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The 2012 plasma roadmap

Samukawa, S., Hori, M., Rauf, S., Tachibana, K., Bruggeman, P., Kroesen, G., Whitehead, J.C., Murphy, A.B., Gutsol, A.F., Starikovskaia, S., and others. (2012) The 2012 plasma roadmap. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45 (25). (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/45/25/253001) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:74735)

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Low-temperature plasma physics and technology are diverse and interdisciplinary fields. The plasma parameters can span many orders of magnitude and applications are found in quite different areas of daily life and industrial production. As a consequence, the trends in research, science and technology are difficult to follow and it is not easy to identify the major challenges of the field and their many sub-fields. Even for experts the road to the future is sometimes lost in the mist. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics is addressing this need for clarity and thus providing guidance to the field by this special Review article, The 2012 Plasma Roadmap. Although roadmaps are common in the microelectronic industry and other fields of research and development, constructing a roadmap for the field of low-temperature plasmas is perhaps a unique undertaking. Realizing the difficulty of this task for any individual, the plasma section of the Journal of Physics D Board decided to meet the challenge of developing a roadmap through an unusual and novel concept. The roadmap was divided into 16 formalized short subsections each addressing a particular key topic. For each topic a renowned expert in the sub-field was invited to express his/her individual visions on the status, current and future challenges, and to identify advances in science and technology required to meet these challenges. Together these contributions form a detailed snapshot of the current state of the art which clearly shows the lifelines of the field and the challenges ahead. Novel technologies, fresh ideas and concepts, and new applications discussed by our authors demonstrate that the road to the future is wide and far reaching. We hope that this special plasma science and technology roadmap will provide guidance for colleagues, funding agencies and government institutions. If successful in doing so, the roadmap will be periodically updated to continue to help in guiding the field.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/25/253001
Uncontrolled keywords: Applied physics, Daily lives, Funding agencies, Future challenges, Government institutions, Industrial production, Interdisciplinary fields, Key topics, Low temperature plasmas, Microelectronic industry, New applications, Novel concept, Orders of magnitude, Plasma parameter, Plasma science, Research and development, Road-maps, Roadmap, Science and Technology, State of the art, Microelectronics, Roads and streets, Technology, Temperature, Plasmas
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Physics and Astronomy
Depositing User: Nigel Mason
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2019 13:58 UTC
Last Modified: 16 Nov 2021 10:26 UTC
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