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'acKnowledge: Race and Ethnicity in Sociology' Repository Final Report to the British Sociological Association

Adewumi, Barbara, Fitton, Triona, Hensby, Alexander, Mires-Richards, Emma (2023) 'acKnowledge: Race and Ethnicity in Sociology' Repository Final Report to the British Sociological Association. British Sociological Association, 20 pp. (KAR id:104722)


Evidence shows that the pedagogical practices in teaching race and ethnicity in Sociology requires a major shift from the margins and more to centre of Sociology (Joseph-Salisbury et al, 2020). In tune with the 2020 report, Cureton & Gravestock (2019) have argued that lacking a sense of belonging is common for BME students within higher education. While there is some clear focus in the commitment to addressing the lack of essential focus of race and ethnicity in Sociology, the pace of change is slow and sporadic across UK universities with much of the work placed on certain staff members with a particular interest in EDI or broadly related work on access, retention and racial social justice. There remains a greater need for senior management support, funding and human resources in these areas of work to in order to improve racial equity in Sociology.

Overview of report

In response to these key concerns, this BSA-funded research project set out to collate, analyse and promote examples of best practice in relation to improving the teaching of race in Sociology, as well as best practice in recruitment and retention of BAME students and scholars. Following the recommendations of the Race and Ethnicity in British Sociology report (Joseph-Salisbury et al, 2020), this project qualitatively surveyed and collated a range of widening participation initiatives and interventions in Sociology departments and cross-disciplinary departments around the United Kingdom with a particular focus on race. The survey findings were then collated into a number of thematic strands, such as decolonising the curriculum and encouraging a sense of belonging. The themes were informed by current research and pedagogy in critical race theory and evidenced by showcasing the work of Sociology departments that are demonstrating tangible progress in this field. This report focuses upon analysis of the survey submissions, breaking down the demographics of contributors who submitted to particular thematic strands. There were a total of 77 submissions to the repository. The report also refers back to the pedagogy and practice focused recommendations in the 2020 Race in Sociology report, highlighting best practice case studies submissions that help engage BME students, enhance a sense of belonging, and address the ‘leaky pipeline’ to postgraduate study for these students. The report then discusses the challenges and reflections on working in this area, and the constraints and opportunities of the project. Finally, the report offers key recommendations for the continued use and future potential of the repository, assisting members and other interested parties who use the BSA website to find tried and tested ways of improving racial equity in higher education.

Item Type: Research report (external and confidential)
Projects: 11377
Uncontrolled keywords: British Sociological Association; Race; Ethnicity; Sociology; Teaching; Recruitment
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Divisions: Divisions > Division for the Study of Law, Society and Social Justice > School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research
Divisions > Directorate of Education > Centre for the Study of Higher Education
Funders: British Sociological Association (
Depositing User: Triona Fitton
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2024 16:25 UTC
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2024 15:33 UTC
Resource URI: (The current URI for this page, for reference purposes)

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