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Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2000

Curtis, Lesley A. and Netten, Ann, eds. (2000) Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2000. Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent ISBN 1902671198 ISSN: 09694226. (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:26651)

The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided.


Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2000, compiled by Ann Netten and Lesley Curtis. This is the eighth volume in a series of reports from a Department of Health-funded programme of work based at the Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Kent. The aim is to improve unit cost estimates over time, drawing on material as it becomes available, including ongoing and specially commissioned research.

The costs reported always reflect, to a greater or lesser degree, work in progress, as the intention is to refine and improve estimates wherever possible, drawing on a wide variety of sources. The aim is to provide as detailed and comprehensive information as possible, quoting sources and assumptions so users can adapt the information for their own purposes. Brief articles are included where new services or other pieces of information need clarification or explanation.

The editorial identifies the new developments in estimates included and key current issues in the estimation of costs and use of the information provided in this report.

New in this edition: This year we have included new information from research about mental health day care costs, family support workers, costs of counsellors in GP surgeries and practice nurse salaries. We have also updated previous information on care packages and sheltered work schemes for people with mental health problems. The results are reported in the individual schema for each service. In addition we have used a general local government inflator rather than the PSS inflator that was used in the past.

Copyright: The PSSRU retains the copyright in the Unit Costs series. They may be freely distributed as pdf files and on paper, but quotations must be acknowledged and permission for use of longer excerpts must be obtained in advance. Please acknowledge Unit Costs of Health and Social Care as the source when using costs estimates and information from these reports.

This work was undertaken by the PSSRU, which receives support from the Department of Health. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of Health.

Item Type: Edited book
Divisions: Divisions > Division for the Study of Law, Society and Social Justice > School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research > Personal Social Services Research Unit
Depositing User: R. Bass
Date Deposited: 20 May 2011 14:23 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:07 UTC
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