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Morphokinetic Profiling Suggests That Rapid First Cleavage Division Accurately Predicts the Chances of Blastulation in Pig In Vitro Produced Embryos

Hillyear, Lucy M., Zak, Louisa J., Beckitt, Tom, Griffin, Darren K., Harvey, Simon C., Harvey, Katie E. (2024) Morphokinetic Profiling Suggests That Rapid First Cleavage Division Accurately Predicts the Chances of Blastulation in Pig In Vitro Produced Embryos. Animals, 14 (5). Article Number 783. E-ISSN 2076-2615. (doi:10.3390/ani14050783) (KAR id:105303)


The study of pig preimplantation embryo development has several potential uses: from agriculture to the production of medically relevant genetically modified organisms and from rare breed conservation to acting as a physiologically relevant model for progressing human and other (e.g., endangered) species’ in vitro fertilisation technology. Despite this, barriers to the widespread adoption of pig embryo in vitro production include lipid-laden cells that are hard to visualise, slow adoption of contemporary technologies such as the use of time-lapse incubators or artificial intelligence, poor blastulation and high polyspermy rates. Here, we employ a commercially available time-lapse incubator to provide a comprehensive overview of the morphokinetics of pig preimplantation development for the first time. We tested the hypotheses that (a) there are differences in developmental timings between blastulating and non-blastulating embryos and (b) embryo developmental morphokinetic features can be used to predict the likelihood of blastulation. The abattoir-derived oocytes fertilised by commercial extended semen produced presumptive zygotes were split into two groups: cavitating/blastulating 144 h post gamete co-incubation and those that were not. The blastulating group reached the 2-cell and morula stages significantly earlier, and the time taken to reach the 2-cell stage was identified to be a predictive marker for blastocyst formation. Reverse cleavage was also associated with poor blastulation. These data demonstrate the potential of morphokinetic analysis in automating and upscaling pig in vitro production through effective embryo selection.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.3390/ani14050783
Uncontrolled keywords: General Veterinary, Animal Science and Zoology
Subjects: Q Science
Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Biosciences
SWORD Depositor: JISC Publications Router
Depositing User: JISC Publications Router
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2024 15:05 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 13:11 UTC
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