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Structure and Function of Red Fox Vulpes Vulpes Vocalisations

Newton-Fisher, Nicholas E., Harris, Stephen, White, Piran, Jones, Gareth J.F. (1993) Structure and Function of Red Fox Vulpes Vulpes Vocalisations. Bioacoustics, 5 . pp. 1-31. ISSN 0952-4622. (doi:10.1080/09524622.1993.9753228) (KAR id:27838)


A sonagraphic analysis of the structure of fox vocalisations, based on 512 adult and 73 cub vocalisations obtained from archive recordings, was combined with field data on the vocal behaviour of an urban fox population. Calls were described quantitatively by six variables: duration, lowest and second lowest frequency bands (from sonagrams), highest and second highest peak frequencies (from power spectra) and the number of components. They were separated into 20 call types, eight of which were cub vocalisations. Call types were used singly or in combination, and some gradation between particular call types was apparent. Hypotheses regarding call function were generated based on the matching of acoustic properties with their seasonal occurrence and the socioecological pressures acting on foxes at different times of the year. Calls that were structurally suited to agonistic and contact functions were found to significantly more common during the winter, the time of mating and dispersal, when foxes move over greater areas.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1080/09524622.1993.9753228
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH541 Ecology
Q Science > QL Zoology
Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Anthropology and Conservation
Depositing User: Nicholas Newton-Fisher
Date Deposited: 25 May 2011 21:00 UTC
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2023 11:32 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

University of Kent Author Information

Newton-Fisher, Nicholas E..

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