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LDL-C: An important independent risk factor for new-onset heart block in patients with severe aortic stenosis and heart failure after TAVR

Dong, Mei, Wang, Lizhen, Tse, Gary, Dai, Tao, Lv, Tonglian, Zhang, Nan, Wang, Lihong, Xiao, Zhicheng, Chen, Tienan, Liu, Tong, and others. (2023) LDL-C: An important independent risk factor for new-onset heart block in patients with severe aortic stenosis and heart failure after TAVR. Reviews in cardiovascular medicine, 24 (8). Article Number 243. ISSN 1530-6550. E-ISSN 2153-8174. (doi:10.31083/j.rcm2408243) (KAR id:106854)


Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is an effective alternative treatment for patients with aortic stenosis (AS) who have intermediate to high surgical risk or who are inoperable. However, the incidence of conduction abnormalities is high after TAVR, which can reduce the effectiveness of the surgery. Our research objective is to explore the risk factors of new-onset conduction abnormalities after TAVR, providing reference value for clinical doctors to better prevent and treat conduction abnormalities. Patients who underwent TAVR were divided into those who developed heart block and those who did not. Baseline clinical characteristics, cardiac structural parameters, procedural characteristics, electrocardiogram (ECG) changes before and after TAVR ( = postoperative minus preoperative), and surgical complications were compared. Logistic regression was applied to identify significant risk factors for new-onset heart block. We studied 93 patients, of whom 34.4% developed heart blocks. Univariate logistic regression showed that prior history of malignancy, atrial fibrillation, preoperative high-level total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), HR, QRS interval, QT interval, and QTc interval were risk factors of new-onset heart block after TAVR. Multivariate analysis showed that preoperative high-level LDL-C and QRS interval remained significant independent risk factors after adjusting for potential confounds. Heart block is the most common complication of TAVR, and its significant independent risk factors include high-level LDL-C and QRS interval. [Abstract copyright: Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). Published by IMR Press.]

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.31083/j.rcm2408243
Uncontrolled keywords: transcatheter aortic valve replacement; heart failure; heart block; severe aortic stenosis; risk factors
Subjects: R Medicine
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Kent and Medway Medical School
Funders: University of Kent (
SWORD Depositor: JISC Publications Router
Depositing User: JISC Publications Router
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2024 15:12 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 13:12 UTC
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