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Triticale: a general overview of its use in poultry production

Gaviley, Olena V., Katerynych, Oleg O., Ionov, Igor A., Dekhtiarova, Olena O., Griffin, Darren K., Romanov, Michael N (2024) Triticale: a general overview of its use in poultry production. Encyclopedia, 4 (1). pp. 395-414. ISSN 2673-8392. (doi:10.3390/encyclopedia4010027) (KAR id:105039)


Triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye, is one of the most promising grain crops. In terms of productivity, the level of metabolizable energy, and the composition of essential amino acids, triticale surpasses rye and is not inferior to wheat. It is resistant to the most dangerous diseases and pests. In terms of nutritional value, triticale can compete with wheat, corn, sorghum, and barley. The presence, however, of antinutrients in triticale such as non-starch polysaccharides, alkylresorcinols, and trypsin inhibitors significantly reduces the biological value of this crop. In the global practice of compound feed production, there are many methods and technologies for processing grain raw materials to increase their nutritional value. Enzymatic treatment and extrusion technologies are worthy of special attention. The high content of triticale in the compound feed of poultry breeder flocks should be used effectively, taking into account the characteristics of triticale varieties and climatic conditions. An optimal triticale level in feed (15% for layer and broiler chicks) may improve body weight gain and reduce feed costs when raising replacement young stock. Layer breeder flocks fed a 20% triticale-based diet may have increased egg production, high viability, and flock uniformity. Producing triticale-soy and triticale-sunflower extrudates and supplementing the diet of poultry flocks with essential amino acids represent promising avenues for maximizing the benefits of triticale. Innovative methods of achieving this goal should be further developed and put into practice, particularly given the expansion of triticale's cultivation areas.

Item Type: Article
DOI/Identification number: 10.3390/encyclopedia4010027
Projects: Study of Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Regulation of Metabolic Processes and Increase in Bioavailability of Nutrients Using Alternative Feed Resources in Poultry Feeding (0121U100426)
Uncontrolled keywords: triticale; poultry farming; feeds; chickens; amino acids; antinutrients; enzymatic treatment; extrudates
Subjects: S Agriculture > SB Plant culture
S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions: Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Reproduction
Divisions > Division of Natural Sciences > Biosciences
Signature Themes: Food Systems, Natural Resources and Environment
Depositing User: Mike Romanov
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2024 09:01 UTC
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 13:10 UTC
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