Buchanan-Hodgman, Luke (2017) Essays on Credit, Asset Prices and Macro-Prudential Policy. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:69026)
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Chapter one of this thesis examines the behaviour of credit volumes, asset prices and output
for US data using a dummy-augmented vector autoregression model. The paper contributes
to the literature in three ways. Firstly, statistical analysis indicates that from 1985 onward
house prices exhibit phase-shift in leading output. Over the same period, data shows that
household credit becomes noticeably less volatile relative to output, whereas ?uctuations in
business debt become more pronounced. Secondly, Granger-Causality tests show that there
is signi?cant feedback between house prices and household credit. This result was robust to
periods of high and low household debt service costs. Interestingly, changes in interest rates
are shown to Granger-Cause changes in house prices and credit volumes only during periods
when debt service costs are above the long-run average rate. And third, the magnitude of
the responses of credit and asset price variables to variety of shocks are sensitive to whether
debt service costs are higher or lower than average. Speci?cally, when ?nancial obligations
are high a shock to the residual in the interest rate equation produces an ampli?ed response
in credit and asset price variables.
Chapter two constructs a New-Keynesian DSGE model with multiple credit constrained
agents in order to examine whether expectational shocks to the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio
can create cyclical behaviour in output and house prices. The contributions of this paper
are threefold. Firstly, when agents anticipate a future loosening of the LTV ratio and this
expectation turns out to have been incorrect, house prices, consumption, investment and
output all su?er a sharp decline. Secondly, the paper shows that in order to generate
downward comovement of output and house prices in response to a frustrated expectational
shock to the LTV ratio, agents must be able to post a substantial quantity of the total value
of their housing asset as collateral. And thirdly, the ability to post capital as well housing
as collateral signi?cantly ampli?es the cumulative loss of both output and house prices in
the face of a frustrated expectational shock to the LTV ratio.
Chapter three examines the e?cacy of two types of macro-prudential policy in an es
timated DSGE model with a banking sector. Both in the case of counter-cyclical capital
requirements (CCR) and a lean-against-the-wind (LATW) type Taylor Rule, policy is an
chored to house price growth. Using a conventional central bank loss function as the metric
to gauge the e?cacy of macro-prudential policy, the model indicates a reduction in the vari
ation of output of up to 7.38% in the case of a technology shock, and 22.14% in the case
of a monetary policy shock when the CCR is the instrument of choice. However, policy in
this form exacerbates ?uctuations in in?ation in the case of technology shock in the region
of 4.99%. If the source of the shock is through housing preference, loan-to-value or bank
capital, policy in this form unambiguously increases the variance of both output and in?a
tion. If policy takes the form of LATW, the output-in?ation trade-o? is more pronounced
in the case of a technology shock. The improvements in reducing the variance of output and
in?ation are lessened when LATW is active rather than CCR for a monetary policy shock.
The model indicates that any improvement in stabilising output and in?ation is signi?cantly
o?set by a pronounced increase in the variance of credit growth when policy is in the form
of CCR
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)) |
Thesis advisor: | Otsu, Keisuke |
Divisions: | Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Economics |
SWORD Depositor: | System Moodle |
Depositing User: | System Moodle |
Date Deposited: | 10 Sep 2018 11:10 UTC |
Last Modified: | 16 Feb 2021 13:57 UTC |
Resource URI: | https://kar.kent.ac.uk/id/eprint/69026 (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes) |
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