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Number of items: 3.
Brodeală, Elena (2025) Gender Roles and the Family under Romania’s Post-Socialist Constitution: Between Progress and Restraint. International Journal of Constitutional Law, . ISSN 1474-2640. (In press) (Access to this publication is currently restricted. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:108987) |
McGarry, John, Loizides, Neophytos G. (2015) Power-Sharing in a Re-United Cyprus: Centripetal Coalitions vs. Proportional Sequential Coalitions. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 13 (4). pp. 847-872. ISSN 1474-2640. E-ISSN 1474-2659. (doi:10.1093/icon/mov071) (KAR id:50985) |
Williams, Clare (2022) "Undisabled by Covid": Reflections of a (usually disabled) socio-legal scholar. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 20 (3). pp. 1326-1336. ISSN 1474-2640. (doi:10.1093/icon/moac059) (KAR id:93823) |