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Number of items: 4.
Bovensiepen, Judith M. (2021) Can oil speak? On the production of ontological difference and ambivalence in extractive encounters. Anthropological Quarterly, 94 (1). pp. 33-63. ISSN 0003-5491. (doi:10.1353/anq.2021.0013) (KAR id:80581) |
Henig, David (2019) Living on the frontline: Indeterminacy, Value and Military Waste in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina. Anthropological Quarterly, 92 (1). pp. 85-110. ISSN 0003-5491. (doi:10.1353/anq.2019.0003) (KAR id:65799) |
Pina-Cabral, Joao (2013) The two faces of mutuality: contemporary themes in anthropology. Anthropological Quarterly, 86 (1). p. 257. ISSN 0003-5491. E-ISSN 1534-1518. (doi:10.1353/anq.2013.0010) (KAR id:31217) |
Bovensiepen, Judith M. (2022) Towards a ‘new weird anthropology’? Uncertainty as a condition of living along the Mekong River. Review of: Mekong Dreaming: Life and Death Along a Changing River by Johnson, Andrew Alan. Anthropological Quarterly, 95 (2). pp. 499-501. ISSN 0003-5491. (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:98081) |