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Magnetic vortex and unsaturated magnetization components in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

Taallah, Ayoub, Xia, JiaChen, Guo, Jian, Shuai, Gao, Odunmbaku, Omololu, Gong, Min, Shang, Hongyan, Corrias, Anna, Boi, Filippo (2020) Magnetic vortex and unsaturated magnetization components in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Materials Research Express, . ISSN 2053-1591. (doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ab8d61) (KAR id:81031)


Observation of ferromagnetic and granular superconductive features in highly-oriented-pyrolytic-graphite (HOPG) has recently attracted an important attention. We report a novel temperature dependent XRD and SQUID investigation of HOPG in the temperature range from 300.15 to 77.15 K. Unusual hysteresis features indicate the possible presence of vortex states in conditions of magnetic field approximately perpendicular to the HOPG layers. This interpretation is further supported by additional measurements performed on intermediate lamellae extracted by exfoliation. Evidence of a possible structural-transition in the c-axis of HOPG in the temperature range between 77 K and 100K is also provided by using the Rietveld refinement method. ZFC and FC measurements performed at high field values of 5000-10000 Oe, together with mFC-mZFC subtraction, highlight absence of a sharp depletion of the difference between magnetization signals towards zero. These observations may indicate the possible presence of additional unsaturated weak features, which are ascribed to superconductive signals as previously predicted by Scheike et al. [8].

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab8d61
Uncontrolled keywords: Materials for Energy and Electronics
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Physics and Astronomy
Depositing User: Anna Corrias
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2020 14:40 UTC
Last Modified: 09 Dec 2022 05:41 UTC
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