grasslands could be

afforested. Agroforestry practices providing other environmental services could also be implemented e.g. windbreaks).Potential enrollment is lower in agricultural and peri-urban areas due to higher opportunity costs. Higher payments favor enrollment but may compromise the program's efficiency since aggregated cashflow over long periods can exceed the present value of the land itself in some areas. Offering a mix of cash and non-cash benefits based on local developmental needs might be the best way to promote participation in PES.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1016
Uncontrolled keywords: Livelihoods approach, Market-based mechanisms, Incentive programs, REDD+, La Primavera Biosphere Reserve
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Anthropology and Conservation
Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Anthropology and Conservation > DICE (Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology)
Depositing User: Douglas MacMillan
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2014 13:02 UTC
Last Modified: 08 Jan 2022 23:10 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

University of Kent Author Information

MacMillan, Douglas C..

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