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Variable lateral size imaging of the human retina in vivo by combined confocal/en face optical coherence tomography with closed loop OPD-locked low coherence interferometry based active axial eye motion tracking

Cucu, Radu G. and Hathaway, Mark W. and Podoleanu, Adrian Gh. and Rosen, Richard B. (2010) Variable lateral size imaging of the human retina in vivo by combined confocal/en face optical coherence tomography with closed loop OPD-locked low coherence interferometry based active axial eye motion tracking. In: Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIV. Proceedings of SPIE . SPIE. ISBN 978-0-8194-7950-1. (doi:10.1117/12.843070) (The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:49446)

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We reported recently an active tracking device based on white light coherence ranging using a spectrally interrogated Michelson interferometer, which was used to monitor and correct for the axial displacement of the eye and head of the imaged subject in a confocal scanning ophthalmoscope/ en face OCT system (SLO/OCT) by tracking the axial position of the eye fundus. Both the tracking and imaging interferometers share the eye interface optics and the patient eye and also an optical path difference (OPD) changing device in the reference (fast voice coil mounted retroreflector), that keeps them locked at constant OPD values. As a consequence, the sensitivity of the tracking interferometer is not affected by the spectrometer sensitivity roll-off with increased OPD and mirror term ambiguity tracking errors close to OPD = 0 are eliminated. Moreover, the axial tracking range is only limited by the voice coil stage travel range and the tracking system has an update time better than 5 ms. We investigate the potential of the new configuration for acquiring volumetric data free of axial eye motion artifacts for two different lateral field sizes. Sets of SLO and en face OCT images at progressively deeper locations in the retina are simultaneously acquired for two lateral sizes, 15°x15° and 3.5°x3.5°. The large lateral field size provides a means of navigating the retina, while the high magnification small lateral size imaging reveals interesting microscopic details of the retinal morphology.

Item Type: Book section
DOI/Identification number: 10.1117/12.843070
Additional information: Unmapped bibliographic data: C7 - 75540J [EPrints field already has value set] LA - English [Field not mapped to EPrints] J2 - Progr. Biomed. Opt. Imaging Proc. SPIE [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Applied Optics Group, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NH, United Kingdom [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - OTI/OPKO, Toronto, ON M3J 3E5, Canada [Field not mapped to EPrints] AD - Advanced Retinal Imaging Center, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York City, NY 10003, United States [Field not mapped to EPrints] DB - Scopus [Field not mapped to EPrints] A4 - The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [Field not mapped to EPrints] C3 - Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE [Field not mapped to EPrints]
Uncontrolled keywords: Axial eye motion, Closed loop OPD-locked tracking interferometer, Combined confocal scanning opthalmoscopy/ en face OCT, Retinal volumetric imaging, Active tracking, Axial displacements, Axial positions, Closed loops, Confocal scanning, Eye fundus, Field size, Human retina, Imaging interferometers, In-vivo, Lateral sizes, Low coherence interferometry, Motion artifact, Motion tracking, Optical coherence Tomography, Optical path difference, Retro reflector, Tracking errors, Tracking interferometers, Tracking range, Tracking system, Voice coil, Volumetric data, Volumetric Imaging, White light, Michelson interferometers, Ophthalmology, Optical instruments, Scanning, Tomography, Volumetric analysis, Coherent light
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics
R Medicine > R Medicine (General) > R857.O6 Optical instruments
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Physics and Astronomy
Depositing User: Giles Tarver
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2015 08:25 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 10:34 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

University of Kent Author Information

Cucu, Radu G..

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Podoleanu, Adrian Gh..

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