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Patient empowerment, eating behaviours and illness control: pre-post outcomes from DWELL delivery in UK and France

Morris, R., Hatzidimitriadou, E., Manship, Sharon, Hulbert, S., Webster, J., Teke, J., Belmas, N., Best, A., Averous, V., Cazier, J. and others. (2020) Patient empowerment, eating behaviours and illness control: pre-post outcomes from DWELL delivery in UK and France. European Journal of Public Health, 30 (5). Article Number ckaa165.13. ISSN 1101-1262. (doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.1389) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:100092)

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Diabetes self-management programmes can improve clinical and healthy lifestyle outcomes. Research has demonstrated that improved engagement with type 2 diabetes (T2D) care is associated with greater empowerment beliefs and a perceived internal control over their illness. As part of the DWELL evaluation study, an interim subset of 139 participants in the UK and 53 participants in France were assessed pre- and post-intervention on measures of weight, BMI, waist circumference and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), as well as self-efficacy beliefs (DES-SF), healthy eating behaviours (DEBQ) and perceptions of illness (IPQ-R).

Pre-post comparisons in both countries demonstrated statistically significant decreases in weight (UK: Z = 6.71, p<.001, FR: Z = 3.33, p<.05), BMI (UK: Z = 6.70, p<.001, FR: Z = 3.21, p<.05), waist circumference (UK: Z = 6.71, p<.001, FR: Z = 3.24, p<.05) ,and HbA1c (UK: Z = 6.29, p<.001, FR: Z = 4.18, p <.001). Importantly, participation in the DWELL programme was associated with increased self-efficacy beliefs (UK: Z = 5.63, p<.001, FR: Z = 5.54, p<.001), greater perceived personal control over their diabetes (UK: Z = 3.17, p<.05, FR: Z = 2.20, p<.05), reduced negative feelings about their illness (UK: Z = 3.01, p <.05, FR: Z = 2.19, p<.05) and decreased eating in response to external food cues (UK: Z = 3.79, p<.001, FR: Z = 2.34, p<.05). In the UK, participants also reported an increased optimism for treatment control of their diabetes (Z = 3.06, p <.05) and for their long-term prognosis (Z = 1.99, p<.05).

These preliminary findings support the efficacy of the DWELL programme in improving diabetes-related biomedical outcomes, as well as improvements in patient empowerment, healthy eating habits and increased perceived illness control. Further analysis, available at a later date, will include a larger sample of participants, including longitudinal data with follow-ups six- and 12- months post participation in the DWELL programme.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.1389
Uncontrolled keywords: Body mass index procedure; Diabetes mellitus; Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Haemoglobin; Feeding behaviours; Self efficacy; Eating; Waist circumference; Healthy diet; Self-management; Positive attitude; Patient empowerment; Healthy lifestyle; BMI; Type 2 diabetes
Subjects: R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine
Divisions: Divisions > Division for the Study of Law, Society and Social Justice > School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research > Centre for Health Services Studies
Depositing User: Sharon Manship
Date Deposited: 17 Feb 2023 11:56 UTC
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2023 08:29 UTC
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