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Periodical foreign news printed in London in the early seventeenth century

Boys, Jayne E. E (2009) Periodical foreign news printed in London in the early seventeenth century. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent. (doi:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.94229) (KAR id:94229)


This thesis explores printed periodical news coverage of the Thirty Years’ War, its readership and impact. It sets the media in its context in Chapter 1 by considering the scope and constraints of methods of communicating contemporary events in the early seventeenth century and the way the start of the war was reported. Chapter 2 provides the European press news context and explores the material that became available in London, its scope, strengths and weaknesses as a source of information, and its growth as the war progressed. Chapter 3 shows how English periodical news coverage began in the Netherlands, was taken up in London and its legitimacy established. This assesses the array of evidence and previous bibliographical dispute over the earliest corantos and newsbooks to provide an explanation of what happened, while Chapter 4 expands upon the theme of the pivotal role of publishers. This explores the London trade, the size of prints and distribution network to establish the scale, financial viability and reach of the trade. Chapters 5 and 6 consider the impact of news coverage through explorations of the relationship of editors with their readers, particularly in years of heightened interest in the early 1620s and 30s, and of relationships with the authorities from 1622 until the mid 1640s when John Dillingham established The Moderate Intelligencer. These chapters show how increasing literacy, licensing, unfolding diplomatic relations, and Crown policy influenced the content of newsbooks and contributed to the development of public opinion.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD))
DOI/Identification number: 10.22024/UniKent/01.02.94229
Additional information: This thesis has been digitised by EThOS, the British Library digitisation service, for purposes of preservation and dissemination. It was uploaded to KAR on 25 April 2022 in order to hold its content and record within University of Kent systems. It is available Open Access using a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivatives ( licence so that the thesis and its author, can benefit from opportunities for increased readership and citation. This was done in line with University of Kent policies ( If you feel that your rights are compromised by open access to this thesis, or if you would like more information about its availability, please contact us at and we will seriously consider your claim under the terms of our Take-Down Policy (
Uncontrolled keywords: News reporting; Thirty Years' War
Subjects: D History General and Old World
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Arts and Humanities > School of History
SWORD Depositor: SWORD Copy
Depositing User: SWORD Copy
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2022 12:01 UTC
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2022 12:02 UTC
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