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Drivers in the demand for the ornamental trade of discus (Genus Symphysodon) between international markets

Wan, Anita K. Y. (2014) Drivers in the demand for the ornamental trade of discus (Genus Symphysodon) between international markets. Master of Research (MRes) thesis, University of Kent,. (KAR id:48609)

Language: English
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The ornamental fish trade is a thriving industry that is especially important in conservation and poverty alleviation. To ensure and maintain a sustainable trade, research in consumer preferences and market demand is needed to obtain end-user information and derive the market-potential for trade-suitable species. Looking at the ornamental aquarist trade for genus Symphysodon as a case study, stated preference methods were used to investigate the importance and economic valuation of attributes in consumer choice for discus, and additionally examine the extent of consumer interest and market potential for sustainable wild-caught options. Unlabelled Choice Experiments (CE) and Card Sorting (CS) methods, in the form of picture sorts and preference ranking, were designed and conducted at international markets, with a focus in the United Kingdom and Singapore. CE Results of the international market expressed colour as the most influential attribute, followed by origin/type. Price was of minimal concern to consumers worldwide. The CS observed preferential differences in colour and particularly shape, with an overall attraction towards Blue Snakeskin and the greatest heterogeneity for Blue Diamond, Red Turquoise and Yellow Ghost varieties across groups. Heterogeneous preferences were observed between European and Far Eastern Asian markets, with both UK and Singapore expressing wild and cultivated discus interests, followed by additional markets in Hong Kong and Malaysia with strong cultivated discus interests. Hong Kong also expressed slight potential for wild discus types. Further heterogeneity between traders and different consumer groups expressed a strong preferential overlap between professionals and hobbyists within the discus industry, while significant differences were observed between the general consumers of the wider public and people with environmental employment, with further variations based on gender, age group, fishkeeping knowledge and survey type. These findings suggest that clear differences were observed between market regions, and heterogeneous consumer preferences are strong within the international market. Further research on changes in market demand over time and studies in source markets and emerging markets will be needed to review the international market potential of wild and cultivated discus varieties.

Item Type: Thesis (Master of Research (MRes))
Thesis advisor: Roberts, David L.
Uncontrolled keywords: Symphysodon. Ornamental fish trade. Market demand. Preference elicitation. Choice experiments. Card Ranking. Latent Class Model.
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Human and Social Sciences > School of Anthropology and Conservation
Depositing User: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 May 2015 11:00 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2023 23:00 UTC
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University of Kent Author Information

Wan, Anita K. Y..

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